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May 12, 2024
The Fable (Anime) add
Preliminary (6/25 eps)
Fable is the first anime I’ve seen where I have read the manga first (though not to completion) and couldn’t help but think to myself ‘people should just read the manga instead.’ And of course, I was appropriately disgusted in myself for thinking such a thing. But then it got me thinking about the nature of adaptations and the difference between western and Japanese approaches to adaptations of previously existing works. I’ve expressed my frustration about the predominant use of manga adaptations over original works that have taken over the medium before, but my frustrations have only grown in the handling of the adaptations. Japan ...
Apr 29, 2024
Naruto (Anime) add
Preliminary (159/220 eps)
Not including the filler episodes, there is like 3 hours of good story, stretched into 85 hours. It’s like a fucking Monopoly game that just will not end. There is so much wrong with this series that I honestly have no idea how it got popular in the first place. Maybe it was something like Psych where it only works with one episode a week and cannot be binged, but the difference is that Naruto is a narrative show with a linear plot, so any sympathy I had goes out the window. This easily has the worst pacing of any show ever. Half of every ...
Apr 13, 2024
I use the word melancholic a lot as it is one of the most interesting emotions to have, and one of the hardest to get right. This show is the walking definition of melancholic. Melancholy, technically, is sadness with no reason. But I always took it to be a bittersweet emotion. It’s happiness and sadness, hope and isolation, a personal feeling that lands a slight grin on your face and a light burden on your heart. Happy things are happening and you can enjoy it, but there are introspective elements that have this personal reflection and somberness to it. Like going separate ways with someone ...
Apr 4, 2024
I feel like most of these anime are written by teenagers. So many are catered around immature (or even toxic) depictions of love, power fantasies, shallow themes/characters and/or edgy ‘maturity’. Jinwoo has no depth and is just a teenager's image of what being badass is. The other characters have one character trait that they play off as being thematically deep like ‘she’s scared of dying’ or ‘he’s caring but knows it’s dangerous’. If you can describe an entire character’s conflict with one sentence then that character needs work. I feel like people only think this show is mature because there are government policies, business jargon, ...
Mar 26, 2024
This show exemplifies a lot of things that have just been annoying me about anime, especially modern anime. First thing that is pretty inconsequential but actually pisses me off is the long and overly specific titles. It is a title, not a premise. Why couldn’t this just be called Villainess Level 99? That’s all we need. It tells us the main character and the premise of them being OP. If we want to know more we could read the synopsis or, I don’t know, watch the fucking show. This next complaint might just be a cultural difference but it is the utter unoriginality in anime. ...
Mar 25, 2024
Mixed Feelings
There’s something fundamentally cathartic about watching someone who was underestimated prove people wrong. It’s just in our nature. We love it when we know how powerful someone is and someone doubts them arrogantly. That’s why One-Punch Man becomes frustrating at times because you just want Saitama to prove them wrong already. This show (whose title really doesn’t need to be that long) survives only off of that catharsis. That thrill of outsmarting everyone and then seeing how impressed they are. The only reason I continued watching was because it was satisfying in a way; watching the heroine find a way to outsmart everyone. But that’s ...
Mar 19, 2024
This may be my Ghibli bias coming out. This should be an 8/10 movie, but the Ghibli charm is enough to bump this and any other movie up some.
There is so much love put into the animation. Every setting is so meticulously detailed and beautifully drawn that every frame looks like a painting. And there are not mystical elements whatsoever in this movie. All of this beauty comes from the love of the mundane and the ordinary. They make the common street and the average house feel so magical to be in because of the love they put into drawing it. All of the animators ...
Mar 19, 2024
This is the best straight-up kids movie of all time. It really just embodies the joy and innocence of being a kid.
The art style is bubbly and brilliant (and extremely well animated). The colors are simple, bright and beautiful. The world is wonderous, imaginative, charming and colorful. The music is soaring and whimsical (average Hisashi W). This is the most adorable movie I've ever seen. The characters are so much fun to watch and are great role models for kids, without being unrealistic. It's narratively and thematically simple, but it works in this movies favor because of the intended demographic.
It's fun, cute, and I was ...
Feb 24, 2024
Paprika (Anime) add
Definitely the most overwhelmed I've been in a movie. It's so creative, the editing is top notch, it's the most mind-bending thing I've ever seen, the score and sound design is great and it uses animation so thoroughly and wildly that there is no way I wouldn't love it. But maybe it was too confusing. I found myself trying to figure out what was going on a bit too much where I couldn't get invested in the characters. It felt more like a fun puzzle than a story. I wasn't emotionally invested in the slightest and I'm not really sure what the movie was trying ...
Dec 26, 2023
There are two requirements you have to fulfill to understand why I rated this show so highly. 1: You have to have seen a lot of anime romcoms to accustom yourself to anime cringe and be able to tolerate it. 2: You have to know and except that anime romcoms are complete fucking garbage. Once you recognize the inherent flaws of that genre of that medium, you realize that this anime, knows exactly what it’s doing and that it is one of the greatest pieces of satire I have ever seen. It’s so good that many dumbasses don’t even realize that they’re being made fun ...

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