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Jun 28, 2014 4:11 AM
Jun 2014
I remember in the tv series okabe would go back in time repeatedly to save mayuri does this mean he essentially created a bunch of world lines where mayuri is killed? Isn't that sort of murder going back and getting her killed repeatedly letting her friends on all those different world lines he created by the way suffer through losing her forever.
Jun 28, 2014 5:21 AM

Sep 2011
World lines are not really created, it's more like the world is reconstructed when a shift occurs. The "others" don't keep existing.
Also, using the time leap machine doesn't change the world line (or just a very small change). The D-mails however, did change it.
Mayuri was fated to die, so it's not like Okabe killed her. It was more like him watching her death back numerous times :/
Jun 28, 2014 8:00 AM
Jun 2014
Thank you very much for the reply.

About you saying world lines aren't created only reconstructed can you please elaborate. I remember at the beginning of the anime john titor says that if you change an event like if i go back in time and save you from being killed by a hitman the world line will diverge into two different world lines one where you are alive and another where you are dead. By okabe going back in time and causing mayuri to die in different ways heart attack, getting hit by a car, wouldn't that cause said divergence, and create multiple world lines where she is killed.

Also clarify what you mean by the others don't keep existing when you were referring to the world lines. I saw the steins gate movie and in the movie it shows okabe living and moving in his own separate world line than transferring to the normal world line where kurisu is at.

About the time leap machine not changing the world line does it really not change world lines because you added just a very small change in brackets in your reply. is it a change or not in the world line, if it is a small one can you elaborate what this would mean in reference to my creation of world lines dilemma.

Thank you so much in advance.
Jun 28, 2014 10:44 AM

Sep 2011
I actually don't remember if this was explained in the anime or not, but in the VN Suzuha (after revealing herself as John Titor) clarified the real structure of the world. She said she said some lies on the net and things that could be figured out to be wrong so that she won't be found out (SERN won't go after her). So what John Titor (Suzuha) said was true, to some extent.

In the future they successfully explained how the world works. The multiple-world interpretation is wrong, there are no multiple worlds existing at the same time. The actual structure of the world is similar. The Attractor Field theory (its name) says that there is only one world existing at a time. The other world lines are just 'possibilities' or 'what ifs'. When a world line shift occurs, the past, present and future of the world is reconstructed/reconfigured according to the cause (the change that caused the world line shift). So basically the world morphs into a new version (like you pick up a train and put it on a new track). The memories of the people also change, the same way. Expect for people who possess Reading Steiner (currently the only one we know of is Okabe).
So basically it's not like Okabe leaves a world line and goes to an other one, it's the world that changes.
The possibilities are always there, so it's like there is always a world line (or more, of course) where I get killed by a hitman and there is always one (or more) where I'm saved by you. But they don't "exist".

And yes, here comes the problem and the reason why the movie can't and shall not be considered canon. It's original. The movie defied this rule/structure and fucked up what the VN/anime established. I don't want to get into the whole thing, but I'm just gonna say that Okabe jumping to an other world line like that is not possible. At all. Don't even try to make anything out of the logic of the movie :/

Yes time leaping does change the world line, but the change is so minor that Okabe's Reading Steiner doesn't even trigger. And it also doesn't appear on the Divergence Meter (it's below 0.000001%).
Jun 28, 2014 12:31 PM
Jun 2014
Thanks this was never explained in the show. The show had its own rules and tried to push forward a multiple world line theory. I think the VN and the tv show may run on the same or perhaps different rules not sure. However what i am very sure of is they would never leave such a massive plothole in the story unchecked. The story would have to make sense to the viewer without prior knowledge of the VN. So there must be a way to explain it only using the knowledge you are given in the tv show. (I'm not saying it's right im just saying it's what you are expected to believe) If you can answer my question using the tv show please tell me, if you can't just reply you cant.

Thank you for your help.
Jun 28, 2014 2:57 PM
Jun 2014
Can you answer one last question. You said time leap doesn't change the world line, what about the time machine suzuha has, can that change world lines? or is d-mail the only option when it comes to changing world lines.

Thank you for all your help.
Jun 28, 2014 3:58 PM

Sep 2011
I rewatched that part and it seems like the only really important thing they didn't mention was that there is only one world line that exists at a time. The Attractor Field theory was there, but its name wasn't mentioned.
The rules of the anime and the VN are exactly the same even like this, so there is really no need to answer your question by rules that are not in either of them.
The movie however, is completely original. I don't even know why the original writer(s) of the VN didn't look at it and say "hey this fucks up the rules, let's not go with this"... :(

By the way, you can read about the Attractor Field theory in greater detail here (and on the next page):
It's directly from the VN.

Physical time travel can change world lines (as you saw at the ending), but it depends on the size of the change the traveler makes of course.
Jun 29, 2014 2:33 AM
Mar 2013
rikshi30 said:
Can you answer one last question. You said time leap doesn't change the world line, what about the time machine suzuha has, can that change world lines? or is d-mail the only option when it comes to changing world lines.

Thank you for all your help.

Every time travel attempt changes the world line divergence number, whether it'd be a time leap, which the change is so minuscule that Reading Steiner doesn't recognize such a small change, D-Mail where you can alter the actions of the person you send the text too, which Reading Steiner picks up the change, however D-Mail cannot time travel. The time machine, however, going back in time or travelling towards the future will have a really small change like timeleap, but the changes you make will determine whether the world line shift is either as small as a timeleap to a complete shift in attractor fields.
Jun 30, 2014 3:06 AM
Jun 2014
RazielZero said:
Physical time travel can change world lines (as you saw at the ending), but it depends on the size of the change the traveler makes of course.

The only times okabe caused a world line shift in a world line that he got to by time leaping was either when he undid a d-mail by sending a contrasting d-mail or when he changed entire attractor field. There was a part in the show where suzuha goes back to the past to 1975 in order to prevent sern from discovering okabe has a time machine, she fails in her mission because rain damaged the time machine causing her to lose her memories, when she finally remembered what she was supposed to do she killed herself. However all this did not cause a world line shift the divergence meter did not change at all meaning they are in the same world line. Also all the main characters remembered suzuha even the characters without reading steiner like mayuri or daru. They then received her suicide note from the crt tv guy (forgot his name) who said this note is from someone who helped me or something along those lines, indicating his memories were changed in accordance to his new experiences.

Keeping all this in mind i have a few main questions.

If you time leap can you cause a world line shift in the time leaped world without undoing d-mail or changing attractor fields which is what okabe did. I know you can change an attractor field using time leap, my question is can you cause a world line shift normally without the use of d-mails, or is it more like in a time leap you can only overwrite the contents of the current world line you are in, you cannot cause a world line shift normally.

When okabe used time leap to go to the past he then convinced the people he used the original d-mail on to send a counter acting d-mail to reverse the effects, this changed the world line. Did the world line change because he used the D-mail format? If he used a time machine to go to those times and simply told them not to listen to the d-mail they receive would that have caused a world line shift?

Why did suzuhas suicide and failure not cause a world line shift/alter the divergence meter?
Jul 1, 2014 3:20 AM

Sep 2011
Well, first of all, I'm not sure what you mean when you say time leap. For me (and in S;G) time leaping is done by using the Time Leap Machine (the one with the headphones), which is more like "mental", because it only sends back the memories and the consciousness of the user. Physical time travel is when you use a time machine (like the one Suzuha and later Okabe used), it sends back the entire person.
Like I said, physical time travel CAN change world lines, but it's not like it always does. It depends on the things the traveler changes.

The funny thing is, the two times Suzuha went back to 1975 (after fixing the time machine) all she did was fulfill her role in the course of time. She didn't cause a world line shift either of those times. What I mean is that she already travelled back once. Mr. Braun knew the old lady Suzu even when while Suzuha was in 2010 working for the guy. She pretty much went full circle, completing her role to be the old lady that helped Mr. Braun.
Of course everyone remembered Suzuha after she went back because she didn't cause a world line shift. Mr. Braun's memories weren't changed, he just remembered/found (I don't remember how it went) the letter and gave it to Okabe.
After her failure in securing an IBN 5100 Okabe used a D-mail to make himself NOT stop Suzuha from going back (before the rain). This D-mail changed the world line (just like when he sent one telling himself to STOP Suzuha). In this "new" world line (and the ones after) Suzuha's time travel was successful, she secured an IBN 5100 and passed it on to Faris' father and so on. However, her time travel this time again was only her fulfilling her role of securing the IBN 5100, and she didn't cause a world line shift. The one who caused the shift this time was of course Okabe by the use of D-mail.

But using the physical time travel it's still possible to cause a shift, as we saw Okabe doing in the last episodes.

Time leaping (using the Time Leap Machine) on the other hand doesn't allow much changes to be made. We don't get to know the full reason why, but it probably has to do with it only sending back the memories and consciousness of the person in "almost the same" world line and not his full body. Alterations can be made of course, but not ones big enough to cause a shift.

You CAN cause a shift without the use of D-mail/time leap/physical time travel. Well, not using them directly at least. We saw this when Okabe deleted the record of the first D-mail from the database of SERN. All he did was press a button this time. But by doing that SERN didn't go after them, they couldn't build a time machine, they didn't create a dystopia, Suzuha didn't have to come back to 2010 and didn't crash in the Radio building thereby NOT stopping the conference (and Kurisu's death). So of course it had to do with time traveling (done by Suzuha this time), but it wasn't directly done by Okabe.
The reverse of this (the first episode) was still done by D-mail though, but we already know that.

Yes, you could probably "replace a D-mail" if you are the one who goes back in time and tells the person to don't take the mail seriously, so you could cause a shift that way too.
RazielZeroJul 1, 2014 3:26 AM
Jul 1, 2014 8:12 AM
Jun 2014
What about small changes say i use a time machine to go back to the past and i spend quite a bit of time there but all i do is just live not change anything. I simply go to the grocery store do laundry or move something like a rock etc. Would my existence cause a world line shift or alter the divergence number, Im sort of changing the past by moving that rock lol. If i go back in the past is the divergence meter constantly changing for every little thing i change? Or would this cause full blown constant world line shifts or are world line shifts only caused by very significant changes. What happens in this situation?

Also in the ending when okabe caused a world line shift using the time machine to travel to the past and change it, he then used the time machine again to travel to the future, Im assuming he had to do this in order to activate the world line shift is this correct? In the tv series in episode 3 john titor/suzuha said if you go back to the past and kill someone it will cause a world line shift into a world line where no one remembers the killed person/he doesn't exist. So say i travel back to the past and kill someone would i have to then time travel to the future in order to cause the world line shift, Don't worldline shifts occur immediately? If i didn't travel to the future does the world line just continue with the person being dead no world line shift.

Also with this quote of mine in mind "john titor/suzuha said if you go back to the past and kill someone it will cause a world line shift into a world line where no one remembers the killed person/he doesn't exist." In the movie kurisu goes back in time using the time machine and accidentally kills okabe causing him to get hit by a truck, why didn't this change the world line into a world line where nobody remembers okabe/he didn't exist. Was it because she went back in time undoing what she did before the worldline shift occurred, is that even possible don't worldline shifts occur immediately? Or is it actually because she would've had to travel in the future in order to cause the world line shift?
rikshi30Jul 1, 2014 11:02 AM
Jul 1, 2014 2:39 PM

Sep 2011
Small changes like one more person living in the world would probably not alter much, but it still depends on numerous things. Thanks to the Butterfly Effect even the smallest of changes could lead to a shift. Small changes themselves wouldn't cause a shift immediately, but if they lead to a very big one then it might cause one.

