
Jul 25, 2024
The single best example of wasted potential. Obviously nothing is perfect, everything has flaws, but this is an oddity because all of it's issues are tied to it's creator intentionally sabotaging it.

He made a world that took off, the setting, the characters, the fights, the power system were all well received. Instead of making the most of the opportunity to explore his own fiction, tell a story,entertain the masses while raking in the money, he has openly admited he is doing everything humanly possible to ruin it, of course he doesn't use that terminology but has publicly said that he kills characters not because it advances the story, not because it develops other characters, not because it serves any purpose, he kills characters solely because they are popular.

There has only been one singular death that has been well handled because it served as a plot point to advance the story, but all the other crap that happens in season 2 and that will happen going forward is objective poor writing.

Make no mistake, there are plenty of anime that have main/recurring characters dying in unceremonious ways but they handle it properly becuase their deaths may not be a drawn out, dramatic 10 episode arcs, but they serve a purpose, even if that purpose is simply to showcase that nobody is safe or how great the threat is they face. JJK however does none of this, the events in season 2 do not tell us anything that has not already been shoved down our collective throat since day 1 and serves no discernable purpose whatsoever. Here is Gege's "logic":
"millions of people enjoy my creation and want to see more of it, instead of paying any attention to them, I will systematically destroy my own lore and arbitrarily kill my best characters in flat, unceremonious ways so that people on social media whose only interaction with my creation comes in the form of memes and reels will brand me as "edgy""

If you want to watch a show, written by a man deliberately and continually using objectively poor writing to waste most of the cast while intentionally missing every possible opportunity for good story telling, decent character development, taking advantage of literally limitless powers, then maybe this is worth a watch.
However, if you want cohesive or even coherent story telling that does not actively waste it's own fiction, this is not for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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