Forum Settings
Mar 19, 2011 6:23 PM
May 2008
This topic was originally created after Mahou Shoujo Madoka was first released and with it's radical change of magical girl style causing confusion, doubts and disappointment with many magical girls fans.

Since then, this topic is now used to discuss any series on the club's relations that a member believes is not magical girl and 'doesn't fit in' or simply discussing anime series that are not considered magical girl even if many confuse them as one.

Refer to the series titles as a way to know which series was/is being discussed, or if you just want to see which one is currently being considered scroll down to the most recent posts.

Some of our basic rules guidelines are listed in our relations topic; if curious

Modified by RICEA42991, Nov 21, 2014 11:55 PM

RICEA42991Jul 1, 2022 1:13 AM
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Mar 19, 2011 6:52 PM

Mar 2009
I can assume that we're in the minority that think it was a disappointment. Since others seem to not (Though I wish you'd have copied my last comment here since I was explaining something to Hethran ‘cause I didn't save it after I saw it went threw and posted ok >_>).... Anyway.

@ Hethran: When I said Shounen I meant Seinen- but I mistyped because I forgot what it was called (I had surgery last week so I've been kind of out of it on the meds the gave me post op)- also I didn't know when in Japan it airs.
Also what I said about the Mahou Shoujo genre listings was messed up because I was tired. What I had meant was that I assumed since never saw anything (To my recollection) listed as mahou shoujo that if it had both genres it was just as good.
As for the warning. All I would have needed was them to not tell us anything (Lying about what it was, was wrong of them and not right no matter how you look at it in my opinion).
I like CLAMP animes and manga like most people I know and I like most of the twists they do. It's just not cool to let it out that it's an anime about one thing and have it be another one entirely (And it may have been stated somewhere what it was in reality but the info I got on it in advance was that it was a normal harmless MG anime.
Even if they'd said nothing and had a rating of R (Which it had after 3 weeks I assume which is normal) I would have had enough warning from the R rating itself.
Usually when I express my opinion on this subject I get people trying to "Bully" me into going with their opinions. They think I'm unreasonable and silly because I don‘t think Madoka is “Godly“.
Which while I don't normally care about- but it gets tiring after a while (And by now I’ve heard it a LOT) so if my comments on this anime seemed a bit pushy- I'm sorry.
However I don't mean that.
Mar 19, 2011 7:27 PM
May 2008
Ok really Madoka is starting to annoy me, so much that I really feel like removing it from this club, but since it claims it's magical girl by it's VERY misleading title I was thinking on removing it from the club once it finishes. I didn't want to make a motion though without telling you all first.

This also made me start thinking about other anime series that might not fit in as well. For one thing even if they claim to be magical girl I refuse to allow hentai series in this club. Not only do I think it's degrading, but I consider it to belong elsewhere in another club.

Also as said previously in other posts. Myanimelist has a weak genre naming system so even if some series say shoujo but not magic. Some do infact have magic in them. Example includes Gedou Otometai, Mahou no Makko-chan, Kon Puri. However of course there are others that contain magic but are definitly not the least bit magical girl which leads us to Madoka.
RICEA42991Mar 19, 2011 7:31 PM
Mar 19, 2011 8:22 PM

Mar 2009
I agree with you. Also what defines a magical girl? Is it a character that gains magical powers threw transforming, or would a witch classify? Also I know about the Hentai because I feel the same way- however what about ecchi? I don't believe in a number of cases it's so degrading (I don't like it but I don't have much problem with it if the characters (Female) are strong, independent, likable and the story is good IMO). I would say Nanoha would call at times in the later series as Ecchi-ish... and possibly in the earlier series

I would say that "Modern magic for dummies"(I can't remember it's Japanese name sorry^^;) might count as "Magical girl" but there are a lot of ecchi-ish situations and I noticed
It's about female mages but none of them transform.
I was wondering about animes like that that that might fall into one but not another category.
It seems like almost every anime released this season (Winter) in Japan was excessively ecchi. Or just plain stupid (one anime had a character driving towards a cement wall and another one trying to attack and stop them by jumping between them and the wall- then the bad guys who had been going full speed at the wall stopped so they didn’t run their enemy over and got out so he could attack them >_<) The entire season save one or 2 things has been a mess. IMO.
Mar 20, 2011 7:35 AM

Nov 2010
No, Nanoha did not have a rainbow-ish covering during transformation sequences. That said, it doesn't really qualify as ecchi, since in general the only fanservice is in the transformation sequences and openings, and those transformation sequences are rather infrequent. It isn't like Strike Witches, a magical girl series in which none of the female characters wear pants.

Madoka Magica is most definitely a magical girl series. It has the transformation sequences, the cute mascot character, the cute magic-using heroes who are still of school age and fight against evil, and so on. Just because it's a horrific magical girl series rather than a happy one does not make it any less a magical girl series, nor does the fact that they lied about its content.

That said, just as the admins arbitrarily decided that hentai/ecchi don't belong in the club's listings (and I agree with that decision), I suppose they can do the same for a borderline horror series. I would not recommend doing so, however, as Madoka Magica is likely going to have a massive influence on the entire genre in the same way Eva did on mecha (keep in mind that this series is apparently extremely popular in Japan). Kicking such an influential work off our relations list would make us look foolish, at the very least. It would also discourage any new fans of the mahou shoujo genre gatewayed in by Madoka from joining, just as I was gatewayed in by Nanoha.

If anything needs to be taken of our relations lists, it's Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. The first two seasons and the movie of Nanoha are indeed of the magical girl genre, but season three completely abandoned the genre in favor of a mecha-style show. It was a good show, yes, but not mahou shoujo by any means.
AceJadeMar 20, 2011 7:57 AM
Mar 20, 2011 9:37 AM
May 2008
I'm not a fan of ecchi either but when it's consideriding just transformations scenes, that counts as something different for me and is not a bother. Which is why Nanoha is left in the realtions.