Okabe didn't necessarily have to travel back to the present, he could have sit there and wait for it to happen. The point when the shift happened was probably around the time the thesis burned on the plane.
Killing someone would probably change the world line immediately (though one person's life might or might not cause a big change in divergence, it's not a must, because he could be someone with pretty much no "importance").

It's not that they forget the person's existence entirely. Just like Titor said people's memories are altered according to when he died. So like if Person A (in the present) was at the graduation ceremony of Person B, but you went back BEFORE the ceremony and killed Person B, then if you went back to the present all that Person A would remember is that poor Person B died before his graduation ceremony. But he would still remember him. Of course if (for example, this could not actually happen for known reasons) someone traveled back in time and killed Okabe before he could ever meet Suzuha then Suzuha would kind of forget him altogether.
In the movie the world line didn't shift, because Okabe didn't die. Kurisu and Suzuha also said that the young Okabe can't die there, because it's not yet his time to die. He probably got severely injured, but still survived that crash.
Jul 1, 2014 3:36 PM
Jun 2014
About the john titor world line not existing thing my subs were horribly horribly shitty and wrong my subs literally said that killing someone would cause a shift and erase his existence and everyone's memory of him. I re-watched it in English dub and it confirmed what you said about cutting the persons life short not erasing his existence, those subs were really messed up.

Everything is making sense now thanks for everything. You are literally a hero dude not exaggerating YOU ARE A HERO. You took so much time to help me understand everything thank you so freaking much dude, YOUR THE BEST.
Jul 1, 2014 4:58 PM

Sep 2011
I don't think that makes me a hero :'D Just someone who loves and thinks too much about S;G and has too much time on his hand :P
But anyway, I'm glad I could help :)
Jul 8, 2014 2:55 PM
Jun 2014
At the ending of the show in the last few episodes. It is explained that there is an attractor field making sure that okabe has to see kurisu lying in a pool of blood. It is explained by a future okabe who sends a video of himself to the current okabe that if he doesn't witness the scene it will mean he never sent the first D-mail and therefore never went on his giant quest finally reaching the point he is at now. That this would essentially create a massive paradox.

Is it the existence of the paradox that "created the converging point in the attractor field" essentially was it okabes actions that created the existence of the converging result in which he had to see kurisu lying in a pile of blood in order to avoid a paradox.

or is it actually this other possibility

Early on in the show it was explained that in the case of a paradox a world line shift would occur. keeping this in mind assuming okabe never saw kurisu lying in a pool of blood (i know this is impossible due to the attractor field but im just asking "what if") What would happen? Would there be a shift? Say okabe saved kurisu and burned the time machine papers preventing world war 3 yet his old self didn't see kurisu lying in a pool of blood and therefore okabe never sent the first D-mail, and therefore the current okabe that burned the papers essentially shouldn't exist. What happens then? Does okabe just dissapear? Is there some kind of change in the world lines?

This whole situation is similar to the grandfather paradox example which i think the show covered early on. I think i remember them saying that if you went back to the past and shot your own grandfather the world lines would split into two one in which you didn't exist and one in which you do exist.

Keeping this in mind it could be that the world lines would split into a line in which everything is solved, no world war 3, no dead kurisu, even with the paradox of him not seeing kurisu lying in a pool of blood and therefore not sending the first d-mail or going through his journey, However the split would also mean there is also a worldline in which he did send the D-mail and did go on his massive journey like the grandfather example. But the issue with this is it would mean during his journey he eventually reaches the point of the paradox again (the point he didn't see kurisu in the pool of blood). Maybe it would just repeat even taking the paradox into account? Meaning he would just burn the papers and save kurisu again. lol not sure hope all this made sense
rikshi30Jul 8, 2014 3:50 PM
Jul 8, 2014 4:08 PM

Sep 2011
I don't think that Okabe seeing Kurisu in a pool of blood is bound by the Attractor Field, I think it just has to happen merely because Okabe would not send the D-mail otherwise. That's why Future-Okabe told him to not change that.
I think that a shift might still occur if Okabe didn't see that scene, but I think the result would be a Beta line where Okabe went on with his life (and would either result in WW3 or not depending on the fate of the thesis). Observer-Okabe would still retain his memories, because of Reading Steiner.
At least that's what I think, but I'm not sure. It depends on whether or not that scene is bound by the Attractor Field or not.
I'm still not sure whether or not that past 3 weeks was really necessary. If what I just said above could happen then thanks to Reading Steiner Okabe's memories are safe, so it doesn't matter whether or not his past self goes through the same journey again.
So my two ideas for this are:
1. Okabe just wanted to ensure that he doesn't change his own past anymore, that he will "always" learn never to fuck with time. He doesn't want to "forget" all that he has been through.
2. That scene is bound by the Attractor Field, that's why Okabe has to see it, and if he doesn't then it would shift the world line to an unknown outcome (probably still Beta).
But I could also think of a mix of the two :/ I'm not sure myself :D
Jul 8, 2014 5:17 PM
Jun 2014
I don't think you understood my question. The video mail okabe received from his future self was HEAVILY implying that he HAD to see the scene in order to relive the past to reach his current point to avoid a paradox. How could okabe have gotten far enough to the point he is now, if he originally didn't send the first D-mail it's a paradox isn't it? With all this in mind what would happen if okabe never saw the scene with kurisu in her own blood? Let me go one step further what would happen if past okabe never saw the scene but observer okabe still destroyed the thesis HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? How could observer okabe destroy the thesis and change world lines if he technically isn't even supposed to be there because of the paradox of his past self not seeing the scene with kurisu drenched in blood? Important question here: Would this cause observer okabe to disappear in the new world line? Is all this impossible because the paradox created a converging result in the attractor field? You said his reading Steiner helped him retain his memories and he actually didn't have to relive the past could you please elaborate, how would this solve the paradox? Why didn't okabe just save kurisu without getting the pool of blood involved than, why would he go through all that trouble? Why would future okabe tell him to go through all that if not to avoid a paradox?

Also can you answer this: Is it the existence of the paradox that "created the converging point in the attractor field" essentially was it okabes actions that created the existence of the converging result in which he had to see kurisu lying in a pile of blood in order to avoid a paradox? Or do converging results exist regardless of his actions he can't create new converging results?

One of my main most important points what is essentially causing me to ask all these questions is the video call okabe receives from his future 15 year self, in it he seemed to be implying that there is some kind of convergence point around kurisu's blood incident. Can you please please re-watch or perhaps reread it in the VN again. My main question is it seemed like okabe was either implying one of two or maybe three things either
A) If okabe messes up changing the past not seeing kurisu in blood he will cause a world line shift which will erase his memories because he technically never experienced his adventure therefore he will have no memories of it, is this possible if you take his reading steiner ability into account could this actually negate the reading steiner because it involves so many world lines and takes place at the beginning of his journey?

I think it's a combination of A and B also I'm not sure if there is infact a convergence point involving the kurisu blood scene forcing it to happen hopefully you can clarify.

B) He has to avoid changing the past (seeing kurisu in blood) because it creates a paradox how could he have gotten to the point he is now if he never saw that event which triggered his entire journey and made him send his first D-mail. This however raises many new questions it raises the questions of What would happen if okabe failed?, Would observer okabe disappear? Is the convergence point created by okabe's actions in order to avoid a paradox?, (this next question is especially important) Is it possible for this event to occur without a convergence point or does the existence of the paradox make this impossible guaranteeing a convergence point because of the massive paradox? What makes this paradox different than when okabe causes a shift, isn't a person from the future significantly changing the past sort of a paradox?, Is it because this paradox involves multiple world lines? I think it was said in the show that in the event of a paradox the world line splits into two (I'm assuming this is referring to a shift) so there would be one world line where he didn't see the kurisu blood event and another where he did (presumably the original one where kurisu was actually killed) could this split theory (shift) explain it.

C) He is simply explaining what is going to happen and what he has to do. IF there was no convergence point it would simply mean that if okabe never saw the kurisu blood incident all that would happen is a world line shift where okabe lives a normal life like you said. Okabe has no effect on the creation of convergence points, convergence points don't come into existence because of okabe's or any other time travelers actions, Convergence points are not created to avoid paradoxes they simply exist on the attractor field, paradoxes can be solved using the world line split theory ie if okabe never saw the blood incident this would create the paradox of him never going on his journey, however this would result in a split in the world line, one where he didn't see the kurisu blood event and another where he did probably the first one where kurisu was actually killed. This also brings up another new question, Let say there is no attractor field convergence for the kurisu blood incident Then what happens if okabe saves kurisu without the blood incident and destroys the papers without having nakabachi steal it and take them to the plane. This of course defies the paradox of okabe having never went on his journey and having reached that point where he even has the capability to undo it, because his journey started with him seeing the incident which made him send the first d-mail. So what happens in this example does okabe save kurisu and destroy the papers despite the paradox (the universe creates a new world line where everything is successful despite the paradox)? Or does the paradox prevent okabe from completing his task essentially even if he did all the above saved kurisu and destroyed the papers a worldline shift would occur because of the paradox which would rearrange the universe into one in which he failed his task?
rikshi30Jul 9, 2014 3:32 PM
Jul 9, 2014 3:39 PM

Sep 2011
That's kind of what I wanted to answer, but I guess I didn't anwer everything :D Sorry :)

The reason world line shifts happen in the first place is due to the world trying to correct itself to avoid a paradox (which was caused by a D-mail or change in the past). Therefore it can be assumed that Kurisu's death scene not happening would cause a paradox if Okabe doesn't ensure that. That is if the scene really is bound by the Attractor Field (I changed my mind :D it might actually really be bound by it, so it might not be avoided in any way). But if we hipothetically say that it is not bound and it not happening is possible, then I still say that Reading Steiner is still a solution for this problem.
Reading Steiner allows Okabe to retain his memories across world lines no matter whether he have experienced the things he remembers in that world line or not. This is pretty much clear through the show. For example, when Okabe first left the Beta world line (first D-mail) and arrived in an Alpha world line, he still remembered things that happened in the Beta world line, like the whole Kurisu thing. And this is the "same" as the problem/paradox we are talking about. Okabe that time changed his own past (the conference didn't even happen, so he didn't even send the D-mail), yet he still didn't forget what happend, thanks to Reading Steiner. That's why I say that even if his whole journey were to be undone he would still remember them.
But yes, there is still an unanswered question here. Would the Okabe who went back to save Kurisu and (hipothetically) could avoid the whole blood scene disappear at that instant? I think he would. The world line should shift right at that moment, because Okabe shouldn't be there at that time (his reason disappears) just like Suzuha disappearing when they traveled back to the present (she didn't have a reason to be in the "present"). I'm not sure how this would affect Okabe's Reading Steiner. Perhaps the "Observer" (the Okabe we followed) would disappear, but his past self should still be able to go on (who himself also has Reading Steiner). But perhaps he would somehow be inside the past-Okabe. I don't know the answer for this as nothing like this ever happened :D
But this is all hipothetical, because like I said I realized that the scene is probably a must (bound by the Attractor Field). And least that's what I think now :D But I have to think more about this.

