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Welcome to my Profile

Back in the year 2019, I got a new phone. I was bored one day when I remembered this app called "Animedroid". My brother used to watch stuff on that app, and I said, hey, why not giving it a try and watch something.

Later, I found that Animedroid was out of service. Unfortunate. But somehow, a clip of "Tsuredure children" appeared on my youtube feed, so I decided to watch it. I enjoyed it to the point that I wanted to rewatch it inmediately. I said: "If I don't keep moving, I'll stay here". So, I started to watch more series.

Series were popular, others were not. I didn't know which ones were popular at the time. I simply scrolled over crunchyroll's library and watched whatever I felt that was interesting. I watched Takagi-san, then Re:Zero, then a few generic and terrible series. I enjoyed ALL of them nonetheless. (Conception, I remember you.)

Not much time passed until I noticed that watching anime was my favorite, and I say, FAVORITE thing to do in my free time. Whenever I was sad, Anime. Whenever I was happy, Anime. Anime was always there, and in one of the most concerning stages of my life, watching anime helped me cope with the pain of false friendships. I've always believed, that anime helped me transform into a gentle person back when I was still developing my own self as a teenager. (Who knows?)

Time passed, I watched more series. Slowly found my favorite ones, slowly found more things about this so called anime culture. Moe, Visual Novels, Eroge, Galge.. You name it..

I was a hardcore otaku at some point. One which watched two series a day. (about 5 hours per 12ep anime) I enjoyed every single minute of it. I remember collecting thousands of anime OP/ED, PV, clips, screencaps, memes, character images and art, anything. Man, those were the days.

Nowadays, I don't watch anime that frequently. Finding an anime that I can really enjoy is not something common. I still enjoy anime and I still love it with all my heart. Though, if something, I can probably watch 1-3 series per season. Thanks to a friend I've been watching anime again lately, due to us buying crunchyroll together.

These days, I've been trying to get into the world of Visual Novels after years of admiring them. I have played some in the past over the course of a few years, but I still need to learn a lot of them. I have some titles I want to play, and hopefully, I can learn to love them too and have passion for them.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
Please watch clannad if you haven't. (had to say this)

(Updated on february 4th, 2024, 3:20p.m.)

Total Completed: 358 (Last updated on April 7th, 2024)

Planning to rewatch at some point:
- Onii-chan no Koto
- Code Geass
- Welcome to the NHK
- Spice and Wolf
- Zero no Tsukaima

Series that for some reason I couldn't finish:
- Kore ga Watashi no Goshujinsama (On Hold and have been planning to watch it since 3 years ago.)
- Seto no Hanayome (tried 3 times, the anime is really fun and nice but something happens everytime I try to watch it. Could be me losing my phone, crunchyroll, getting my phone formatted, etc. bruh)
- Toonari no Kyuuketsuki-san (tried 3 times. Same situation but I always forget to continue it. I also felt uninterested every single time)

Watching this season

Last completed anime

And my favorite anime: Oreimo!

I just like almost everything about this anime.

The artistic style, the characters, the soundtrack, and even the plot lol. I like the Visual Novel too, and also the promotional products it had. I was about to buy a whole ilustration book of this anime, but didn't feel convinced, until someone else bought it before I did.

If I really really like something about this anime, it can be how it feels. It feels as if this anime is always welcoming.

No matter what happens, how much my preferences change, I can always come back to oreimo and feel great. The plot may not be calm at all, but something about this akiba and otaku stuff really makes me feel at home. lol

But yeah. I know that this anime is terrible in some aspects. I enjoy it even like that, and I think that it's truly divine.

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One of my favorite series: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai

This anime shows the perfect example of someone I would like to be. Just playing visual novels all day, who cares about anything else?

Alr, just kidding lol. But I really like this anime.

It has a nice artistic style, a beautiful soundtrack, and a world with unique characters. The story never fails to touch your heart and give you a good laugh. It has everything I could ask for.