Nanoha I was having second thoughts on it too, since it was starting to have mecha but since the first 2 seasons were magical girl-ish it will be left on realtions.

As to answer the questions asked. There are certainly different types of magical girls in the magical girl genre. Some series are very light and fluffy like Doremi, while others have even a bit of shonen dark undertone like Cardcaptors. They are classified officially by the networks as magical girl.

However Madoka is starting to go a bit overboard and being more straightline horror, however like I said this is still being debated; so in the meantime it'll still be in realtions.

As to define the different types, I've already described that in the "which to be added to realtions" topic. Magical girl is a tricky genre to catergorize, because they are many magical shows out there that are not magical girl.

Witches do count on certain circumstances as magical girl; even more-so when the series is shoujo.
Mar 20, 2011 1:48 PM

Mar 2009
I agree about Nanoha- I only mentioned the transformations because I wasn't sure how much was too much.
As for the other thread Rice I haven't gone searching threw the forums in the club for a while since I've been unwell (As you know since your an admin on my W.I.T.C.H. Club and I've been too ill to be a proper creator and leader there). I'll have to go take a look around the forums for the club.
As for Madoka.
I quite honestly don't think it should be in this club. For the same reasons as Rice mostly.
And their mascot doesn't count as far as I can tell.
windeen-windyMar 20, 2011 2:52 PM
Mar 20, 2011 3:24 PM

Nov 2010
Let's go down the list of requirements (spoiler clarifications in tags):

-There must be a female lead, a magical girlfriend to a male main character doesn't count.

Check. Almost the entire cast is female - the only ones who aren't are Madoka's dad and the love interest one of the main characters. Both have played only a fairly minor role so far.

-The girl must have magical powers of some sort- either by transformation, magical item, or special power.


-A romantic hero/boyfriend: Check.

-A small animal or magical creature that's the lead's mentor/guardian: Check.

-Transformation sequence: Check.
-Attacks: Check.
-A team of girls: Check, after a fashion.

-Girls most likely are kids or teens: Check.
-Generally they are most likely shojo but there are exceptions: Exception.

There is nothing on the list that would exclude a borderline horror series, as far as I can see.
Mar 20, 2011 5:33 PM

Mar 2009
I just don't agree about the mascot thing.

Also having just those as qualification would let Hentai as well in so how much violence should one of these have (keeping in mind as I say that… that Ayashi no Ceres is on the relations list, which is also violent and also a horror - actually AnC is one of my many favorite animes however I wouldn’t consider it magical girl enough honestly because it doesn’t have all of the qualifications).
Suggestion for the admins:

Personally I would support a sister club for the more “iffy” magical girl series.
And if I cared about the matter of more iffy series then I’d make that club (And if I wasn’t unable to maintain it).
Mar 20, 2011 6:03 PM

Nov 2010

I should note, since I failed to mention this earlier, that the series actually doesn't have much blood and gore. It isn't like Berserk or Claymore, or the like - the blood is kept to a fairly low level, not much higher than Nanoha StrikerS. It's horrific in other ways.
AceJadeMar 20, 2011 6:07 PM
Mar 20, 2011 7:17 PM

Mar 2009
What I saw was not very violent- but as I said that was only 1 episode an 10 minutes of ep 2.
I don't remember much blood in Nanoha StrikerS Just a cool story line and interesting characters.

But I still think it might be a good idea to clarify how much violence is too much.
What upset me was I got a bad feeling when I looked at that cute animal (Which never happens) For some reason he seemed sinister to me from the start and then the psychedelic backgrounds hurl my head (I have a condition that has the same triggers as people with epilepsy- but with different symptoms).
There was also the fact that they’d lied about it’s content to start out with then when I’d heard about the beheading I gave up the idea of re-trying it at a later date (Even though I love Yuki Kaijura’s music)… anyway- that’s why I was upset and dropped it before I normally would (For a show of it’s estimated length I’d have given it 3 or so episodes try).
In any case. I agree, it seems to fit all of the other checks on your list from what I’ve heard of it.
Except for the evil "token" cute animal.
Also I assumed it was very bloody and violent because of it's rating (Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)) opposed to Nanoha StrikerS rating (Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older).
windeen-windyMar 20, 2011 7:28 PM
Mar 21, 2011 6:23 AM

Nov 2010
What you said about Nanoha StrikerS is kind of the point. There isn't much blood and gore at all in Madoka.

Mar 21, 2011 11:52 AM

Mar 2009
My point is that how much violence should be accepted.... do the admins want an anime with

And in that last post I was agreeing with you on the Nanoha StrikerS thing.... that's why what I said came across to you as "kind of the point" <-- Because I was agreeing with that- not arguing with you.
I hope I was making sense in the above- I'm dead tired and about to head off to take a nap- haveing stitches removed is painful >_>
Mar 21, 2011 1:47 PM
May 2008
Wow I never thought this would get this complicated. Thanks Madoka lol

Anyways the reason why Hentai is not allowed in the club is because not only due to my not liking it at all due to the reasons already explained previously in this topic; but also because I consider hentai a completely sepreate genre. Therfore belonging to a hentai anime club(which they are already exisitng)

I already have it posted that no hentai is allowed in the club on the club's main page.

As for Ayashi no Ceres, I can't say it's my favorite series, actually I STILL haven't bothered seeing it past the first 7 episodes I think. I just didn't hold my interest that much. The only thing I loved about it was the songs. So I can't really speak much about it. It definitly is a darker series. However Ayashi no Ceres had romance, even a love triangle. I don't know if Madoka had any moments of romance, friendship or the like or if it was just straight up horror
Mar 21, 2011 3:10 PM

Nov 2010
It has friendship/romance all right. I use either/or because of all the yuri subtext between the "friends" (much like between Nanoha and Fate).