Also, just to clear something: Convergence points are pretty much things that are bound by the Attractor Field. These can be someone's death (Mayuri's for example) or big events like WW3 or the SERN Dystopia. These are things that will always happen in every world line of an Attractor Field. They are called convergence points, because it means that the world lines all converge on the same event (but of course they don't become one). The reason for their existence is unclear. Perhaps it's possible that it can be caused by a single person, like Okabe. Some of them might actually be a way to avoid a paradox, like the blood scene (this is actually not a bad idea :D). But I'm not sure why they exist.

So everything said, I think Future-Okabe might have told Okabe to not try to avoid the scene because it is bound by the Attractor Field and must happen (for both world lines, for Alpha to enter it by the D-mail, and for Beta, because it is a convergence point and a part of that world line). I think it's possible that it would have happened anyway, but Future-Okabe wanted to ensure that Okabe doesn't even try to change it (uselessly) and he should just concentrate on a way to save Kurisu. That's what I think at least :/

Oh and the whole split thing just means that for pretty much every "choice" there is a world line (a possibility of course, it doesn't 'exist') where it went one way, and a word line where it went the other way.
So like in most (if not all) Beta world lines Okabe might have not actually send a D-mail, or the D-mail wasn't intercepted by SERN, or whatever, but he went on with his life.

I will probably re-read the whole scene starting from Suzuha arriving after the false credits, to see if I missed anything or find something that could serve as answer for these questions, because it was quite a lot more in the VN then in the anime, especially the video message. That is, I will do it when I'm not lazy :P I will try to do it tomorrow.
RazielZeroJul 9, 2014 3:57 PM
Jul 9, 2014 7:38 PM
Jun 2014
About you saying that the kurisu blood scene is bound by both attractor fields, I'm very sure this is not true in the Beta world line the event never happens, because suzuha crashes her time machine preventing kurisu's conference, which prevents the nakabachi scene from hapenning. Actually kurisu is alive in the beta world line and works for sern in the future.

Your right about the kurisu blood paradox something like this has never happened before in the show. However I think I agree with you the most likely outcome would be okabe disappearing.

Can you please elaborate on the suzuha disappearing incident, Why did she dissapear? How does this relate to or help explain the theoretical okabe disappearance? please answer these questions

This is a new paradox i am going to introduce tell me what you think. Im very sure this paradox has no attractor field convergence, this also leads me to believe that attractor field convergence is not caused by a paradox in order to do away with the paradox. It's most likely that the convergence points are just is there, this is only one example in the show with a paradox that probably has no attractor field convergence, there might be more i don't remember every little detail in the show. Another thing to keep in mind is they never brought this up at all in the show, you would think they would at least talk about something so important, something that influences every rule in the universe of the show. The reason there was a paradox at the kurisu blood event was most likely just because it was the start of his journey not because of the attractor field convergence.

Okabe received the video mail from his 15 year future self in order for future okabe to have sent the video mail to current okabe, current okabe had to fail once in trying to save kurisu and preventing ww3, this leads to future okabes obsession in trying to find a solution to save kurisu and prevent ww3, which then led him to send the video mail with the solution. My question is what would have happened if current okabe watched the video mail before his first attempt and then used that solution to save kurisu and prevent ww3. The paradox is if current okabe saves kurisu on his first attempt than how could future okabe have gained the obsession that lead him to sending the solution to current okabe in the video mail, if he didn't send the solution than current okabe couldn't do it.

I have two theories as to what would happen.
1) A world lline shift occurs because of the paradox as okabe attempts to save kurisu. The shift brings okabe to a world line where he failed. In this new worldline he probably would have received the the video mail (not entirely sure hope you can clarify) Also okabe fails to save kurisu and most likely also fails to prevent world war 3 in this worldline, however okabe retains his memory using reading steiner so he could probably quickly fix his mistake, assuming the time machine still exists, I'm assuming it would.

2) Somehow okabe disappears because of the paradox. I have trouble explaining this one in my head, but hopefully you could explain why or why not this would happen.
rikshi30Jul 10, 2014 1:39 PM
Jul 10, 2014 3:28 AM

Sep 2011
No, no. I didn't mean that the blood scene is bound by both the Alpha and Beta Attractor Fields. It's only bound by the Beta.
What I meant is that because it is bound by the Beta, it always gives the choice, or possibility of entering the Alpha world line (or to be clearer the Alpha Attractor Field, the cluster of all Alpha world lines, but I just shortened it). Without that event Okabe wouldn't be able to enter the Alpha world line. I know it's not bound by the Alpha because it could never happen there, I just meant that it's necessary for the shift from the Beta world line to the Alpha world line.

About Suzuha:
Her whole mission in the Beta world line was ensuring that 1. Okabe fails once, 2. Okabe recieves the video mail, 3. Okabe successfully destroys the thesis and possibly (but not necessarily) saves Kurisu and shifts the world to the S;G world line. And why was this mission? Because of WW3, to prevent it.
When Suzuha and Okabe succeeded, the world line shifted to the S;G world line (during their travel back to the present). Suzuha and the time machine disappeared right after Okabe came out of it in the present (the anime didn't fully portray that part). The reason she disappeared was because just like she said, she can't enter the S;G world line, she doesn't have a place there at that point in time. WW3 was prevented and therefore Suzuha, in the future, no longer has a reason to come back to the present. The time machine possibly doesn't even exist in the future of S;G, because it wasn't built. She couldn't have come back then, and that is why she and the time machine disappeared. Her disappearance is also a proof that WW3 or the dystopia doesn't happen in the future of the S;G world line.

As for the last thing you mentioned:
Okabe could only recieve the video mail in the world line where he already failed once (it's a different world line, then the one in which they first gone back). The other world lines only recieved that weird static video. So it's pretty much not possible for Okabe to see the video mail before the first attempt. Him recieving that message would have been a paradox in itself.
But if we say that for some obscure reason he could have seen the video mail before the first attempt (and saying that the recieving itself doesn't cause a paradox), then he could still do what he did at the 2nd attempt and enter the S;G world line (it just means he knows what to do). But this is just not possible, since there is no way he can recieve the video mail without doing the first attempt. That would mean that there are at least 2 world lines existing at the same time, and as we know that is not possible in S;G.
RazielZeroJul 10, 2014 3:32 AM
Jul 10, 2014 12:26 PM
Jun 2014
Technically what triggered the shift from the beta to alpha world lines was his first D-mail and sern detecting it. If we are playing hypothetical and saying there is no attractor field, than he wouldn't have to see that exact scene i don't think he would at least. He would just have to send a D-mail for sern to detect. The change from the D-mail would probably be adjusted in the new world line (It could alter his entire journey maybe depending on the contents of the D-mail).

What you said about the video mail doesn't make any sense he received the video mail on july 26th it was before his first attempt. The past okabe of the current world line they are on actually saw the full video mail not the static (he just couldn't use it or make any sense of it), there was nothing preventing him from opening and playing the full video mail other than he never thought of it and suzuha never brought it up until after his first attempt.

Now my question is what would happen if he attempted to save kurisu and prevent ww3 using the information on the video mail before his first attempt(I know he probably wouldn't do it because the video made reference to a failure and he might have made sense of it and failed on purpose once, but I'm asking hypothetical maybe he didn't make sense of it). So what happens because of this paradox? how could he receive the video mail telling him how to do it if he does everything the video mail says on the first attempt, and therefore he should've never received the video mail? look to my last post for my theories, tell me what you think.

Also isn't suzuha disappearing almost the same as her dying? How does the show justify this?

Also another question i don't think there is a way to know the answer to this question but im going to ask it anyway just in case, or maybe you can come up with something. In our hypothetical world where there is no attractor field forcing okabe to see the scene. What would happen if okabe triggers a world line shift before past okabe comes to witness the scene would he disappear? Lets say okabe burns the thesis forcing a shift before past okabe witnesses the kurisu blood event, then what happens. I have two theories.

1) Somehow in a way the worldline still goes on even without past okabe actually physically witnessing the scene before the shift, he still sees it or doesn't in a way. Meaning the result would be unknown until after the shift but the vastly most likely result would be okabe recreating the scene in order to avoid himself from disappearing and save kurisu, or somehow if he fails he just disappears(not likely), or past okabe sees a different scene sends a different D-mail and the world line adjusts accordingly (possibly changing his whole adventure) but all this is unknown until after the shift.

2) Okabe can't force a shift before past okabe comes to witness the scene if he does observer okabe disappears. Meaning if he burned the thesis before past okabe came to actually physically witness the kurisu blood event it would force a shift immediately (because he burned the theesis) which would create the paradox of past okabe not seeing the scene and therefore observer okabe disappears.

This is probably something nobody can know but just thought i would ask lol.

Also one last question, I was reading up about how okabe and daru made their time machine in the future. (this was never covered in the anime) The website i was on said they used kurisu's thesis how exactly did they obtain the thesis in the alpha world line and how exactly did they obtain it in the beta world line. What exactly happened that ended up with them getting the thesis in both world lines. Thanks in advance.
rikshi30Jul 11, 2014 6:30 PM
Jul 11, 2014 8:32 AM

Sep 2011
Well yes, the real trigger was the D-mail of course, but the scene was necessary for Okabe to even send it. That's why I say it was necessary to enter the Alpha world line. Of course if, for some reason, Okabe sends a mail to Daru about Kurisu's death even if he didn't see the scene and just heard about it or something then the shift would still happen. But since the events went like the way they are now, the scene is necessary in that regard.

No, I was exactly right about the video mail. Watch that part of episode 23 again. To quote myself: "The other world lines only recieved that weird static video. So it's pretty much not possible for Okabe to see the video mail before the first attempt."
Okabe did recieve a message on July 28th, and he opened it (this was in the first episode). He only saw that weird static video thing (like when there is no service on the TV). He didn't do anything wrong, it was a mess, a corrupt file. However, when he arrived in the world line where he failed to save Kurisu, he could see the actual video (after Suzuha gave him back his phone). Because in that world line the sending of the video mail succeeded.
How the video mail sending actually works and why the other world lines recieve it anyway? Since it was never made clear my theory is this (my quote from an other thread):

Yes, Suzuha disappearing is kind of like her dying. It's sad, but she accepted it, because she knew she would be born in 7 years anyway. The show doesn't have to justify anything, this is about preventing a war that could kill millions of people if not more :/ We all know that sometimes sacrifices have to be made. And like I said it's not like she will not exist anymore, she will be born 7 years later.

It isn't clear whether or not the thesis CAN burn before the plane thing with Kurisu's father, but if it can then burning it right then and there would be a huge mistake. If a shift were to happen (and it probably would) and the world line it changes to is one where Observer-Okabe doesn't have a reason to be in the past at that time (he didn't come back) then he would disappear. The reason for his disappearance wouldn't be that he didn't live through that 3 weeks and things like that, but that he probably has no reason to come back because there wouldn't be a WW3 (same as Suzuha).
This is also why he must not have burned the thesis right at that time so the world didn't shift immediately. They could travel back to the present with Suzuha and the shift happened during (or more like at the very end of) their travel. Since he was already at the present where he was supposed to be he didn't disappear.

