This anime is just inherently frustrating to watch.
While the visuals and art style are pretty to look at (even tho the actual animation leaves a lot to be desired, but hey this is J.C. Staff we're talking about), the anime just completely fails on the plot department, and this can really only be explained by a single, simple point: the characters are so agonizingly unmotivated.
Not only does it make the plot agonizing to watch through, as the MC gives up after only a couple failures (often not even trying at all!!!), it also completely contradicts anything we're told by the plot, as a couple of the main cast would do anything to become magicians and yet not even try to do what their teacher is teaching them.
Kurumi, the MC, is especially bad because of this, she's actually kinda charming, but her giving up at literally any point, despite the story starting by showing her working her ASS OFF to get into the magic school, is almost rage inducing at some points when she can't even move her own ass when her friends are in real danger. She just ends up becoming very unlikeable when she keeps talking about her dream of being a magician, being handed literally EVERYTHING she needs to become one, and not ONCE, NOT. ONCE. do you see her practice with the same fervent motivation that was shown in the first episode when she was studying for the entrance exams.
This anime could've been pretty decent, even good! But the writers just completely dropped the ball on the story, and the parts I mentioned aren't even close to being the only things that don't work in the story