They aren't going to miss the chance for ship teasing between the girls in a seinen mahou shoujo.

Edit: Actually, I forgot about the fact that there was a straight love triangle.
AceJadeMar 22, 2011 5:32 AM
Mar 21, 2011 9:30 PM
May 2008
Wait by that do you mean the romance/frienship it has is all yuri. Or is the main character straight?
Mar 22, 2011 5:30 AM

Nov 2010
There is some straight romance, but there is lots of ship teasing between the nearly all-female cast.
Mar 22, 2011 9:31 AM
May 2008
Hethran said:
There is some straight romance, but there is lots of ship teasing between the nearly all-female cast.
By that you mean just implications and not the real yuri deal.
Mar 22, 2011 9:31 AM

Sep 2009
Hm, just gonna give my 2 cents on this.

I don't see why Madoka Magica would be taken off the list. I mean, if Uta Kata and Mai-Hime's in the relation list, I don't see why not this.

Mai-HiME is what can be considered a deconstruction of magical girl genre. Gee, I didn't even know it was magical girl until someone told me it was, making me go "Oh, damn. Really?".

Madoka Magica is also a deconstruction of magical girl genre. I'll admit though it does so in an extremely malevolent manner, tons more than Mai-HiME. It even comes complete with transformation sequence, cute girls in middle school fighting off evil, cute mascot thingy(it was cute for at least an episode), etc..

Admittedly though, it's more of a thriller/psychological horror show but they never lied about it and the show is definitely magical girl, just with every aspect turned on its head. Not all magical girl shows are all happy-happy, just like my two other examples would illustrate.

On a personal note, it was actually Madoka Magica that re-gatewayed me to Magical Girl genre. Thanks to it, I'm finally getting myself to watch Nanoha series and give Mai-HiME a second chance(I dropped it.) and inspired me to go watch more magical girl shows, like Uta Kata.
LobsterRyomaMar 22, 2011 9:36 AM

Mar 22, 2011 11:04 AM

Mar 2009
Musushi-Tamago said:

Mai-HiME is what can be considered a deconstruction of magical girl genre. Gee, I didn't even know it was magical girl until someone told me it was, making me go "Oh, damn. Really?".

I agree about Mai-HiME; Mai-Otome is more of a magical girl thing (They don't transform in HiME- though I think Mai gains some bracelets- if I remember right).
Also about the Yuri thing, It was clear that one of the main characters seemed to be in love (Or in lust) with Madoka. But that was all I know. I didn't mention it with my list of problems because I wasn't sure if my impression of her was correct or not.
Connected to that is: Mai-HiME and Mai-Otome both have a clear yuri character.
Though she seems to be mostly one-sided in both series (There are some other characters in both which could also be taken that their closeness is more than friendship bonds- however it is also the type of relationship that could be seen either way- not so clear as the one mentioned above).
My main problem with Madoka is personal (Which I mentioned on the club wall before the comments were removed).
And it didn't feel like a magical girl anime (Also Mai-HiME doesn't feel like much of one to me but it does have a number of the qualifications-it's just there aren’t any transformations).
All that said- I am thinking about giving it another try(to try and be fair)- even though I have already tried it again a few times.
windeen-windyMar 22, 2011 1:05 PM
Mar 22, 2011 6:19 PM
May 2008
winden-windy I know how you feel, because for one thing Mai-Hime, Uta-Kata and Nanoha are not my preferred type of magical girl but alas they are magical girl so they stay.

Straight up Yuri animes/mangas I prefer not to have in this club, unless it's not the main characters or unless it's subtle.

Mai-Hime was already added to this club so that's why I never questioned it. As for Uta-Kata the main character had a crush on her male teacher, but I never have seen the series so I have no idea how far the yuri went.
RICEA42991Feb 20, 2015 9:08 AM
Mar 22, 2011 6:52 PM

Jul 2009
I don't think that 'magical girl' and 'horror' are mutually exclusive, and therefore I think that Madoka should stay related.

It fits the 'requirements' that most people would say define the magical girl genre. Female lead, magical powers, 'mascot' type character, other young girls who may form a team. Madoka herself doesn't have a romantic interest, but there are plenty of magical girl shows that are lacking that aspect. Any shoujo-ai/yuri is purely subtext; almost all of it could just be interpreted as close friendship. There is much less gore/ bloody violence than you seem to think, and there's almost no fanservice of the 'nudity' variety.

As for the surreal visuals, and general darkness, I don't think that should stop it being classified as a magical girl series; it may make it a little bit of a black sheep within the genre, but I'm relatively sure that's the point. If anything, it's doing a good job of ramming home the 'magical girl isn't just for kids' point.
If any of my posts seem odd, it's probably because I'm tired. Sorry. I have sleeping issues.
Mar 24, 2011 5:26 PM

Mar 2009
RICEA42991 said:

Mai-Hime was already added to this club so that's why I never questioned it. A for Uta-Kata the main character had a crush on her male teacher, but I never have seen the series so I have no idea how far the yuri went.

I've never seen that one(Uta-Kata) before.... actually- never heard of it until I saw it here... But I understand what you mean.
Nov 14, 2014 10:05 AM

Oct 2008
I must remind you that a magical girl to be considered one doesn't need to transform, you should watch older series to check that out.
About ecchi contents and non girl aimed stories you should be aware that now many magical girl series are made for a male audience since the visual aesthetics common on the genre are appealing and used as fanservice to attract that audience.
And about Madoka Magica, I agree that it doesn't follow the canon formula of the magical girls genre and that bothered me a little but I apreciate it for what it is and it has an entertaining story and very good visuals and animation.

The series that I don't like to be related to magical girls is Nanoha, because it follows all the tropes and story style of a shounen series but disguises all of that with the magical girl theme.

Unfortunately the more recent magical girl series that become popular don't follow the original canons of the genre.