Since I didn't read the spin-offs and side stories myself all I can say is what I know.
In the Beta world line Okabe probably either got his hands on a copy (WW3 broke out over the thesis so it's possible that at one point it was copied and was uploaded to the net or something), or he worked it out himself. He had quite a lot of time and new a lot about Kurisu's work from the Alpha world line, so I'm sure that Daru and Okabe could build one by themselves, they are both very smart.
In the Alpha world line the explanation is much simpler. Okabe, Daru and Kurisu were captured by SERN (by Moeka and the Rounders) and they were forced to work for SERN. Okabe and Daru managed to escape after some time, but Kurisu stayed there and completed the time machine in 2034 (after that she was killed as far as I know). Okabe and Daru while leading the rebellion made an incomplete time machine themselves. They probably knew Kurisu's work because of working at SERN and again, Okabe and Daru are very smart so they figured out the rest.
Jul 11, 2014 3:14 PM
Jun 2014
About the video mail thing let me explain what I'm thinking and you can answer back with what you think please correct me if I'm wrong and be detailed. When okabe was in the alpha world line and deleted the D-mail in episode 22 he arrived in the beta world line in 1.130205 this is different than the original world line in episode 1 which was 1.130238. In this new world line in episode 22 and 23 okabe has already received the video mail, it's on his phone. The past okabe of that world line in episode 22 and 23 has already seen the full video mail not the static. There was nothing preventing him from opening his phone and playing the video mail before he made the first time travel trip in which he failed, am i right? I'm asking what happens if he did do this and solved the whole thing on his first try, this essentially means he shouldn't have received the video mail with the solution it's a paradox. Also you mentioned suzuha gave back his phone, was okabe not in possession of his own phone in the Beta world line at that point? When did suzuha get a hold of okabe's phone? Can you please explain the events that lead to okabe losing his phone to suzuha. You also said in the original world line he trashed the phone microwave. What do you mean by the original world line? I don't exactly remember when he trashed the phone microwave but i think it was in the alpha world line. Wouldn't that change have been carried over to the beta world line? Was the phone microwave working in the beta world line when okabe deleted the D-mail switching from alpha to beta if so why was it still working?

About the thesis thing I'm pretty sure there is an attractor field there as well. But lets say there isn't. You said if he were to burn the thesis a world line shift would occur where ww3 is prevented and okabe disappears because he has no reason to "come back" i don't know what you mean by that can you explain? Also you said the reason for his disappearance wouldn't be that he didn't live through the 3 weeks I'm not so sure wouldn't the early shift mean he never went on his 3 week journey? Let me explain. Okabe burns the thesis this causes a shift to a world line where okabe should be in the middle of his journey but he's not in the middle of his journey because the thesis is already burned therefore ww3 is prevented. How is this even possible? How could okabe burn the thesis and undo ww3 if he never went on his journey? How could he even get to the point where he could even burn the thesis if his journey never happened?

In one of your posts you never covered whether kurisu would be saved you just said okabe would disappear can you say why or why not she would be saved?

Let me explain my thinking regarding all this. I think that if a person loses the cause of them being in there location than they can't initiate change and may disappear. With the kurisu thing we were talking about earlier if okabe doesn't see the blood event he doesn't send the D-mail and therefore should not even be standing there changing anything, because it means he didn't even go on his three week journey to reach that point. What I means is even if okabe attempts to save kurisu but past okabe doesn't see the blood event the change is undone a shift occurs before he can fully save her and kurisu is dead he couldn't change anything because he wasn't even supposed to be there. Similarly if okabe burns the thesis early this would mean a shift to a world line where ww3 never happened and therefore okabes journey never happened because the shift involving the disappearance of ww3 happened in the middle of his journey. But then how could okabe have undone it if he never went on his journey? He can't as soon as he burns the thesis a shift occurs and the change is undone, the thesis remains. Tell me what you think

What changes would there be if okabe burned the thesis before past okabe witnesses the blood event? Compared to if he did it after the blood event? Would there be any differences? if so what would they be? I said in my last post that in a way the world line would still continue and the result would be unknown until after the shift but it would most likely be okabe seeing the blood event and saving kurisu. It was number one in my last post read it over, is it correct?

Last question and its another weird one lol.
Our talking about the kurisu blood event has made me realize something. The shift was not dependent on past okabe seeing the blood event at all. It was dependent on him sending a D-mail, if okabe sent a pointless d-mail saying i like ice cream the shift from beta to alpha would still occur because sern would still pickup on the D-mail and add it to their database. Okabe still has the phone microwave even if okabe never sees the blood event he could still send a D-mail at any other point in time and he probably would. I seriously doubt okabe would go too long without sending some other D-mail it's almost impossible.This brings up a whole new question, What would happen if okabe never sees the kurisu event and therefore never sends the D-mail but he sends some other random D-mail at a later date? Choose whatever date you want 1 day later 1 week later 1 month later. For this example I'm going to use 5 days later. Wouldn't this mean his entire journey would take place 5 days later? All the dates would change to 5 days later wouldn't they? Now to my main point lets say the original okabe the one who made past okabe not see the scene used his time machine to get to that point on july 10 (just using it as an example) because past okabe never saw the blood event he never sent the D-mail but he sent another one five days later. Wouldn't this mean that the date he entered the time machine would have to change to july 15? what kind of implications would this have and what would be the result/explanation? Would his journey be rewritten and original observer okabe disappears? Would original observer okabe still be successful in preventing ww3? Weird one i know lol.
rikshi30Jul 11, 2014 6:57 PM
Jul 14, 2014 5:47 AM

Sep 2011
Okay so I went back and re-read those last parts of the VN. I'm going to try and explain the things that I wasn't correct about, as well as the things you asked.

First things first: In the VN it was explained that in the Beta world line Daru probably hacked SERN (after SERN gave up on the time travel research) and stole whatever information they found there (SERN) made quite a lot of progress themselves already as we know) and he and Okabe worked out the rest and completed the time machine (Daru continuing alone after Okabe's death). So that's how it was.

About the video mail, I see what you mean. An explanation of why he didn't see the video might be because Mayuri came to him not long after. The mail also started with static (at least in the VN), so maybe he didn't wait because of Mayuri coming to him.
Perhaps he could have watched it, but I don't think he would have followed it. He might have thought it was some kind of trick or something :/ Well it's clear that he didn't watch it because there wasn't any consequence. There was no world line shift so he probably didn't watch it/follow it for some reason or another.
If he still followed it, it might have caused some major world line shift, since he might have not seen the blood scene and cause a paradox.

Suzuha took his phone both in the anime (around 4:50 of episode 23) and in the VN before going in the time machine. She said it would cause crosstalk, because of 2 phones with the same number existing in one world line. Of course Okabe thought it was only because of what would happen if he got a mail/phone call. But the main reason was because it would have messed up Past-Okabe's phone receiving the video mail and they really didn't want that :P

By original world line I meant the Beta world line. After coming back from the Alpha world line Okabe's first thing to do was destroy the Microwave Ophone, so that he may never use it again. He thought he wouldn't need to :/

Like I said I don't think he could burn the thesis anytime. But if he was able I think he could still burn it before the whole journey thing. He would probably disappear in the process, because just like you said he would undo the very reason he is there, but the burning might still be possible. I'm not sure what would really happen. Perhaps it would cause a world line where Past-Okabe went on with his life. I'm not sure if it would be still the S;G world line though.
The not comimg back part I said means that if in the new world line WW3 is prevented, then in the future of that world line Future-Okabe has no reason to make a plan to send back Suzuha and make Observer-Okabe go back to July 28th. Therefore, why would Observer-Okabe go back to the past if Suzuha doesn't come to him, because there is no WW3 in the first place. It's the same as with Suzuha. To make it more simple neither Suzuha nor Observer-Okabe has to go back to the past in the new world line, because WW3 doesn't happen there. And since when a shift happen Okabe "replaces" (just so it sounds simpler) the Okabe that is currently there in that time of the new world line. He can't replace an Okabe that didn't come back/isn't there. He has no reason to be there at that point in time. Just like the thing with Suzuha.

Kurisu could still be saved. It just depends on when Okabe burns the thesis. If he somehow burns it after saving her, then it's natural. If he burns it before... I'm not sure. I mean the thesis is with Kurisu, so I guess even if Okabe gets hold of it Kurisu would probably not visit her dad in the first place, because she would be chasing Okabe to get it back :D (until Okabe burns it of course, so that the shift could happen and so on).

So, to summarize: I think that he could still burn the thesis (if it's not bound like we both said earlier), and I think a shift would occur, because of the paradox itself. As I mentioned before, shifts happen because the world is trying to avoid a paradox. The thesis would still burn, and Okabe would probably still disappear, for having no reason to be there in the past anymore. We know things like this can happen (doing something that would logically cause you not being able to do that) in S;G, because the same thing happened with the Alpha -> Beta (and vice versa) shift.

He can't send any pointless mail. Echelon (SERN's system for information collecting from around the world) probably intercepted that mail, because of the strange content, saying the death of a famous person like Kurisu (at least famous in the world of science). I don't think it captures any random mail. Only when they contain something strange/interesting like that. And even this might have been just by chance. And of course it wasn't until much later that they even saw the mail in the database and realized the strange dating of it. It's not known whether or not it would have been intercepted if it was sent days later. But even if it were I don't think everything would have been "delayed", it would have gone the same way as before. Okabe would just have less time to "save Mayuri" and things like that :/

You know, you really should read the VN :D I mean maybe it would clear some things (maybe not things like this, as most of this is speculation, but still). And, well, I can see that this whole thing really interests you and makes you think a lot so why not read it? :D Depending on how fast you read it would take around 30-50 hours at max.
RazielZeroJul 14, 2014 5:59 AM
Jul 14, 2014 1:43 PM
Jun 2014
RazielZero said:
So, to summarize: I think that he could still burn the thesis (if it's not bound like we both said earlier), and I think a shift would occur, because of the paradox itself. As I mentioned before, shifts happen because the world is trying to avoid a paradox. The thesis would still burn, and Okabe would probably still disappear, for having no reason to be there in the past anymore. We know things like this can happen (doing something that would logically cause you not being able to do that) in S;G, because the same thing happened with the Alpha -> Beta (and vice versa) shift.

How do we know things like this can happen doing something that would logically cause you not being able to do that? How do you know he could still burn the thesis and prevent ww3 even if he shouldn't be there? You used the alpha beta shift as an example, the beta to alpha switch happened because he sent a D-mail sern picked up, the alpha to beta switch happened because he deleted the D-mail before sern noticed it, how is that doing something that would logically cause you not being able to do that/a paradox?

