Jun 20, 2012
this is by far one of my most liked mangas. the mangaka focused a lot on the idea of "no one knows what justice really is because everyone has their own justice which might be wrong to someone else, so you have no right to impose your justice on others" and he also lived up to yoh's line of "no bad person can see spirits" and proved that every single character in the show is good in their own way opposing the typical bad guys who just want to see the world parish for the heck of it. I felt like the mangaka had an experience with being different than people cause he seemed to include it a lot, like how people always outcast everyone who is different and that humans will always go with the flow instead of thinking for themselves which is why different people (exampled with shamans) are always out casted. the story is really great especially anna's arc. most the characters have sad backgrounds but it takes you to see completely different stories and different points of view from all over the world. it also gave me a feeling that takei liked history a lot since he always included some history knowledge in the characters' backgrounds. the art wasn't as good as I thought it should be.
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