Unfortunately, Manglobe went bankrupt, so bye bye. At least they gave us a third season, which skipped a lot of content. (It's the best season anyway)

The plot revolves around a really cool guy that is addicted to galges. He always has a white "PFP" with him everywhere he goes, and he plays them in it. Thanks to this anime, I even started to feel interest in the world of Visual Novels. I also ended up buying a white PSP for the same reason! (sadly it's currently broken. Lasted me abt a month 😭)

I recommend this anime to everyone. If you haven't watched it, you're losing out! Go ahead and give it a try!

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Honorable Mentions

Series that I liked and that have a really good deserved place here. (ignore the fact that some images here could be from the MANGA !!)

CURRENTLY W.I.P, I haven't updated this in a really long time and I've recognized series that deserve to be this place more than the others, so right now it's totally uncomplete until I find the time to update it.!!!

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All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 89.9
Mean Score: 6.56
  • Total Entries657
  • Rewatched7
  • Episodes5,737
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Tonikaku Kawaii 2nd Season
Tonikaku Kawaii 2nd Season
11 hours ago
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
Zom 100: Zombie ni Naru made ni Shitai 100 no Koto
12 hours ago
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
Dungeon Meshi
Dungeon Meshi
Yesterday, 7:58 PM
Watching 22/24 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 0.8
Mean Score: 6.33
  • Total Entries10
  • Reread0
  • Chapters129
  • Volumes13
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Yume no Hashibashi
Yume no Hashibashi
May 4, 12:59 AM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Mar 31, 10:04 PM
Completed 26/26 · Scored 6
Mii-chan wa Kawaretai
Mii-chan wa Kawaretai
Mar 7, 11:26 AM
Reading 7/? · Scored 7

All Favorites Favorites

Anime (7)
Character (10)
People (1)

All Comments (28) Comments

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ichinose06 May 25, 10:19 PM
i feel defeated. im getting kicked out of my favorite discord server
i usually never log in to talk but I liked being there. People were calm and really friendly. they helped me to get some useful images and references. I kinda feel dissapointed in myself. I think it's the first time in a long long time that I feel down

Worst thing is that i asked for it. thats why I feel like im only acting like a victim. I couldnt say goodbye to the kind people who helped me obtain the references, and I couldnt properly thank everyone. I feel like I've caused inconveniences. what to think.

I would join again. They told me "come back next year" Im 17 and I will turn 18 in just.. a month.. Is that enough? or will I need to wait a whole year?. its okay though
ichinose06 Apr 7, 7:58 PM
volvi despues de un rato
me di cuenta que hay una categoría de "rewatched" ya pude activarla y aunque solamente te permite numerar, ahora ya se que si vuelvo a ver un anime no todo será, realmente tiempo que no se tomará en cuenta. Por que perdido no es, pero me gusta anotar todo.

Y aquí me confundí un poco, no se cuantas veces volví a ver oreimo, según yo eran 3 veces las que lo volvi a ver, y a la vez, no estaba seguro de si tan si quiera lo llegue a ver de nuevo más de una vez
ichinose06 Dec 30, 2023 4:21 PM
Me gustaría premiar al anime de la noble esta temporada.
Fue de los únicos animes que nunca decayeron en toda la temporada.

A pesar de que no tenía un presupuesto tan alto como las demás series, siempre se mantuvo con una muy buena calidad en general y sobretodo, bastante entretenido.

Fue un anime bastante disfrutable. A pesar de no tener mucho presupuesto, fue bastante bueno. Me gustaría darle el premio del anime que se hizo con más esfuerzo y dedicación en esta temporada.

Siento que los que participaron en la producción del anime, realmente hicieron todo el esfuerzo y empeño posible, realmente puedo sentir que si tuvieron dedicación al hacerlo.

En pocas palabras, parece haber sido como un anime genérico de temporada, pero que quiso ser más que eso. Logro ser un buen anime a pesar de la temática y estilo aparentemente convencional. Fue disfrutable y una serie notable entre las demás.