With the kurisu example i meant, what would happen if observer okabe was standing in the room with Nakabachi and kurisu and he just burns the thesis there immediately before she is stabbed, however in my example he technically never did do anything to prevent kurisu from being stabbed like tie up nakabachi he just burned the thesis before she was stabbed, would she still be saved? Does the world line continue in a strange sort of way meaning Nakabachi can still kill kurisu (maybe even more so assuming okabe disappears) but it won't be known/decided until after the shift or the fact that the thesis is burned guarantees she will be alive because that is the reason they met. In your different example i think it's almost definite she would be saved if burning her thesis really means she would never meet her father than burning it very early might save her.

About you saying sern intercepted it because it was an important D-mail because it mentioned kurisu dying. Was it because sern actually knows that kurisu invents a time machine in the future, or was it that they just know kurisu is a very good scientist, similarly if Okabe sends a D-mail to Daru would sern detect it because in the future they are terrorists or does sern not know that Okabe and daru are terroists in the future of the Beta world line (I know they are terroists in the alpha world line as well but the D-mail was sent in Beta).

About you saying nothing would be delayed he would just have less time, I'm not so sure, yes certain things can't be delayed like mayuri's death because of the attractor field but other things probably can. In my example i used 5 days, I'm going to use that again. If okabe sent a D-mail 5 days later that sern picked up on then most of the events like when he sent the D-mails or when he deletes the D-mail from serns database (depending on how long it takes them to detect it) or when he uses the time machine to save kurisu/prevent ww3 would change by 5 days i think. The question is what sort of effect this would have on original oberver okabe, his mission, and the destination world line considering he did everything 5 days earlier. Would he still be able to complete his mission?

Also this begs a new question what if past okabe fails because of the delay? I'm thinking but not really that sure, that the result would be the sames as the he never went on his journey thing we have been talking about, meaning observer okabe disappears and he either succeeds or fails depending on whether people who shouldn't be there can change things.

I'm considering reading the visual novel but i feel like now that i have already seen the show I'm not sure if its worth it.
rikshi30Jul 15, 2014 6:17 PM
Jul 14, 2014 4:30 PM

Sep 2011
Pretty much every D-mail could be used as an example, but the easiest to explain it with is the very first D-mail.
As we all know the D-mail gets intercepted and is later found by SERN, they capture Okabe and the gang, etc-etc, dystopia is created, Suzuha goes back in time and crashes into the Radio building preventing the conference from being held. See now? Okabe sent a D-mail which essentially, in the long run, prevented his own reason of sending the mail. If the conference doesn't happen he doesn't have a reason to send the D-mail, but if he doesn't send it the conference takes place and therefore he still has to send it in the end, and so on and so forth... So yeah, things like this can happen as we see right here.
The Alpha -> Beta is pretty much the same thing, but reversed. Okabe deleted the mail, therefore the conference was held, but if it was held then he doesn't have a reason to later delete something to prevent the dystopia, because it doesn't even happen since Suzuha doesn't come back (well, not for that reason anyway).

On the Kurisu thing it's still just guessing on my part, but yes, it would probably be something like that. If he burns it right there Nakabachi might still try to hurt/kill Kurisu even if he won't even remember Okabe being there and burning the thesis. However if it is burned earlier then they might not even meet. At least hopefully Kurisu wouldn't be hurt by her father even if she still meets him, because he wouldn't get angry over the thesis (and Kurisu being a better scientist).

The mail intercepting was probably just because of her being famous as a scientist, they didn't know anything about the future.

Well, yes, some things might get delayed, but general things like people meeting Okabe and Suzuha wanting to leave should remain the same I think. But these as well depend mostly on when Mayuri's death happen. Because for example Suzuha going back was during those days. The deletion of the mail would still be some days after. Mayuri's death, and the cause of it (SERN finding the D-mail), might be delayed, but I'm not sure.
I don't think he would fail, he would still be able to shift the world line back to the Beta sooner or later.

Of course it's worth it! I watched the anime first as well, yet when I read the VN I was still like "OMG, this is even more awesome!". It's longer with more explanation (even a glossary), achievements, more endings (some choices for the other female characters), fully voiced of course by the same people, some scenes that were cut out (like the one about Nae that was only shown in the movie for a second or so) and a very, very beautiful art style (characters, background arts and CGs, all of them).
Just read it, now! :D
RazielZeroJul 14, 2014 4:39 PM
Jul 15, 2014 3:09 PM
Jun 2014
RazielZero said:

Well, yes, some things might get delayed, but general things like people meeting Okabe and Suzuha wanting to leave should remain the same I think. But these as well depend mostly on when Mayuri's death happen. Because for example Suzuha going back was during those days. The deletion of the mail would still be some days after. Mayuri's death, and the cause of it (SERN finding the D-mail), might be delayed, but I'm not sure.
I don't think he would fail, he would still be able to shift the world line back to the Beta sooner or later.

What do you mean by people meeting okabe? I'm thinking some of it would be delayed like him meeting fayris's father because the D-mail would be delayed. Also what did you mean by suzuha wanting to leave? How are these things dependent on mayuri's death?

What makes you think he wouldn't fail if it was delayed? I'm not disagreeing with you I'm just not sure. One way i think he could fail would be if he sends a D-mail late so sern checks their database much earlier, in relation to when he sent it, causing him to fail. If this wouldn't work correct me and tell me why.

Also in my 5 days example observer okabe uses the time machine to save kurisu and prevent ww3 on july 10 past okabe sends a D-mail 5 days later and therefore should be using the time machine 5 days later is that right or wrong? Also make sure you keep in mind that both past and observer okabe have the same destination point and date, meaning they both travel to the same past date to prevent ww3/kurisu and they both travel to the future after everything is done to the same time, the thesis burns at the same time on plane. Going to post this again. The question is what sort of effect this would have on original oberver okabe, his mission, and the destination world line considering he did everything 5 days earlier. Would he still be able to complete his mission?
rikshi30Jul 15, 2014 3:30 PM
Jul 16, 2014 4:33 AM

Sep 2011
By people meeting Okabe I meant that when we first saw some new people (new for Okabe as well) like Moeka and Suzuha. There is really no reason for them to "arrive" later into Okabe's life. What might happen though is that Okabe is suddenly supposed to know Suzuha, because in the alpha world line they might have already met when the shift happened.
Suzuha ran away once after they couldn't find her father, you know, that was the day with the raining that damaged the time machine and when Okabe stopped her. And like I said, this happened some days before Mayuri's death, so it's possible it might get changed if Mayuri's death is delayed, but maybe it wouldn't.
But now that I think about it, there might be something that could (but not necessarily) change a lot. Okabe meeting Kurisu in the alpha world line during that other conference or whatever that was when Kurisu held a speech. But this might also not change since even if Okabe shifts the world later the alpha world line should still go the way it was, and Okabe should still meet her and later she would just appear at the lab.

The whole reason I think he wouldn't fail is because of his desperation to save Mayushii. I believe that he would still try to find a solution no matter how much the circumstances change. One possible thing that could hinder this is what you mentioned. If SERN finds the D-mail sooner they might raid the lab before the Time Leap Machine could be completed. That could cause quite a lot of trouble :/

He would still be able to complete it. But as I said before, I don't think there would be a delay like that. And even if it could happen, we know it didn't. Okabe traveled to the present as he planned to. If the delay would have happened I'm sure there would be some kind of sign of it. The delayed Okabe wouldn't even want to travel back to the present to the same time as Observer-Okabe in the first place. He would travel back to the 5-days-later present where he arrived from Alpha.
Jul 16, 2014 7:31 PM
Jun 2014
Yes i know the delay didn't happen in the show it couldn't because past okabe saw the blood scene at the exact same time observer okabe first did and therefore he sent the D-mail at the exact same time as observer okabe first did. Also there is the existence of the attractor field as well forcing everything to happen with the same result at the same times. Your also right there was no sign of it ever happening, no changes occurred nothing. The show and VN didn't even talk about it (something that would be important for the VN or show to present if it happened) meaning it never happened. Even in my theoretical no attractor field universe, taking into account you said echelon only intercepts important things, the reason sern picked up on his D-mail was because it was the first thing documenting the death of a famous scientist before anything else, any other news outlet or whatever. So he would've had to have sent it early maybe not at the exact same moment (although he did send it at the exact same moment in the show). Also he probably wouldn't have sent another D-mail over the course of his life that would've been detected by echelon and added to the sern database but maybe he would've that's what were discussing.

However i am just asking what if he sent that mail or something else later at some point in his life and it still got intercepted and added to the database, in order for me to better understand the mechanics of the steins gate universe as well as answer some unanswered interesting questions.

You keep saying you don't think there would be a delay but you never explain why or how you think that is, can you please explain why and how that is. Regarding the delays i used 5 days as an example i could've used two months if i wanted to pushing things even further. If okabe never sent his first D-mail and instead sent a D-mail sern intercepted 5 day later. Would that not mean his journey would begin 5 days later meaning he would send all those D-mails 5 days later and he would have to undo them 5 days later. This would eventually lead to him arriving at and using the time machine in the beta world line 5 days later. Is this wrong if so how?

Regarding what you said about delayed okabe wanting to travel back to 5 days past the present observer okabe was in. I don't know about that, i mean if he did that then kurisu would be dead and nakabachi would be in possession of the thesis. He would either have to travel to just before kurisu dies and nakabachi steals the thesis like observer okabe did, or he could travel way back before kurisu dies and nakabachi steals the thesis. However if he travels way back and undoes it this creates a paradox in relation to observer okabe who undid it at a different date, which is generally what i have been trying to get at this whole time. So then the questions come up again what happens to observer okabe and the destination world line?

About past okabe failing i think it's highly unlikely but it might be possible. My sern checking the database example probably won't cause past okabe to fail because past okabe and daru would escape create a time machine and use suzuha to fix their mistake. However there is the possibility you mentioned he doesn't attend kurisu's conference or becomes friends with her because he never saw the blood event or that he sent the D-mail days after the conference, so his past self wouldn't attend because it's not nakabachi's conference which was what he was planning to attend but of course now it's cancelled. Another one is what if past okabe sends the first important D-mail that sern intercepts years later around when he is about to complete the time machine and therefore they get captured and don't complete the time machine in time, not sure if this last one is possible, maybe you know? I think if past okabe fails however the result would be the same as our he never went on his journey example observer okabe would disappear but he would still prevent ww3 and save kurisu, do you think this is correct?
rikshi30Jul 16, 2014 9:54 PM
Jul 20, 2014 8:42 AM

Sep 2011
Sending a D-mail 5 days later would still result in the same world. The result of the D-mail should still be the dystopia and the time machine crashing in the radio building. It doesn't affect the world in any other way other than SERN perhaps finding the D-mail later and by that Mayuri dying later. Sending it later should only really decide the time of the world line shift itself happening. And if the world is the same then a lot of things should have already happened in that world line like Kurisu coming to the lab and them experimenting. Okabe would just be weirded out over the fact that Kurisu is there.
If she is there, that is. She might not come there if Okabe doesn't shout with her in the conference hall about her being supposed to be dead, and he shouted with her because he already came there from the beta world line. If he "originally lived there" in the alpha world line then he has no reason to start shouting with Kurisu over her being alive. So that might actually cause some major changes. Not delays, but a major difference since she isn't there in the lab and she would have no reason to go there. This might actually be a wholly different world line, not even alpha :D

About the delayed-Okabe time traveling and stuff:
I said: "The delayed Okabe wouldn't even want to travel back to the present to the same time as Observer-Okabe in the first place. He would travel back to the 5-days-later present where he arrived from Alpha."
I was talking about him going back to the "present" and not back to the past. Him going back to the past is of course the same date as Observer Okabe's, July 28th. I meant that after doing what he needed to in the past he would probably travel back to the present, just like Observer Okabe, but he would probably go to 5 days later than Observer Okabe, because in your theoretical situation he arrived back to the beta world line (from the alpha) 5 days later due to his delay. So naturally he would want to go back to the same time he arrived from alpha.

