It was decent. I mean the suparnatural romace stories are dime a dozen. We see them like all the time. I don't think this was actually anything new. It was a decent attempt to approach the premise.
The premise was like the girl has a precognitive ability which shows her that she was about to get confessed to by a boy. She tries to act normal so that things play like how she saw in her dreams and she doesn't lose her precognitive ability, because if things don't play out like in her dreams she would lose her power. I am not gonna explain further even though there isn't much left. Just want to maintain an element of surprise in case you decide to read it.
Now firstly I would be lying that this is a romance story, focus on the word 'story'. Calling four chapters a story is like calling three buckets of water a sea. The story was not good because there wasn't much story at all. So there wasn't anything which would justify if I were to give it a decent score. Art was fine, its like 4 chapters so there weren't any consistency issues either. Characters, and I don't even know what are you talking about. It is a miracle that we got a person other than the two main characters. All in all there wasn't even a sliver of chance that any them would get any kind of character development.
Its not incoherently bad as in storywriting or any other aspect but the fact that there isn't much of anything makes me kind of upset.