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Blue Period

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


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Jul 27, 2019
Lego_Leviathan (All reviews)
The story follows a high-school student named Yaguichi and how he falls in love with art. One thing that stands out the most is the relatability which you can have with the characters, knowing you're into something for the love of it and still not being good enough is something that most humans can relate to. Another aspect this manga covers very well is the interaction between characters and how that affects each of them. I would say the rambling about artistic aspects of the pricing of schools is a bit annoying but it's a necessary evil to understand the severity and the work needed.
Oct 12, 2019
Stippling (All reviews)
A true hidden gem.

Blue Period is focused mainly on the discovery of the protagonist's true passion: art. The manga tries to introduce and explain what art is all about and give some viewpoint. With that, Yatora finds in art the excitement he was looking for while searching for what he wants to do for life.

Despite not being an art student, rather a frustrated one, I find myself being continually identified with the protagonist, his path to improve his skills and all the challenges that entails fully devoting himself to art. Not only because of the joys of fulfilling the objective of what you wanted to read more

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