Okabe failing and stuff:
He would have no reason to be building a time machine in the beta world line without experiencing the alpha world line in the first place. He probably has no idea they even have a time machine-like microwave without ever sending a D-mail. He would be just living his life.
Though you still need to take in mind that this world line should be changing to the S;G world line when the thesis burns. And as we know Okabe should be sending the D-mail before that to ensure that the burning could happen in the first place, setting everything in motion.
RazielZeroJul 20, 2014 8:54 AM
Jul 21, 2014 3:54 AM
Jun 2014
RazielZero said:
Sending a D-mail 5 days later would still result in the same world. The result of the D-mail should still be the dystopia and the time machine crashing in the radio building. It doesn't affect the world in any other way other than SERN perhaps finding the D-mail later and by that Mayuri dying later. Sending it later should only really decide the time of the world line shift itself happening. And if the world is the same then a lot of things should have already happened in that world line like Kurisu coming to the lab and them experimenting. Okabe would just be weirded out over the fact that Kurisu is there.

Do you mean everything will have already happened even okabe sending the D-mails? What about Okabe undoing them?

Then if okabe triggers the shift from beta to alpha when in the alpha world okabe has already sent a D-mail Does okabe arrive in a different world line than the default beta? Does he arrive in the world line in which that specific D-mail has already switched it to ie: the world line where rukas gender changed to a girl? What would happen if okabe initiated the shift from beta to alpha just before okabe from alpha is about to delete the D-mail from Serns database, would he appear right there about to delete it without doing anything?

There is also a new way he could fail using your theory. Say he triggered the shift at the time he has to undo all the D-mail's he may not be able to do it because he has no memory of the D-mails being sent because he never experienced it, He wouldn't even know he has to undo all those D-mails. This would make undoing them almost impossible especially the one with Moeka since the change is much less obvious than the others.
This next question I'm not sure anyone knows the answer to, it's a weird one... Using your theory that everything just happens/continues. If you remember in the show okabe initially sends all these D-mails, he then time leaps back in time to undo them, if okabe triggers the shift around this time does he arrive in the world line with the D-mails sent or undone? not sure if anyone can know that lol.

You said that the experiments would still continue but if you remember the reason the experiment at the beginning was successful was because okabe, had already sent a D-mail and switched from beta to alpha. While they were doing their experiment daru says he connected his phone to the microwave at the time okabe remembers sending his D-maill Kurisu then says lets recreate it. Without okabe sending the D-mail and shifting from alpha to beta they probably would have just been sitting their turning bananas into jelly. They might have figured it out eventually anyway. The longest it could ever take would be when okabe shifts from alpha to beta in my example is 5 days later, this could result in failiue or delay depending on when the rounders decide to raid them.

About mayuri's death being delayed because sern finds the D-mail later. Mayuri's death is held by the attractor field, now in the show okabe still manages to delay it by a day by undoing his D-mail stopping suzuha from traveling back in time before the storm, shifting to a world line where her death is delayed by a day. Mayuri will probably still die because of the attractor field even if the rounders don't show. They might still show if they find out about the D-mail at the same time despite it being sent later (you can never know how Sern checks their database). The time of her death depends on my questions in the previous paragraphs it would depend on which world line okabe lands on when he triggers the shift. Although you can't ever be certain it would even be the same world line as any of the ones in the show since okabe sent his D-mail later in my alpha world line example.

This last question is just a normal non theoritical question. What was Suzuha doing in 2000 in the beta world line posting titor stuff? In the alpha world line she goes back to 1975 to recover the IBN to delete okabes D-mail from serns database. What was she doing in the past in the beta?

This is going to be a new question added a couple days after i first posted this. I recently started playing the VN like you recommended. in the visual novel around the beginning in chapter 2 on 07/31 okabe sends a message to john titor/suzuha trying to explain that the john titor from 2000 said ww3 occurs in 2015 i thought ww3 occurs in 2025 in the beta world line whats going on? Is this a tranlation error? can you check your VN copy?
rikshi30Jul 24, 2014 7:32 PM
Jul 30, 2014 7:03 AM

Sep 2011
Sorry for the very long reply, I've been busy with a few things lately :/

I'm actually not sure about the first one. I've been thinking about it, but I'm still not sure whether he would appear in the "default" alpha world line or one where a D-mail already altered the world line. I think both of these outcomes are logical, but I'm a bit more inclined toward the "altered by D-mail" one.
If that happened then yes, what you said about failing would probably happen, since he wouldn't know a lot of things that happened before he arrived. I'm also not sure about what would happen if its during the time leaping :/
But just like I said these things might not even occur since Okabe wouldn't talk to Kurisu in the first place. So that thing about the experiment continuing might not even happen either :D
Yes Mayuri's death might or might not be delayed, depending on which world line it is :/

I don't think it was mentioned what she was doing in 2000. In the beta world line she first went back to 1975, then to 2000, then to 2010. We know that from Suzuha herself (she mentions it before the Kurisu saving attempts). I think she also mentioned that she went back to 1975 to get an IBN, she probably needed to secure one there as well so that later Daru can hack into SERN to get their data so they could build a time machine (like I said earlier). But I don't know why she stopped in 2000 :/ Perhaps it was Okabe himself who told her to stop there and post stuff on the internet to come full circle :D We might never learn the truth...

No it's 2015. I've also seen some places where they say it was in 2025, but it broke out in 2015. People might have confused it with Okabe's death, or they might have thought that Okabe died during WW3, which isn't true.
RazielZeroJul 30, 2014 7:06 AM
Jul 30, 2014 2:58 PM
Jun 2014
RazielZero said:

I think she also mentioned that she went back to 1975 to get an IBN, she probably needed to secure one there as well so that later Daru can hack into SERN to get their data so they could build a time machine (like I said earlier).

This doesn't make any sense if they needed the IBN to create a time machine then how could they use a time machine to send back suzuha to get an IBN???

Are you sure ww3 occurs in 2015 i have been to many sites that have all said it occurs in 2025 many people on forums as well say it occurs in 2025. This is a site that seems pretty reliable that puts 2025 as the date of ww3. are all these people/sites wrong?

This is a quote from one of you earlier post on this page
RazielZero said:
He would have no reason to be building a time machine in the beta world line without experiencing the alpha world line in the first place. He probably has no idea they even have a time machine-like microwave without ever sending a D-mail. He would be just living his life.

Are you sure he has to experience the alpha world line first in order to build the time machine? Wouldn't okabe create a time machine regardless of him experiencing the alpha world line in order to prevent ww3? If ww3 occurs in 2015 and okabe lives until 2025 wouldn't he create a time machine to prevent it?

Do you think okabe would've had to have sent a D-mail in order to want to or understand how to build a time machine? Are you sure okabe won't send/doesn't send any other D-mails in the beta world line? Did okabe ever send any other D-mails in the beta world line either in the VN/Show? If you remember in the show after okabe arrives in alpha he starts experimenting with the phone microwave until he figures out it's a time travel device, he then figures out how to send D-mail using the phone microwave, could/would or did he actually do something similar in the beta that i am unaware of because i haven't finished the VN? If you think he would or actually does figure out how to send D-mails (maybe he figured out how to send other D-mails in the VN) do you think this could lead to him developing a time machine in the beta without experiencing the alpha world line?

This may have gotten a little confusing. The reason i used the words "would" or "does" is because I'm unsure whether beta okabe figures out how to send D-mails on his own without experiencing the alpha world line in the VN as i have not finished the VN yet.

This is another one of those weird ones.
About that kurisu blood event with no attractor field thing we have been discussing. What do you think would happen if observer okabe tried to help kurisu escape from her father by making her run out of the room together but this means past okabe no longer sees the blood event in the same room/location, Would observer okabe disappear? but if he disappears it would mean that Dr Nakabachi catches kurisu since okabe is no longer helping her escape and kills her in a different location than the original world line. Past okabe would then arrive and witness her being killed although in a different location he would then leave and send his D-mail that is detected by sern/echeleon in a way recreating the loop, although the body is in a different location, i am not sure if that would make a difference, do you think it would make a difference? but is this possible? If observer okabes disappearance leads to kurisu's death albeit in a different location and past okabe still sends the D-mail although the location he saw the body of kurisu has changed would observer okabe still disappear? However if he disappears the cause of his disappearance is in a way negated because kurisu would be killed right after observer okabe's disappearance and past okabe would then send the D-mail to maintain observers loop, SO WHAT HAPPENS? Does everything have to happen the same exact way for observer okabe to not disappear, meaning does past okabe have to find the body in the same location at about the same time? Or can changes be made as long as the end result is past okabe sending a D-mail saying kurisu has been stabbed?
rikshi30Aug 1, 2014 1:04 PM
Aug 3, 2014 3:21 PM

Sep 2011
About the IBN: Yes it might seem strange, but this is not the first time a loop like this happened. Just think about Suzuha always crashing into the radio building which was essentially caused by Okabe sending a D-mail in a completely different world line (beta). Or an even easier is the origin of the divergence meter. It's an endless loop without a beginning. The reason this is possible is the reconstruction of the whole world happening during a world line shift. Past, Present and Future all change at once, allowing things like these endless loops to happen.
Then again, this was only a theory from me, though I still think this is the reason she went back in the beta.

Well, it was 2015 in both the VN and the anime (the text message was shown there as well). I'm quite sure that's the true year. Like I said, people probably confused it with Okabe's death or that he died during it or something.
I haven't seen the original japanese text in the VN, but I don't think they made any mistakes.

What I mean was that without seeing what his first D-mail did and later slowly realizing what the microwave can do he would never make one in beta as well. There is a chance that he would still somehow discover the power of the microwave by an accident similar to the first D-mail. So he might realize it or might not. And even if he does we can't know if he could build a time machine without learning some of the things he learned while working with Kurisu in the alpha. Or they might not even try to hack into SERN without knowing that they even had anything to do with time machines, because in beta they weren't really involved in WW3.
So basically he might try to make one, but I doubt it, at least I think it has a small probability.

I don't think the blood event is fully restricted, even if it's bound by the attractor field. It might be similar to Mayuri's death, which was also pretty open with the method as long as she died... So the blood event could maybe also happen elsewhere, as long as Okabe sees it and sends the D-mail. He wouldn't just disappear if he takes Kurisu away, only if he takes her so far away that her father can't kill her, then he would disappear sooner or later. After that, Past-Okabe can see her, it doesn't matter, because he isn't gonna send a D-mail anway, unless she somehow dies in another way and thus Okabe sends the D-mail.
Then again, I think the scene is bound by the attractor field, so it must happen in some way, shape or form.
Aug 3, 2014 9:29 PM

Jun 2014
RazielZero said:
So the blood event could maybe also happen elsewhere, as long as Okabe sees it and sends the D-mail.

