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Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Yesterday, 11:45 AM
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Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru
Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru
Jun 11, 12:46 PM
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Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
Jun 10, 1:01 PM
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Sh1ro_ Jun 4, 10:29 AM
It's such a nice thing when you have these high expectations already, yet the show manages to surpass them. It doesn't happen often though and most of the time, I end up being disappointed if I'm expecting too much, but still. It's really nice to find those hidden gems :3
Oh, I see. So you watched it way before I did! I haven't read the manga yet, because I don't want to run out of HxH content so soon xD But apparently Togashi revealed the ending? I've noticed a few videos on yt that said that, though I didn't watch them of course ^^; Just hope the ending is good at least. Aaand maybe the manga will continue someday too? I might be asking for too much haha.
Same here! While I like older shows as well, I mostly stick to watching seasonals. It's such a nice feeling when you discover something really good and you get one episode per week, gives you something to look forward to each time. Plus watching shows like this is just easier, since there's no pressure to finish it as quickly as possible. But I also like to watch one finished anime along with seasonals, FMAB is that at the moment!

I think it was a bit more active when I joined back in 2022, but now there are only 2-3 active members. They mostly criticize anime these days and I've lost my motivation to hate on things like that a while ago, so I don't have anything to say there lol.

Yeah, I'm glad that most people I've encountered here on Mal are pretty chill and don't mind having conversations about what we liked or didn't like in a show. Or even if we don't like the same anime at all. But that's because I don't bother talking to people who just want to be difficult, haha. Also, true! I'd probably be even less active on Discord if Mal will ever have a group chat feature xD

Good to know :))) I'm a bit late, but well, feel free to take your time as well!

I see, a lot of people seem to love One Piece and the main characters seem interesting (especially Luffy). I'm usually a very patient person, so I have a feeling there won't be any problems ;D There's also One Pace, which is apparently more accurate to the manga, so maybe I can start with that! Or I could just wait for the new adaptation and see how it goes...
Sh1ro_ May 21, 12:20 PM
Oh, for real! I imagine Romeo's Blue Skies means as much to you as HxH means to me, so that would be amazing haha. Do you usually like to watch older or newer anime? Or maybe you don't have a preference?
I can definitely relate to that, what's so special about longer anime is the time you get to spend with the characters. HxH is one of my all time favs because I love the main cast to death haha. And I've also got a few long (and intimidating) anime I wanna start, like One Piece for example. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna love it but it's just soo long! And I heard it's getting a new adaptation too xD

That's a bit on the far side imo, but still not impossibly far :D

No, the one I was talking about is "The Infernal Palace" server. But wow, that's the most unique server name I've seen ngl :))) Fotsuan isn't very active on the one I mentioned either, like it's probably been a year since he was. Anyways, he does have a lot of Greeks on his servers! That probably makes it easier for you guys to meet up.

Yeah, it's always fun to talk to people who share your interests! As long as they are respectul and not toxic, otherwise it gets tiring pretty quick. I may not be active on Discord much, but I chat a lot on Mal. It fits my style better since you can't have group chats here, at least not yet.

Hope we'll get along! My replies my be late sometimes, but I'll always get back to you :3
Sh1ro_ May 17, 10:19 AM
Np! I really like the way you write your reviews. Ah, same tbh. It's gonna take a while for me to watch all of the WMT anime I'm interested in, especially since they tend to be longer than usual. Even so, longer shows are usually my favourite, which makes me think it's gonna be worth it haha.

Yeah, same here. It's been a while since I've talked to Gooseflower, like quite a few months. Oh, but a sleepover sounds really nice! Must be cool to find great people you can trust here! Do you guys live far away from each other?

I see, well, it's not like I use Discord much either. I'm still on both of Fotsuan's servers, but it's been a long time since I've actually been active there. Guess I still prefer chatting on Mal and only keep Discord just to be able to keep in touch in case something happens to Mal (like that Lain incident from last year). And it takes a bit for me to feel comfortable enough to chat a lot in a new server, so yeah ^^;

I've sent a friend request, hope that's alright!
Sh1ro_ May 16, 11:16 AM
Hello! I remember liking your review actually! Our scores for Romeo's Blue Skies may not be the same, but I still agreed with everything you've said in that review. It was definitely an unique experience, which made me want to try more World Masterpiece Theater anime sometime (like Anne of Green Gables, for example).

Oh and yes, I'm good friends with both of them, especially Gooseflower. Though we don't chat that often because our messages tend to be long haha. But woah, meeting online friends must be so cool! Lucky that both you and Fotsuan are from the same country. I assume you are also part of his Discord server?

Anyways, I'm happy you reached out! I probably wanted to write you when I liked your review, but for some reason I forgot xD
Have a great day as well :3
youuko Apr 22, 7:43 AM
Thank you dorminn
Gooseflower Mar 31, 7:26 AM
Hello there, Pokkitaru!

