
Jul 14, 2024
This may not be a cup of tea for everyone but for people like me who enjoys anime which isn't stressful and just brings pure joy and relaxation then this is the one for you.I am someone who enjoys this type of genre alot esp any anime with gag humor yes they may not have any plot or whatsoever which is exactly what I seek on a stressful day where I can just sit back and watch an anime which won't stress me out more or build up this tension aboir what's gonna happen next.Its just very random which is makes it funny and enjoyful so anyone who doesn't like this anime clearly wants smth intriguing which u won't find here.

Overall I want just say that this easily is one of my top10.I love the setting ,the vibes and evething it gives a very relaxing feeling.Lovd handa kun .
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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