It would have to happen there at where it happened due to:
1. The origin of which Okabe(the one who heard the scream) heard screaming from the other Okabe.

2. That might be the place where Nakabachi and Kurisu agreed to meet.
Aug 4, 2014 3:50 AM

Sep 2011
damastah said:
It would have to happen there at where it happened due to:
1. The origin of which Okabe(the one who heard the scream) heard screaming from the other Okabe.

2. That might be the place where Nakabachi and Kurisu agreed to meet.

What I'm saying is that even if it is bound by an attractor field it might allow some changes to be made to the scene, as long as it still happens. Like I said the same things happened with Mayuri's death. She could be killed by the Rounders, hit by a car, hit by a train/subway, die of a heart attack and so and so forth. The means doesn't matter as long as the result happens.
The scene even allowed changes like Okabe being the killer and Okabe actually saving her and just making up the scene. I'm sure it could also allow changes like it happening elsewhere. Maybe by Okabe taking her away and somehow Nakabachi seeing them and going after them. The screaming could probably also happen in that other place.
I'm not saying it would be too far away, because Okabe still has to hear the scream and/or find the scene and of course it shouldn't be too long after the original time.
Aug 4, 2014 10:49 PM
Jun 2014
This next paragraph asks the most important question in this entire thread it covers why i am even asking you all these questions in the first place and I may create a whole new thread for just this question to hear what other people have to say.

Was there an attractor field convergence point around kurisus stabbing and Dr nakabachi stealing the thesis? I feel like i sort of forced you to believe there is but I am not sure... Now that i think about it, it would be much simpler if there wasn't an attractor field convergence point involved because everything would still play out exactly the same. This is confirmed in the first episode when the alternate/original observer okabe failed in the exact same way that the main character observer okabe failed around the end of the series. This is because they're both okabes in the same situation at the same exact time so they would react in the same way everything would play out the same as okabe/kurisu/nakabachi would do the same things because they are the same people/themselves in the same circumstances, things would play out exactly the way they did at the ending when okabe failed and at the beginning when that alternate okabe failed there would be abosolutely no way to change the outcome. It is when you get attractor fields involved that things get more complicated one could say that because there is an attractor field there (not 100 percent certain there is) that was the reason things played out the way they did and if there wasn't one there things might have played out differently. That last sentence is the reason i asked you all these questions i assumed the attractor field existed so i asked you possibilities of what would happen if it didn't. You read the VN did it say if there was an attractor field convergence point around kurisu's stabbing and Dr. nakabachi stealing the thesis?

Next point/question I am going to quote one of your posts from an earlier point on this page "It isn't clear whether or not the thesis CAN burn before the plane thing with Kurisu's father, but if it can then burning it right then and there would be a huge mistake. If a shift were to happen (and it probably would) and the world line it changes to is one where Observer-Okabe doesn't have a reason to be in the past at that time (he didn't come back) then he would disappear. The reason for his disappearance wouldn't be that he didn't live through that 3 weeks and things like that, but that he probably has no reason to come back because there wouldn't be a WW3 (same as Suzuha)."
I don't think okabe would immediately disappear as kurisu (if she remains alive) would almost certainly just rewrite the thesis so ww3 still happens and his and suzuhas reason remains so they don't disappear, what do you think about that? Do you disagree and think that they will both disappear anyways, and then kurisu rewrites the thesis causing ww3 to happen? The reason she doesn't rewrite the theisis in the show is because observer okabe continues the loop so therefore she remembers him as well as more importantly observer okabe (who did not disappear, and reading steiner is intact) remembers what happens if she does write the thesis and convinces her not to write it she believes him because she vaguely remembers their journey together because of the loop. The fact that she vaguely remembers their journey is confirmed both in the ending of the show and in the movie as well. Your thoughts on all this.

About what damastah said i think i agree with him. Past okabe would have to find the body in the exact same location because if he doesn't it would create a paradox as observer okabe originally found the body in that exact room so if the location changes it would break/change the loop crating a new loop for a new past okabe where he found the body of kurisu somewhere else, what do you think?

I have a bit left on my mind but this post is already too long so if you could just answer these and then i will post my last bit. I just want to thank you for everything though, i noticed you also help other people who ask questions about steins gate your a great guy for helping so many people out, thank you for everything.
rikshi30Aug 7, 2014 12:08 PM
Aug 10, 2014 2:21 PM

Sep 2011
Future-Okabe said himself that there is an attractor field converge there. He could have been wrong, but I don't think so. He didn't say for the scene itself specifically, but about Kurisu's death, or more like that it's not a must that she dies, but Okabe seeing that is a must. So basically I think that means the scene. Also from what we have seen or know so far I don't think it's just coincidence that things went the way they did, and we don't have proof that everyone would do exactly the same thing always.

I don't think Kurisu would rewrite the thesis if it was burned by Okabe. I mean I guess she would realize that there must have been some meaning behind a "madman" just burning it :D But this whole thing could be just avoided by Okabe doing what he did in the end, by making sure it burned on the plane. And I guess if he would have chosen to burn it himself then he surely would have told her not to rewrite it and hope that she will listen to him by sooner or later remembering what happened in the other world lines or something. Or he could just tell her what her father would do and again hope that she believes him :D

I'm sure that if the location could change then it would also not break the loop. And if it did change then the Okabe would later has to come back would also remember the new location.

I'm glad I can help people :) I'm really just doing it so that people don't get the wrong idea that "S;G is full of plot-holes" and things like that. And of course to explain things to those who couldn't fully understand parts of the anime here and there :)
I hope that I don't seem like just some die-hard fanboy to people...trying to protect his precious anime :/
RazielZeroAug 10, 2014 2:26 PM
Aug 13, 2014 12:12 PM
Jun 2014
If you remember at the end of the series okabe meets kurisu and she remembers him not perfectly though.,this is also confirmed in the movie when she remembers some of their journey. My question is did kurisu only remember okabe because okabe traveled to the present which was past the point he originally made the alpha to beta world line shift. Meaning if okabe got in his time machine with suzuha and traveled before okabe originally arrived in the beta world line from alpha (there would also probably be two okabes because the shift to steins gate hasn't happened yet) would kurisu still recognize him? If so this would mean the further he travels the stronger suzuhas memories correct?

RazielZero said:
It isn't clear whether or not the thesis CAN burn before the plane thing with Kurisu's father, but if it can then burning it right then and there would be a huge mistake. If a shift were to happen (and it probably would) and the world line it changes to is one where Observer-Okabe doesn't have a reason to be in the past at that time (he didn't come back) then he would disappear. The reason for his disappearance wouldn't be that he didn't live through that 3 weeks and things like that, but that he probably has no reason to come back because there wouldn't be a WW3 (same as Suzuha).
This is also why he must not have burned the thesis right at that time so the world didn't shift immediately. They could travel back to the present with Suzuha and the shift happened during (or more like at the very end of) their travel. Since he was already at the present where he was supposed to be he didn't disappear.

This one is especially important can you please explain this.
About your post did the shift happen when the thesis burned aboard the plane? or did it happen when okabe arrived to the present? did suzuha travel past the point in time when the thesis burned aboard the plane? If so how is this possible time machines would cease to exist at the moment the thesis burned correct? So how could suzuha travel past that point in time? Or is it that Okabe and Suzuha won't disappear if the thesis burns early anyway because kurisu would rewrite it and Suzuha just disappears upon arriving to the present since her disappearance is no longer tied to Okabes and it is also already decided that okabe will convince kurisu not to rewrite the thesis upon arriving to the present (this theory is discussed in depth in the bottom paragraphs)? Or did she not travel past that point in time did the thesis burn after okabe arrived to the present? If the thesis burned before okabe arrived to the present I'm thinking both okabe and suzuha should have disappeared together during that time travel trip at the moment the thesis burns because suzuha would not be able to travel past the point in time the thesis burns, also okabe would then be in the past without the reason he got there in the first place, the existence of time machines. However he didn't disappear in the show or VN during the time travel trip can you explain why?

You didn't really answer my second question. If okabe burns the thesis she would probably just rewrite it wouldn't she? You said she wouldn't rewrite it because she would think there is a meaning behind some mad man burning it, however if this causes him to disappear she wouldn't even remember Okabe burning it and she would just rewrite it anyway right? But if she is going to rewrite the thesis anyway if okabe burns it would okabe still disappear immediately upon burning it? Wouldn't his reason remain wouldn't time machines and ww3 still exist because he hasn't convinced her not to rewrite it yet? And therefore because his reason remains okabe wouldn't disappear and continues to exist? What do you think would happen, would okabe just disappear anyway and kurisu just rewrites the thesis or does he remain or something else?

About convincing her not to rewrite the thesis this is where my first question comes in. If okabe were to travel to a further point in time that isn't the present would suzuha remember him. (this is sort of my first question) If so he could use her memory of him to convince her not to rewrite it, however if he does this he would then lose his reason to be there and disappear she would then forget about him convincing her and she would rewrite the thesis anyway. The other alternative i see is even if he burns the thesis and convinces her not to rewrite the thesis he doesn't disappear he just continues to exist until he gets to the present where he is supposed to be then a shift happens and then suzuha and her time machine both disappear, since they are no longer tied to okabes disappearance okabe also remains (and potentially replaces the other okabe if burning the thesis didn't cause a shift immediately). What do you think happens to okabe does he disappear or does the alternative i posted happen or something else?

Adding this one a couple days later. Was there a convergence point around nakabachi stealing the thesis and boarding the plane ? Or did that just happen I'm pretty sure there was a convergence point around kurisu lying in a pool of blood but what about nakabachi stealing the thesis and boarding the plane.
rikshi30Aug 14, 2014 6:31 AM
Aug 18, 2014 4:55 AM

Sep 2011
It doesn't really matter when Okabe arrives if we are talking about Kurisu's memories. The reason she remembered him is because Reading Steiner can be found in everyone, to some degree. Kurisu didn't completely lose all her memories from the shift, and the emotional meet with Okabe (plus the thing he said) drew out some of her memories.

It wasn't explained when the shift happens, but I think it's when the paper burns on the plane. That happened probably some minutes before Okabe's arrival in the present (from the trip with Suzuha), because Nakabachi was giving that interview after arriving at the airport from the flight. The burning happened shortly before landing.
I think the reason they still safely arrived was because the shift happened during their travel. For some reason they could still complete the journey (perhaps the shift couldn't stop the journey altogether) and the time machine along with Suzuha disappeared in an instant (Okabe mentioned this in the epilogue, that it disappeared right after arriving).