Nov 14, 2014 12:26 PM
May 2008
SourcererZ said:
I must remind you that a magical girl to be considered one doesn't need to transform, you should watch older series to check that out.
About ecchi contents and non girl aimed stories you should be aware that now many magical girl series are made for a male audience.

The series that I don't like to be related to magical girls is Nanoha, because it follows all the tropes and story style of a shounen series but disguises all of that with the magical girl theme.

Unfortunately the more recent magical girl series that become popular don't follow the original canons of the genre.

Sourcerer, yes I never stated other-wise. Repeatedly in the past comments(and in the added topic) I have said that magical girls don't have to be superheroes, but must either deal with a magical item, transform, or be magical in a shoujo sense.

Sugar Sugar Rune, and Akko, are perfect examples. (Reason why they're in the club's banner) However there are plain magic animes out there as well so it's easily mix the two up.

I think of those ecchi animes as something else entirely for the most part. Most of them are just parodies made to be have themes of other genres in order to appeal to it's viewers. Nowadays there's a big habit of mixing these too up.

I don't like Nanoha, or Madoka, but Nanoha was already added here, and Madoka's added, but that doesn't mean it bothers me any less.
RICEA42991Nov 18, 2014 11:33 AM
Nov 17, 2014 10:13 PM

Sep 2007
Clarification on Uta Kata - I've watched it and the yuri is more implied than anything. You could watch the show and think of the two girls as just friends. I actually found the implied relationship between the two guys in the show to be more spelled out than the relationship between the girls. That said, I think yuri should be, in general, okay as long as it's not ecchi/hentai variety. Because just kicking stuff off the relations for having homosexual characters doesn't sit well with me.

We are definitely going to have to make some sort of qualifier at some point to sort all this out. But funny enough, I'm on the exact opposite camp which thinks Madoka, Nanoha, etc. are magical girl and should stay on the club list. ^^;;; I mean, I have magical girl shows I don't like, so I think it's okay for there to be shows we don't enjoy and still keep them on the list.

Of course, I do agree that hentai should definitely not be included. Partly because I think we do have an obligation to make our relations/environment open to all ages; and partly to not flood the relations with lots of bare bones hentai shows that have magical girl elements. Ecchi I'm kind of torn about. I think there are ones that could stay on the relations, or should be added. I guess with ecchi it comes down to how intense is the fan service and is the show actually magical girl? But again, we'd need to agree on how much fan service is okay and again what makes a magical girl show.

Which brings me to Mai-Hime. I rather liked the show, but I think it's one of those borderline cases. I personally would not call it magical girl. But I think we need to set down some rules before kicking anything off officially.

So to start things off, I'll post some general rules, and we can go from there hopefully? :3

1. The main character has to be female.
-I think this rule is pretty important, even if I think we all consider it self evident. :)

2. The main character must use some sort of magic ability/power/item.
-Again, pretty self evident, but important.

Now here is where it gets tricky, which of these should be also included?

3. Magic is a rare/uncommon trait in the world the heroine primarily inhabits.
-Personally I think this is the rule that distinguishes magical girl from just fantasy or general stories about magic with female leads. But we have to think about if there actually are any obvious magical girl shows that break this rule. And if there are, how are they different from fantasy/ general stories involving magic with female leads.

& I'll leave it at that for now. Thoughts, suggestions, other rules? :)
Nov 18, 2014 11:31 AM
May 2008
soaring_wings said:
That said, I think yuri should be, in general, okay; Because just kicking stuff off the relations for having homosexual characters doesn't sit well with me.

Madoka, Nanoha, etc. are magical girl and should stay on the club list. ^^;

Of course, I do agree that hentai should definitely not be included. . Ecchi I'm kind of torn about. I think there are ones that could stay on the relations, or should be added.

3. Magic is a rare/uncommon trait in the world the heroine primarily inhabits.[/i]
-Personally I think this is the rule that distinguishes magical girl from just fantasy or general stories about magic with female leads. But we have to think about if there actually are any obvious magical girl shows that break this rule. And if there are, how are they different from fantasy/ general stories involving magic with female leads.

Ok I think I probably have alot of people here confused by my earlier comments. Let me clarify:

About the yuri...I never said I would kick off completely all animes that have a bit of yuri/yaoi in them, what I meant was if they focused too much on yuri/yaoi as the main pairing/couple. (note not everyone loves straight up yuri/yaoi).

I never said recently that I was planning on removing Madoka or Mai-Hime, I just commented that I personally don't like those series, and personally don't consider them magical girl. But they are magical girl, and I won't remove them.

Hentai...I'm not going to go into detail about this, but it's been long decided for years now that hentai and strong ecchi series will not be allowed. A little ecchi is ok though as long as it's definitely magical girl, not just a ecchi show with some magic in it.

??? There are rules already in the other topic, however I do agree on your plain magic one, because this is indeed always where it gets tricky no matter what rules we have.

Here are some past examples that we agreed on were not magical girl.

La corda de Oro is one where she plays a magical violin and sees a fairy, but is not magical girl.

Kaleido Star: Only uses magical elements(not actual magic) when performing, and thats it's it. So no.

Ground Defense Mao-chan : has a badge that transforms her into her military uniform, but
that's it, so that's a definitly a strike too.

Fushigi Yuugi : I've never seen this one, but soaring_wings confirmed with me that it doesn't classify enough even though it's shoujo.

Puni Puni Poemy: Just a classic example of a ecchi parody that it makes Uta Kata seem mild compared.

Pita Ten: Girl was only side character, and was a male focused shounen.

By putting these examples here, it's easier find these past agreements instead of going through the comments section.

