
Jul 9, 2024
Mixed Feelings
When I read other reviews of this anime, they said that this was a cheap imitation of "Oregairu".

I can see why they'd say that. It kind of is. The male protagonist is kind of like Hachiman in that he's a quite astute observer of human nature.

This anime is about a boy who is "in love" with a tsundere-like girl who doesn't return his feelings. So, one day, he just decides to stop trying. And, well, his life changes because it makes more room for other people and social situation that wasn't there before because of his singleminded pursuit of this girl. Who, by the way, well... behaves a bit like a tsundere would when you stop paying attention to her. He ends up helping other people with their problems based on his observations of human nature... when he's not being bullied by the morals and decency committee...

This anime does a few things well, I suppose. If it's supposed to be a cheap clone of "oregairu", well, it actually kind of does that well. The plot is about as impenetrable as "Oregairu"'s was, but without the emotional depth. The main character has a spine, at least, unlike many other rom-com characters, but only sometimes. He can have, how do the young people say it, "rizz", but not always. Basically, he really is a bargain basement Hachiman.

The weakest part of this anime isn't the plot, though, it's the art. The character designs aren't really done all that well, and it really feels like they just phoned the art in most of the time. I think I'd describe the art style as "moe-lite", and that's being a bit generous. It's not horrible, but it's not really great, either. And, well, if you're going to show a character dying his hair, maybe have the hair actually change color afterwards?

Oh well. It had a decent enough ending, there was at least some depth to the characters, the fan service is tolerable, and, well, I've seen worse. If you liked Oregairu, you'll maybe like this. Maybe.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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