If for some reason Kurisu would rewrite the thesis (and would still have the intention of showing it to her father) then Okabe probably wouldn't disappear even after burning it, because his reason for coming back would still exist, even if not at that moment in time, but later.
I'm not sure if Kurisu would remember Okabe if he just disappeared right before her eyes. But like I said, this is precisely the reason Okabe didn't just burn it right then and there, but made sure that it would later burn on the plane. He didn't want to risk Kurisu rewriting it, and I'm sure she wouldn't after what happened before the blood scene. Also, Okabe said in the epilogue that even if Nakabachi would remember parts of the thesis and would try publishing/using it, Kurisu would most likely stop him. The scientist society would believe her more than her father.
So I'm sorry, but I really don't feel like making theories about what would happen in another situation, because this exactly is why Future-Okabe didn't want to do it this way, he didn't want to try playing guessing-game :D

Well, I'm sure Nakabachi stealing thesis must happen (it leads to the blood scene after all), and I guess there could be a convergence point around him boarding the plane. I mean the most logical way to go to Russia (Moscow, to be more precise) from Japan with the thesis is by plane.
RazielZeroAug 18, 2014 5:00 AM
Aug 18, 2014 12:32 PM
Jun 2014
Thanks for answering everything. When i first created this thread i didn't think i would get a single reply but thankfully you proved me wrong. You have been a huge help thanks for everything.
Aug 18, 2014 2:23 PM

Sep 2011
rikshi30 said:
Thanks for answering everything. When i first created this thread i didn't think i would get a single reply but thankfully you proved me wrong. You have been a huge help thanks for everything.

I'm glad I could help. I should also thank you as well. Your questions/theories also made theorize/think about parts of S;G that I didn't before, and I also learned new things as well thanks to this :)
PM me or write in this thread if you have any other questions or just want to talk about S;G in the future ;)
Aug 29, 2014 4:12 AM
Jun 2014
Sorry for the late reply i have been busy and a little hesitant about reviving this dead thread.
I think you might have misinterpreted one of my questions and i might have misinterpreted one of your answers, I'll post your answer.

RazielZero said:
It doesn't really matter when Okabe arrives if we are talking about Kurisu's memories. The reason she remembered him is because Reading Steiner can be found in everyone, to some degree. Kurisu didn't completely lose all her memories from the shift, and the emotional meet with Okabe (plus the thing he said) drew out some of her memories.

I am going to ask the same general question i did before/same general idea, but I'm going to use daru instead of kurisu to make things simpler and easier to understand.

Whenever okabe arrived in beta world line from alpha if okabe was to approach daru, daru should remember some things from the alpha world line (I know daru's memories/reading steiner probably won't be strong enough for him to remember anything but for the sake of example lets say it is strong enough)

Now my question is if okabe, after arriving in the beta world line was to travel to the past using suzuhas time machine and talk to daru about the alpha world line would daru remember anything? Or would he have no memory of alpha because okabe traveled to the past which was before his arrival from alpha to beta?

Essentailly what i am asking is are the persons memories of the former world lines transferred into the persons brain at the moment of shift/arrival to the next world line. Meaning would daru's memories of the alpha worldline be transferred into his brain at the moment of shift/arrival from alpha to beta? I'm thinking if this functions like reading steiner this is in fact what would happen. If so I'm thinking if okabe was to then travel to the past upon arriving in the beta world line daru would have no memories of alpha because he hasn't had them transferred into his brain yet because the time or date is before okabe shifted/arrived into the beta worldline, is this correct?

This next possibility is what i interpreted your answer as.
This other possibility is daru would still remember the alpha worldline despite okabe traveling into the past and arriving in a time which is before the original time he arrived in beta. This should also mean the closer okabe is to the present (the point he arrived in beta) the stronger darus memories would be. This is because it would be further along the alpha world line as well as being closer to the time of shift from alpha to beta which maybe would make the memories stronger (unsure about the latter). If you think this is what would happen can you please explain as to why I'm not sure exactly how this would work, how would daru get his memories? and how could they exist in the past which is before okabe arrived into beta from alpha?
rikshi30Aug 29, 2014 4:39 AM
Aug 29, 2014 5:55 AM

Sep 2011
Yes, it seems like I've kind of misunderstood your question. Sorry about that :)

Memories are not transfered, because they are rewritten (according to cause and effect) when the shift happens. But some of the memories (or all, we don't know) are still kept deep in the brain. If you wrote it like that just to be clearer then forget this :P

All versions (past, present, future) of Kurisu or Daru could essentially remember what happened in the alpha. BUT only up to the point they are at in the timeline.
So if we are talking about Kurisu during the conference (July 28th) then she could, at that point in time, remember things that happened in the alpha world line till July 28th. She can't remember things that would happen later.
If we are talking about Daru in the beta world line when Okabe arrived back there (August 17th, if I remember right), he could remember things that happened in the alpha world line till that date (so around the point Okabe deleted the D-mail from the database).

When the shift happens the memories of all versions (in all times) of people get rewritten and, at the same time, some (or all) of their old memories are stored or relocated to a deeper part of their brain.
RazielZeroAug 29, 2014 6:00 AM
Aug 29, 2014 7:34 AM
Jun 2014
How does this apply to okabe though? Okabe has a perfect reading steiner he remembers everything perfectly, doesn't this mean the past okabe's of the world lines he shifts to would perfectly remember the previous world lines? And if they do wouldn't the past okabe's react to those memories of the previous world lines? The show seemed to imply his past self didn't remember things perfectly.

Any world line shift could be used as an example but i will just use these, When faris sent her D-mail removing moe culture from Akihabra the show implied this was the first time okabe confronted his friends about the change, if his past self had perfect memories about the moe Akihabara you would think he would've talked about it before that point. Another example is the disappearance of the IBN the show implied past okabe never confronted his friends about the IBN disappearing despite the fact that past okabe should remember perfectly the IBN being in there possession. My final example is the shift from alpha to beta after okabe Deletes the D-mail from serns database. As okabe arrives in the beta world line it should mean the past okabe of that world line has perfect memories of everything that okabe experienced in the alpha world line, which includes sending D-mails but the okabe of the beta world line never sent any D-mail or talked to daru about suzuha, sern and seemingly anything else that took place in the alpha world line, how do you explain this?
rikshi30Aug 29, 2014 8:08 AM
Sep 1, 2014 6:49 AM

Sep 2011
That is the flaw of Reading Steiner. Okabe's fully-evolved/complete Reading Steiner (I don't know what word to use :D) completely keeps his memories of the previous world lines intact, and his memories don't get rewritten. At all. He doesn't get new memories (so he can't remember the past of the new world line, like Akihabara being an electronics disctrict of Tokyo), but he can keep the old ones, thus he can recognise the changes from the previous world lines. It's both a blessing and a curse...
Sep 1, 2014 8:23 AM
Jun 2014
I don't think you understood my question. I'm going to quote one of your replies then i will explain my thinking.

RazielZero said:
Memories are not transfered, because they are rewritten (according to cause and effect) when the shift happens. But some of the memories (or all, we don't know) are still kept deep in the brain. If you wrote it like that just to be clearer then forget this :P

All versions (past, present, future) of Kurisu or Daru could essentially remember what happened in the alpha. BUT only up to the point they are at in the timeline.
So if we are talking about Kurisu during the conference (July 28th) then she could, at that point in time, remember things that happened in the alpha world line till July 28th. She can't remember things that would happen later.
If we are talking about Daru in the beta world line when Okabe arrived back there (August 17th, if I remember right), he could remember things that happened in the alpha world line till that date (so around the point Okabe deleted the D-mail from the database).

When the shift happens the memories of all versions (in all times) of people get rewritten and, at the same time, some (or all) of their old memories are stored or relocated to a deeper part of their brain.

Using this logic it should mean that the past version of okabe on the world line okabe shifts into should perfectly remember the previous world line because he has a perfect reading steiner right? But the show seems to heavily imply that the past version of okabe doesn't remember the previous world line. This is proven by the fact that whenever okabe arrives in a new world line he always confronts his friends about the change for the first time as well as the fact that past okabe seemed to not react to or change anything in the world line using his perfect memories of the previous world lines. I explained this much more in depth in my reply number 45 last paragragh using the D-mail, and ibn examples as well as others.

Does the past version of okabe have perfect memories of the former world lines because of his perfect reading steiner? The show seems to imply he doesn't and if so can you explain why he doesn't have perfect memories of the previous world line despite having a perfect reading steiner (meaning okabe's past versions memories shouldn't be stored or relocated into a deeper part of his brain, he should remember everything perfectly)?
rikshi30Sep 1, 2014 8:30 AM
Sep 1, 2014 11:55 AM

Sep 2011
Oh I see what you mean now. I've encountered this problem before, but never really gave it much thought. This might actually be the only faulty part of the anime/VN. His past and future selves should remember things when a shift happens, and not just present-Okabe, and would probably act accordingly.
His future selves can be explained, because they are pretty much a projection of present-Okabe and "they" remember what Okabe has experienced in the other world lines. Future-Okabe could also remember, so there is no problem there.
His past selves, on the other hand, are not as easy to explain. It's either an error on the author's part, or something that was not explained (perhaps Reading Steiner has some parts we don't know about or maybe it has something to do with him being the "observer").
I hope I can find a solution or a theory for this. I don't want to see S;G having a fault :P
Sep 25, 2014 8:53 PM
Jun 2014
Sorry for the very very late reply i have been busy and hesitant about reviving the thread.

How do you know for certain that's the way it works though, did it say so in the VN? That the past versions of themselves also have reading steiner? What do you think about my post 43 where i said that the memories are transferred into the persons brain at the moment of shift/arrival meaning only the present and future versions of people would have reading steiner and the past versions do not, because they haven't had them transferred into their brains yet? It would explain what is going on with okabe's reading steiner, since your explanation doesn't work with okabe.

This is going to be a normal non theoretical question regarding the video mail. So please answer this one as it pertains to the actual story. When Okabe arrives in the beta world line he takes a trip to the past and fails saving Kurisu he then receives the video mail from future Okabe because of his failure, but wouldn't it have been already decided Okabe goes to the past and fails? If Okabe arrived in the beta world line in the present he should have already been to the past and attempted to save Kurisu and therefore receive the video mail anyway. I don't think i know enough about the attractor field theory to understand this hopefully you can explain.

I'm going to bring up the rewriting thesis again (sorry). I'm not sure if anyone can really know the answer to this so i would understand if you don't answer it. I'm going to make it as simple as i can so you don't get put off. For the sake of this example let's say Kurisu definitely has the intention of rewriting the thesis. Essentially my question is if Okabe burns the thesis early and convinces Kurisu not to rewrite it, this should mean Okabe disappears but if Okabe disappears Kurisu would forget about him wouldn't she? This would also mean she forgets about Okabe convincing her not to rewrite it so she then rewrites it anyway but if she does that then Okabe should still exist and not have disappeared it's a paradox see.

Can people still remember someone if they disappear from existence? This is important because these types of paradoxes depend on the person forgetting someone after they disappear. In the movie when Okabe disappeared everyone forgot him except some vague reading Steiner like memories that were strongest in Kurisu out of the remaining group but the circumstances of his disappearance in the movie is a little different than my example.

This question isn't necessarily about Kurisu rewriting the thesis I could've used many other analogies with a similar concept. This is about what happens with paradoxes involving disappearance, forgotten memories and undoing a change that creates a paradox. I could use many other similar although not entirely the same examples such as a son going back in time and convincing his mother not to marry his father etc.
rikshi30Sep 30, 2014 5:02 AM

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