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  • Manga Score: 6.91
  • Author: Yuna Anisaki
  • Publisher: Futabasha Publishers LTD.
  • Volumes: 7
  • DB title: S Kareshi Joujou
  • Rating: 10 and up
  • Genres: RomanceShoujo
Manga Database

My Sadistic Boyfriend

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


  • Volumes


Jan 5, 2012
iSERE (All reviews)
Honestly, this manga has nothing wrong about it.
Except for the fact that it lacks originality.
I mean come on, how many times have we read shoujo mangas about a girl being forced to live with a sadist good-looking guy, and eventually falling in love with him?
In my opinion this manga moves a bit fast, because normally falling in love takes time or something romantic like love at first sight, but this was a totally random draw, does that mean that he would have fallen in love with the girl that was chosen to live with him?

The story inst hateful or horrible, its just not exciting read more
Mar 14, 2014
EarnnyNP (All reviews)
Is this manga really released all chapter? It was a very very good story, but I can't find any mangasites than contain all the chapters and finished it.
If anyone know a site than had translated all chapters to English. please send me a messages or a links to the site please.
Thank you. ( >

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