Spoiler-less, TL;DR, faster, simpler, and easy-to-digest review:
(New format!)
Cool, Cooler, Coolest
6/10 (Decent)
Animation and Artstyle:
+ Motion (Ok): Mostly Static; Decent enough animation for SoL, great animation for comedy category.
++ Environment (Good): Good backdrops, good setting design.
+ Style (Ok): Some comedic scenes does not work well with "exquisite" theming.
+ Design (Ok): Generic student designs, not much distinct compared to other SoL animes; MC is just handsome, nothing else.
- Characteristic (Meh): Generic student tropes and quirks; MC is cringey but interesting.
+ Voice Acting (Ok): MC has soothing voice (Kinda wish to be like him).
- Memorability (Meh): Female characters are so forgettable, so does the MC's "friends"; MC is a bit ok might remember him as the guy who does not give a flying f.
+ Premise (Ok): Cool vs bullies; Chad vs betas; Bow down before the king.
+ Plot (Ok): No high stakes, just your weekly chad winning everytime. Jokes are either hit or miss.
+ Pacing (Ok): Mixed; Sometimes fast and many things happened.
- Theme (Meh): Nothing deep; shallow comedy; Sometimes exquisite theming does not bode well to comedy. The millionaire detective anime had better execution. Spy x Family, though, is an exception.
- OP (Meh): Rock n' Roll music for the most exquisite man ever? Nah...
+++ In-Anime (Excellent): IT'S THE MR INCREDIBL MEME MUSIC!!!
- ED (Meh): Eh... didn't cared much
Quality of Life
+ Enjoyability (Ok): Kinda enjoy some moments; some scenes that I cringed.
-- Replayability (Bad): Sorry but jokes got old fast. Cannot replay this without being surprised or laugh again.