Ugh Curse the companies for not officially labeling like the past.
RICEA42991Nov 18, 2014 12:02 PM
Nov 18, 2014 10:22 PM

Sep 2007
I agree that not everyone likes yuri/yaoi. I'm not particularly fond of yaoi, for example. But I still think that as long as the series having those elements does not go graphic (i.e. crossing over into our policy on not having pornographic stuff in relations), I don't see why they should be excluded even if the main characters are gay. It would be like a fantasy club refusing to add manga/anime with a big romance plot just because there is romance. But it's fine if it's just a subplot. Having a major romance in the story would not negate it being fantasy; just as having a gay main canon pair does not negate something being magical girl. I guess my problem is, why do you want to keep non-graphic yuri/yaoi off? Like I said, I agree the ecchi/hentai stuff should be kept off.

Oh no, I'm agreeing with you/club policy about hentai/ general ecchi series. Those were just my personal reasons why I agree.

I think you are misunderstanding me. :( I didn't say you were gonna remove them, but since you and windy were on the side of the argument that they are not magical girl before, I kept that split when talking about making general guidelines/rules because it seems like this will be a problem eventually again. It just feels like it will be easier for us and other members if we have a set of rules/guidelines on what makes something magical girl. Otherwise, I feel like maybe some of the members will feel like we, the admins, are just adding/not adding whatever we feel like or personally believe, you know? I'm guessing the rules you are mentioning are in the add to relations thread. Siiiigh. I think I forgot about that. It's been a while and I'm constantly on and off here. u w u (I think it would be helpful to put those rules on the first post of this thread then because there will be silly people like we that just go here and don't see the rules. u///////u )

RICEA42991 said:
Fushigi Yuugi : I've never seen this one, but soaring_wings confirmed with me that it doesn't classify enough even though it's shoujo.

Yep, I do stand by that. Fushigi Yugi is a straight fantasy & reverse harem because I feel it doesn't satisfy Rule #2. Supposedly Miaka (the heroine) is the priestess of Suzaku (which grants her supposed powers to be able to summon the god Suzaku), but she doesn't have any powers or anything in reality. It's her make bodyguards that get the powers.

Haven't watched the others, so no opinion there.

By the way, I know I originally added it, but I'm going to have to say Gakuen Alice should be removed from the relations. I've been reading the manga and I feel like the "magic" is too common in the setting (Rule #3). I mean, the story says it's rare and stuff, but practically the whole cast uses Alices. That and while Mikan (the heroine) has an alice, it's basically the alice of negation, so she doesn't actually have any real powers to speak of (Rule #2). I was thinking that maybe it would have more uses as you read beyond what happened in the anime, but it doesn't seem to get much more. They hint it can eventually be something like a barrier, but yeah, I still feel like that's not magical enough. ^^;;;
soaring_wingsNov 18, 2014 10:25 PM
Nov 19, 2014 8:42 PM
May 2008
soaring_wings said:
I agree that not everyone likes yuri/yaoi. As long as the series having those elements does not go graphic (

I feel like maybe some of the members will feel like we, the admins, are just adding/not adding whatever we feel like or personally believe, you know? I'm guessing the rules you are mentioning are in the add to relations thread. Siiiigh. I think I forgot about that. (I think it would be helpful to put those rules on the first post of this thread then because there will be silly people like we that just go here and don't see the rules. u///////u )

Yep, Fushigi Yugi is a straight fantasy & reverse harem because I feel it doesn't satisfy Rule #2. Supposedly Miaka (the heroine) is the priestess of Suzaku (which grants her supposed powers to be able to summon the god Suzaku), but she doesn't have any powers or anything in reality. It's her make bodyguards that get the powers.

Haven't watched the others, so no opinion there.

By the way, I know I originally added it, but I'm going to have to say Gakuen Alice should be removed from the relations.

Sorry soaring_wings, I don't want to seem like I'm arguing, when I'm totally not :) It's easy to misinterpret words.

Originally (and still personally to me), I thought yuri and yaoi fell under another category when it passed the subtle degree. I think we're basically on the same page, so I guess I mean graphic when I say this.

I definitely don't want users to think we're just adding whatever we want because we don't. :( I even have said that while I don't like Madoka at all it was kept as relations in the end.

Hmm... it never crossed my mind about posting the rules in this topic, since there is a relations topic for member's suggestions. This topic was mostly for discussing why certain series don't fit in, but I fixed the first post to inform any *silly* people Haha joking.

Thanks on the Fushigi Yuugi, I'm clueless on that series so I completely agree with your take on it.

Gakuen Alice...once again as proof that we're not just adding what we want. I've also been thinking about Gakuen Alice since mentioned in the comments last month. It's sad for me to say this because I love that series, but I'm also beginning to agree it's alot more like a magic school anime instead of magical girl. :( Kind of how La Corda de Oro is a magic musical harem school anime.

If we both agree then Gakuen Alice as of tomorrow will be removed. (It's still a honorary mention though lol)
RICEA42991Nov 19, 2014 8:50 PM
Nov 21, 2014 10:05 AM

Oct 2008
Just to clarify and drive away some misinterpretations on my comments.

My opinion was more toward saying some series that BELONG to the magical girl genre I don't like or don't feel they follow the original formula of the genre.

But I don't want them to be eliminated from the groups list, mostly because my comments were about why I don't like them to be classified that way, that's just my own taste on the series.

I agree about Gakuen Alice being eliminated exactly by the reasons you exposed.

About Uta~Kata, maybe another reason the people don't like it to be classified as a magical girl is because it's the series that inspired the story for Madoka Magica about a tragic magical girl that suffers for becoming one.

Nov 21, 2014 11:10 AM
May 2008
SourcererZ said:
Just to clarify and drive away some misinterpretations on my comments.

My opinion was more toward saying some series that BELONG to the magical girl genre I don't like or don't feel they follow the original formula of the genre.

I agree about Gakuen Alice being eliminated exactly by the reasons you exposed.

