This anime presents a deeply emotional and touching story. The relationship between Tsuneo and Josee develops naturally, showcasing their struggles and growth. Both Josee and Tsuneo are complex and engaging characters. Josee, with her unique personality and strong aspirations, and the hardworking, compassionate Tsuneo, allows the audience to connect with and care about their journey.
Studio Bones has succeeded in creating beautiful animation by paying careful attention to detail in the backgrounds and character expressions. These stunning visuals add depth to the viewing experience. Additionally, the film's soundtrack effectively supports the emotional atmosphere of the story. The soft, soulful background music enhances both the dramatic and romantic moments.
This film conveys inspiring messages about courage, perseverance, and the importance of pursuing dreams despite obstacles. The relationship between Josee and Tsuneo illustrates how vital support and understanding are in overcoming life's challenges. However, one downside is that some parts of the anime can feel either too slow or too fast, particularly in the transitions between emotional moments and lighter scenes.