Como comentario adicional, se que en esta temporada también se comenzó a emitir frieren, admito que es el anime con mejor calidad esta temporada, cumpliendo, tanto como superando las espectativas que tenía, y aunque ha tenido aspectos cinematográficos que nunca pensé que vería en una serie de anime de TV, es un hecho que es un anime hecho por Madhouse, uno de los estudios de producción de anime más grandes que se encuentran en la cima, por lo tanto, aunque el equipo de producción haya sido extremadamente dedicado en el anime, con toda sinceridad, siento que he de aplaudir primero al estudio pequeño e irreconocido por haber entregado una serie disfrutable que cumplió con las expectativas, teniendo menos presupuesto, menos experiencia, y menos empleados.

Frieren es un anime excelente que definitivamente está en otra liga, y tiene muchisimos aspectos que premiar, pero ya habrá otra ocación para ello. Talves cuando termine le dedique un par de mis palabras.

Quisiera aplaudirle al anime de la noble y al estudio(s) que trabajaron en él. Hicieron un trabajo excelente.
ichinose06 Dec 24, 2023 4:17 PM
El anime de las 100 novias me decepciono un poco. Siento que esta temporada (de lo que vi) los unicos animes que no decayeron fueron frieren y el de la noble pelidorada. w
ichinose06 Dec 24, 2023 4:15 PM
finally deleting all the garbage from here, an atrocious amount of rant. I don't need to conserve this shii . nah
Hello clean profile! I missed you!
ichinose06 Oct 8, 2023 9:50 AM
anime de las 100 novias, mi anime favorito de la temporada, es realmente divino
ichinose06 Sep 6, 2023 8:40 PM
kami nomi tercera visualización
ichinose06 Aug 18, 2023 1:56 PM
toy quemao de tanto ver anime otra vez ando sin ganas de ver nada 😭
estos últimos meses solo he estado reviendo cosas que miré hace años 😭
apenas miro uno o dos animes nuevos al mes excluyendo a las raras ocaciones en las que veo un anime de temporada 😭
ichinose06 Aug 15, 2023 7:13 PM
season 2 of shield hero was such a dissapointment
just watched one episode, oh my god. It was unbearable. I am not hating but instead just coping with the pain, I can't stand watching the characters I love acting so off........ The pacing is way too fast, I can't keep up with anything, just a blink and I can miss a scene.....

It was so depressing, I grabbed my head and literally screamed Noooo, why?!!!. It was so sad.. for real so depressing so unfortunate.

And I feel so sorry because I am sure it isn't fault of the artists, I'm sure everyone worked so hard.. It's just that something went wrong. Really really wrong.

I know that the turtoise arc wasn't the best, but I definetly think you can adapt a bad story into something that looks okay... This wasn't okay at all..

I'm not hating, again, I'm just coping with it.. It feels like a bullet shot right to the heart and like a stab in my back.. It's so sad

I hope, for real, I cross my fingers and pray that the third season is as good as the first one, I have hope, sincerely, I have a lot of hope and belief that they will give us a great season once again... I don't need a revenge story to feel engaged with the characters that I love...!

Plz, kadokawa and kinema citrus, i beg you ... give us something that is enjoyable again...
ichinose06 Apr 5, 2023 1:56 AM
Te extrañaré GJ-Bu.
ichinose06 Mar 30, 2023 6:07 PM
No sé pero quisiera ver la serie "A certain" siempre me falto mucho y me quede con la duda de la chiquilla esa que decia misaka wa misaka
pd. me aguante las ganas de decirle toaru pinche nombrazo toaruu xd
ichinose06 Mar 30, 2023 2:07 PM
No mire anime en un chingo, me mire MM hace poco, a ver si puedo seguir viendo, se siente como si hubiera regresado al anime despues de haberlo olvidado jsjs

Es que, yo se que puedo disfrutarlo aun si ya no soy otaku o algo asi
ichinose06 Oct 26, 2022 12:39 AM
Volvi cabrones y volvi mas clasista que nunca
ichinose06 Jan 8, 2022 1:01 AM
I'm still out of words. I'm way too young for this stuff. I should stay away from these Visual Novels and just keep watching anime for now. I need to think.
ichinose06 Jan 7, 2022 11:46 PM
I played a bit more. I'm. Out of words. I'm atonished. It's not a VN for me. It's really complex. I'm atonished. Who created this VN? I Wonder. I will not play it anymore. It's too advanced for me and I may not be able to understand it. Holy.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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