About Uta~Kata, maybe another reason the people don't like it to be classified as a magical girl is because it's the series that inspired the story for Madoka Magica about a tragic magical girl that suffers for becoming one.

Don't worry SourcererZ misinterpretation happens to us all. And also I completely understand by what you meant on not feeling like series like Madoka belongs even if they do, because I share your feelings on that. I don't like Madoka series at all, but it stays, because it's a matter of our taste I suppose.

Good to know the Gakuen decision was understood.

I have never seen Uta-Kata either because it just doesn't seem interesting to me, but if it's like Madoka, then I'm not missing out.
Nov 21, 2014 3:31 PM

Sep 2007
It's been years since I watched Uta-Kata, but I thought it actually ended on a happier note than Madoka? Maybe it's the OVA I'm thinking of, which gave the series a happier end. Then again, I thought Madoka actually had a pretty happy end considering how it seemed to be going for a good while. Although, I'm probably not the best person to judge; since for me, the best ends have just the right amount of loss and happiness. XD I tend to feel a bit cheated if everyone gets a "happily ever after" XD Okay, not that's not right either. To me it depends on the tone, themes, and mood of the series. Higurashi is a horror show with a lot of really gory deaths, but at the end of it, everyone gets a pretty happy end, and it didn't bother me, because the way the show was executed was that it was leading up to the characters finally piecing together what was going on and working to earn their happily ever after. But yeah, thinking about it, I'm terrible. It's usually the at least partially tragic stuff that resonates with me. I don't know what this says about me. xD;
Feb 23, 2015 12:32 PM
May 2008
Speaking of dark, and horror. Another series that is kind of making me have second thoughts is

Ayashi no Ceres.

I know both of us decided on adding it back in the start, but after having watched a couple of episodes...and knowing how the overall series goes(never finished watching it), I'm starting to think it goes off more in the supernatural/psychological theme instead of magical girl.

I mean Aya is possessed by Ceres the angel, and because of that she can fly...but asides from that...nothing else happens except dealing with her other self and avoiding to get killed.

This is where it also gets tricky, because there's also a number of plain supernatural series where the characters are possessed or have a god-like ability within them.

Compare it to say Kamichama Karin, she possesses the ability of a goddess from a ring, but uses it to fight evil, and has attacks.

Like I said I haven't read the manga, or finished watching the whole series, so I'm not sure.
Feb 23, 2015 12:52 PM

Jun 2008
Clarke's Third Law
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

At what point would you we disregard this? We should always add then any girl mecha series into the magical girl genre. This means that Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu. would get in because the technology was from another dimension (and the main character changed from male to female) and Vividred Operation because it is in the far future (high tech, girls magically transform)? I bet there are a few more that will bend the rule.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Feb 23, 2015 2:05 PM
May 2008
sbyrstall said:
Clarke's Third Law
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

At what point would you we disregard this? We should always add then any girl mecha series into the magical girl genre. This means that Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu. would get in because the technology was from another dimension (and the main character changed from male to female) and Vividred Operation because it is in the far future (high tech, girls magically transform)? I bet there are a few more that will bend the rule.

Uh...well I'm lost haha. I was referring more about Ayashi no Ceres for now...trying to take this slowly without overwhelming/ and to give enough time for us to analyze each series.

Mecha is a complete other genre regardless if the cast is male or female. With that said, there may be exceptions...for example that very series you mentioned :Vividred Operation was one of the many series I was looking into back in Dec. (recall I mentioned in the comments the other day about going through the relations). However I need to look into it more, all in due time.

Twintails though isn't magical girl, that I definitely can say.
Feb 23, 2015 2:41 PM

Jun 2008
That's why I'm asking is "what is magic?" That is why I put up Clarke's Third Law as a possible reason. Therefore the idea of the "magical girl" genre goes out the window since all the means is they are using very high technology.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Feb 24, 2015 1:25 PM

Sep 2007
RICEA42991 said:
Speaking of dark, and horror. Another series that is kind of making me have second thoughts is

Ayashi no Ceres.

I know both of us decided on adding it back in the start, but after having watched a couple of episodes...and knowing how the overall series goes(never finished watching it), I'm starting to think it goes off more in the supernatural/psychological theme instead of magical girl.

I mean Aya is possessed by Ceres the angel, and because of that she can fly...but asides from that...nothing else happens except dealing with her other self and avoiding to get killed.

This is where it also gets tricky, because there's also a number of plain supernatural series where the characters are possessed or have a god-like ability within them.

Compare it to say Kamichama Karin, she possesses the ability of a goddess from a ring, but uses it to fight evil, and has attacks.

Like I said I haven't read the manga, or finished watching the whole series, so I'm not sure.

I've been torn about Ayashi no Ceres myself! But it strangely enough fits all the rules. Main character is a teenaged girl, she can fly and do magic blasts; and having celestial powers is very rare. She even technically transforms. BUT yeah, I know why you are having doubts. It's because the magical girl elements are mostly add-ons. The majority of the manga/anime centers around the fantasy, romance, and drama elements. It does feel like the magical girl aspects are only there to support of the fantasy and drama aspects of the series. Anyone else want to weight in on this? I don't want to pull it just quite yet...

RE: Magic versus technology {@sbyrstall}:

I think we should just go with what the series itself calls it. If the series describes it as technological, then it's technology. If the series calls it magic, it's magic. Thus it's magic in Mai-HiME, but technology in Mai-Otome, even though the latter has more traditional elements of mahou shoujo with transformations and female fighting squadrons.

