Golden Ball

One Punch Man
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
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One Punch-Man
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Member Favorites: 2

Golden Ball

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Abilities: Weapons; Slingshot, Shape Memory Gold
Occupation: Superhero
Level: A-Class; Rank: 29
Affiliation: Heroes Association
Debut: Chapter 20

Golden Ball is an A-Class Superhero, rank 29. He was partnered with Spring Mustache to investigate the Kombu Infinity rumor in Z-City.

Appearance: Golden Ball is a tall man who carries a lolipop in his mouth. Golden Ball wears baggy pants, a hoddie underneath a lettermans jacket and a hat. His jacket has "Golden Ball" written on his back and on the left breast, and "It's not Kintama, it's Golden Ball," which is a joke about testicles.

Personality: Golden Ball is a rather confident man, who believes he does not need to prepare for a fight.

(Source: One Punch-Man Wikia)

Voice Actors
Arai, Souta
Tang, Kaiji
Weigert, Jacob
Nepomuceno, Marco
Portuguese (BR)
Ramirez, Luis Daniel
Zylberberg, Jérémy
De Toni, Sacha

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