Welcome back from your military service! You're right, it does feel like old times to write a reply to you on this site c:
It also feels like old times that my reply is pretty late ^^" Sorry, I've wanted to get back to your message for some time now, but then some tests and a lot of stress came in the way, and I haven't really been up to much on MAL either, and barely watching anime.
Luckily there will be a change of pace next month. I won't have to travel every weekend anymore, because I'll be able to live at home while working in my practical training. I hope I'll have a bit more time for anime then!
Concerning our exchanges, I'm happy to remain on MAL, that works for me. I use Discord only when it's convenient anyway.

As far as anime goes, I've especially been enjoying Frieren and Apothecary Diaries, even though I'm only just a few episodes in. They're very well-made productions and full of ambition and vibrancy! I've also started A Sign of Affection, which had a better first episode than I expected; and Jujutsu Kaisen, which I wasn't bad at all on first impression, I think it's the kind of battle-shonen I would enjoy.

I'm doing as best I can, and I hope you're fine as well! Reply when you feel like you have time, I'm not going anywhere ^^
White_Knight-37 Feb 26, 8:25 PM
ayyyyy OPAAA :D
iwsifakismag Jan 10, 9:33 AM
Χρόνια πολλά και σε εσένα, παντα γερος και δυνατος και ότι επιθυμείς!
iwsifakismag Jan 9, 2:00 PM
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ και εσύ ότι επιθυμείς :D
iwsifakismag Jan 8, 4:31 AM
Καλή επιτυχία σου εύχομαι λοιπόν, ελπίζω όλα να πάνε καλά.
Vasmix Jan 7, 6:37 AM
Όλοι γνωστοί μου που έχουν πάει,μου έχουν περιγράψει περίπου αυτά που είπες.Ακους κάποιες fun ιστορίες απλά όντως οι περισσότεροι λένε ότι δεν έκαναν και τίποτα σπουδαίο μετά από μία φάση.Είναι λίγο χάσιμο χρόνου και ειδικά το 12μηνο....
Εγώ δεν έχω πάει ακόμα,in retrospect θα μπορούσα να πάω στα 18 μου αλλά δεν πειράζει,θα έρθει η ώρα του.
Τα άτομα που είχες εκεί τουλάχιστον ήταν κομπλέ?

Ναι ήμουν οριακά να τα παρατήσω και ειδικά τότε,αλλά έβαλα ένα πρόγραμμα στην καθημερινότητα μου και είδα ότι τζάμπα απελπιζομουν τότε.Βεβαία μαζί με την δουλειά είναι πολύ κούραση και άγχος και σκέφτομαι να σταματήσω.
Αυτό είναι actually μεγάλο επίτευγμα,εγώ αν δεν είχα παίξει λολ θα το φλεξαρα κιόλας μη σου πω.Μονο με παρέα το ακούω λίγο.Στην Ελλάδα το λολ είναι κουλτούρα at this point.
Ούτε gacha δεν ξανα έπαιξα,ήταν μια παράπλευρη απώλεια επειδή δεν είχα χρόνο.

Και σου εύχομαι να τα καταφέρεις όλα που θες φέτος.Με αισιοδοξία και προσπάθεια όλα θα τα κάνουμε.
iwsifakismag Jan 5, 10:23 AM
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ.

Πρώτη φορά το ακούω ότι την παράτησες αλλά αν σε βάραινε καλά έκανες και ελπίζω να είναι η σωστή για εσένα επιλογή. Ποτέ δεν είναι αργά να κάνεις κάτι, ίσως οι περισσότεροι το βρίσκουν πιο δύσκολο αργότερα στην ζωή τους λόγω υποχρεώσεων αλλά όλα είναι δυνατά. Εγώ προσωπικά που δεν είχα ούτε lower ούτε τίποτα κάθισα ένα 6μηνο μόνο για τα αγγλικά και πήρα το proficiency. Εφόσον έχεις εμπειρία από εξεταστικές, πανελλαδικές κλπ θα σου φανεί αστείο πιστεύω.

Όπως και να έχει ελπίζω να πετύχεις τους στόχους σου.
Vasmix Jan 4, 1:54 AM
Α οκ στρατό λοιπόν,πως ήταν γενικά η θητεία,και που σε έστειλαν κλπ?
Εγώ αρχίζει να βάζω λίγο μια τάξη στη ζωή μου,το 2023 ήταν ένα βήμα προς καλή κατεύθυνση.Του χρόνου μαλλον θα πάρω πτυχίο αν πάει καλά οπότε that's something.Ακομα στην εστίαση δουλεύω,τουλάχιστον τώρα σε πιο κανονικές συνθήκες και επίσης έχω επιστρέψει πολύ στα anime τον τελευταίο καιρό.Παρολο αυτά,το μεγαλύτερο w τελευταία ήταν ότι έκοψα το league of legends τελείως
Kouroubelo Jan 3, 3:24 AM
Και πολύ καλά έπραξες. Στο κάτω κάτω αν θες να μιλήσεις με οποιανδήποτέ online δεν έχεις και άλλη επιλογή πέρα από το να στείλεις μήνυμα όποτε δεν χρειάζεται συγνώμη. Μακάρι να υπήρχαν περισσότερα άτομα διατεθειμένα να κάνουν την πρώτη κίνηση
Kouroubelo Jan 3, 3:05 AM
Χαίρεται, καλή χρονιά και σε σένα
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