Since the manga/anime is setting down the rules of the world, I think it's fine to just take it at face value like that as we are only thinking about fictional worlds and fictional laws of physics/universe. And thus we don't have to metaphysically define magic. Clarke's third law is more an analysis tool about how magic and technology become indistinguishable in fiction because our own human understanding is so lacking that we do not have the means, currently, to understand how such technology could work (or if at all it could be possible). Thus it ends up seeming like magic.
Feb 25, 2015 11:52 AM
May 2008
soaring_wings said:

I've been torn about Ayashi no Ceres myself! But it strangely enough fits all the rules. Main character is a teenaged girl, she can fly and do magic blasts; and having celestial powers is very rare. She even technically transforms. BUT yeah, I know why you are having doubts. It's because the magical girl elements are mostly add-ons

RE: Magic versus technology {@sbyrstall}:

I think we should just go with what the series itself calls it.

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking about Ayashi no Ceres. It's been bugging me for a few months now, but I've let it slide because I thought it was because I didn't like the series (or finished watching it). Now though I've decided to bring it up.

The word add-ons is perfect. It looks more to me as a supernatural series with angels and such. Not to mention she mostly is avoiding getting killed instead of using her powers or fighting some evil

So confusing this series...I think it will have to stay in relations after all.

Magic vs technology

Soaring_wings you gave a response I could have never typed. Good points you hit there. For me I can see a easy distinction between mecha and magical girl...but there is a occasional series where it blurs the line a little.
Mar 3, 2015 3:10 PM

Sep 2007
Had a quick look at our relations, and noticed an anime in our relations I had not too long ago finished Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Hachiyou Shou and it's companion, the specials. I feel this anime is a lot like Fushigi Yugi where the main heroine is a priestess of a ancient god in an ancient version of Japan, which supposedly nets her some sort of magic powers, but she never does anything magical except be somewhat resistant to dark spirits, and a few times losing control and releasing "powers". But ultimately, it's her reverse-harem guards that get magic powers and use them. I feel this one is one of those cases of fantasy rather than magical girl.
soaring_wingsMar 3, 2015 3:14 PM
Mar 3, 2015 4:26 PM
May 2008
soaring_wings said:
Had a quick look at our relations, and noticed an anime in our relations I had not too long ago finished Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Hachiyou Shou and it's companion, the specials. I feel this anime is a lot like Fushigi Yugi where the main heroine is a priestess of a ancient god in an ancient version of Japan, which supposedly nets her some sort of magic powers, but she never does anything magical except be somewhat resistant to dark spirits, and a few times losing control and releasing "powers". But ultimately, it's her reverse-harem guards that get magic powers and use them. I feel this one is one of those cases of fantasy rather than magical girl.

Oh my soaring_wings you are starting to scare me lol In both topics we're thinking around the same exact series. I also was looking at Harukanaru, but since I was still confused over Ceres, I didn't bring it up. It's another one I never watched, so I had no idea the extent to her powers. If it is like Fushigi Yugi then it will go too, but I'm not sure. Does she use powers at all? I mean compare it to Pretear which is a harem with powerful guys too, but Himeno actually transforms and gets powers.
RICEA42991Mar 3, 2015 4:29 PM
Mar 4, 2015 4:16 PM

Sep 2007
RICEA42991 said:

Oh my soaring_wings you are starting to scare me lol In both topics we're thinking around the same exact series. I also was looking at Harukanaru, but since I was still confused over Ceres, I didn't bring it up. It's another one I never watched, so I had no idea the extent to her powers. If it is like Fushigi Yugi then it will go too, but I'm not sure. Does she use powers at all? I mean compare it to Pretear which is a harem with powerful guys too, but Himeno actually transforms and gets powers.

As they say, "great minds think alike~". XD

Joking aside, to answer your question, her "powers" are more passive like Mikan's from Gakuen Alice than like Himeno's in Pretear. She doesn't manifest them at all, except once where she gets scared and literally loses all control with energy flowing out of her. Outside this one time, all her powers do is passively protect her from the influence of evil spirits. I think she also purified someone once? She also "glows" and gives power to her harem of bodyguards and they proceed to use magic attacks to defeat the evil clan and protect her. She never once uses offensive magic like Himeno. She definitely get more "magic" than Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, but it's not much more in my opinion.
Mar 5, 2015 7:18 AM
May 2008
RICEA42991 said:

Joking aside, to answer your question, her "powers" are more passive like Mikan's from Gakuen Alice than like Himeno's in Pretear. She doesn't manifest them at all, except once where she gets scared and literally loses all control with energy flowing out of her. Outside this one time, all her powers do is passively protect her from the influence of evil spirits. I think she also purified someone once? She also "glows" and gives power to her harem of bodyguards and they proceed to use magic attacks to defeat the evil clan and protect her. She never once uses offensive magic like Himeno. She definitely get more "magic" than Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, but it's not much more in my opinion.

No! Not another difficult case like Ceres. I'm still at odds then about both of these series then. I would take a shot at watching a bit of episodes of Harukanru but it's episodes are hard to find on good sites nowadays.

I agree though, I remember when I first added it, it reminded me alot of Fushigi Yuugi, only reason it got added was because I heard that she got more powers the Yuugi's character who did nothing.

From what you're saying it does sound not fitting, but once you said the words purify and glows, it confused me...still it doesn't sound much like magical girl despite all of these small things. I think it will be removed in the end too.
Mar 5, 2015 7:45 AM

Sep 2007
Re: purify and glows

-Purify: She can touch people who have bad energy in them and make them feel better. It comes across more like healing than magic imo. BUT the source of these powers is magical in nature.

-Glow: you know how the Sailor Senshi glow when they store energy to release Sailor Planet Attack? That's basically what she does, but instead of using that magic to attack the enemies, she sends it to her magic bodyguards who then attack the enemy. Seems kind of silly to me, since why can't she use the magic herself?
Mar 5, 2015 2:51 PM
May 2008
soaring_wings said:
Re: purify and glows

-Purify: She can touch people who have bad energy in them and make them feel better. It comes across more like healing than magic imo. BUT the source of these powers is magical in nature.

-Glow: you know how the Sailor Senshi glow when they store energy to release Sailor Planet Attack? That's basically what she does, but instead of using that magic to attack the enemies, she sends it to her magic bodyguards who then attack the enemy. Seems kind of silly to me, since why can't she use the magic herself?

Gotcha...thanks for clarifying. In that case it doesn't sound magical girl (not counting the weak healing power) instead it seems like Fushigi Yuugi with a few things changed to make her a bit different.

If no one else complains then, Harukanaru will be removed as of today.

As for Ceres...well I guess it will stay as it is, since it's a unsure case.

Another relation that I just recently noticed in the relations is the manga Red River Originally it was added due to mention of her acquiring powers and battling enemies of another world. After reading I realised this was wrong and it was nothing more than an interesting historical romance manga and not magical girl. Thus it will be removed from relations today 6/2022.
RICEA42991Jun 26, 2022 2:51 PM
Jun 27, 2022 4:56 AM
Anime crunchtime

Jun 2017
I assume Yuuki Yuuna is one of those series that some might confuse for Mahou Shoujo as well, but well as they say in the title, they are heroes, not magical girls, and also despite the transformation and mascots I do feel like it isn't one myself, something rice pointed out as well a long time ago in one of our discussions.
Jun 27, 2022 4:58 AM
Anime crunchtime

Jun 2017
Besides, with the new genres and themes added and such, didn't they create such a category for Mahou Shoujo as well now? I don't get the point of discussing what has already been established, lol~^^'>3
Jun 28, 2022 8:31 AM

Nov 2011
Eh, I don't think there's any point in trying to exclude stuff like Madoka from the genre as if it weren't a "true" mahou shoujo. It has its roots fully in the genre and is just an evolution from what was already there.

I've said a lot of times that people are mistaken when they think Madoka was a deconstruction of sorts. There was no one thing it did that hadn't been done in the genre before; it was just the mix that was unique. We've had mahou shoujo where being a magical girl isn't exactly a good thing and people perma-die (Magic Knight Rayearth comes to mind), and even stuff like Sailor Moon has a pretty cynical tone at times. Well animated action was already a thing thanks to the likes of series such as Precure, also.

The cutesy art styles were borrowed from the slice of life version of the genre where mahou shoujo don't necessarily fight a lot, of which Cardcaptor Sakura was the most recent staple at the time. Contrasting that cutesiness with the inherent cynicism in some of the genre's more battle oriented mainstays is what led to the shock factor in the series, and adding the unique animation style on top of it is what made people perceive it as if it were something wholly different even though that's not quite true.

If anything, the only real argument for differentiation in the genre is perhaps the target audience. Whether a show is meant for little girls or young men will have a big impact on how everything plays out, generally, but I don't think it's a big enough difference to argue for a separate genre.
Jul 1, 2022 12:57 AM
May 2008
TripleSRank said:
Eh, I don't think there's any point in trying to exclude stuff like Madoka from the genre as if it weren't a "true" mahou shoujo. It has its roots fully in the genre and is just an evolution from what was already there.

Nice explanation and viewpoints TripleSRank :) The discussion of Madoka was made back when Madoka was first created, where there was much confusion and unsure feelings about weither if it belonged as a relation. Since March 2011 it was pretty much settled as a relation, and since then this forum topic has been used for pretty much any anime series where there's unsure doubts if it belongs or not. That's why in the latest post update brings up Red River....since it was on relations, but now has been removed.

The reason the previous discussions about Madoka are still on here is to feature the past discussion to all members and serve as an example that it was discussed already. I think I'll clarify this in the first post in order to avoid confusing any newer members.

As for my personal opinion I still don't like what Madoka represents at all for magical girl genre, however that doesn't change the fact that it's still on the relations.

Klefki_of_Awsome said:
Besides, with the new genres and themes added and such, didn't they create such a category for Mahou Shoujo as well now? I don't get the point of discussing what has already been established, lol~^^'>3

As I mentioned in the club comments (which reminds me that I still have to create that sticky topic for the club)....... myanimelist's new stacks/genre theme feature doesn't really help determine what's really magical girl at all. Like some other fansites out there.... anyone can label what they assume is magical girl on it, regardless if it actually is one or not. So series that are merely labeled with that feature are not considered 'established magical girl' when it comes to determining our club relations. (This club has taken relations serious since the admin takeover back in 2008, and thanks to that it's avoided adding many series that still to this day are sometimes confused as magical girl.)
RICEA42991Jul 1, 2022 1:14 AM
Jul 1, 2022 6:53 PM
Anime crunchtime

Jun 2017
@RICEA42991 I guess first of all I should probably say Osashiburi, danna~!^^/
And I will agree that the people making the genre tags and such might not necessarily be experts in the matter but it doesn't change the fact that things get mislabelled sometimes and some series that might be magical girls might not be labelled by the genre, so it's a good thing to take a critical approach into thinking for ourselves what makes a series magical girl or not. That said, there are also series out there who have the genre label for it but don't really make any sense in having that genre there, but then again you can refer to my previous sentence here, since it's up to individuals to decide personally what fits what genre for them, or at least that is what I think personally, sorry if it ended up not making sense or I'm contrarying myself..^^'>3
Jul 1, 2022 10:26 PM
May 2008
Klefki_of_Awsome said:
@RICEA42991 I guess first of all I should probably say Osashiburi, danna~!^^/
sorry if it ended up not making sense or I'm contrarying myself..^^'>3

Heh no problem I understood what you meant by it, and yes you got my point exactly. That's what I meant with the club taking considerations seriously and taking critical approaches for each possibility.

And yes I get what you mean by some series having even official labels being a bit confusing. This is why it's not as simple as some may assume it is. For example the series Little Witch Academia (which was discussed in the club relations suggestions thread.) it's a series fans still often confuse on many fansites as magical girl because it has witches....and lots of official magical girl series have witches in them, but in the end it was just a magic anime, not magical girl.
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