
Jun 22, 2024
I was looking forward this series so much since I loved the 2006 version. However, it was a let down. Yes the graphics are better but the whole romanticizing a "bartender" and the side stories, were so cliche and lacked the depth of the original one. Also it supports the idea that you need to be the "best" in order to validate what you do, which is ridiculous. Tons of people have won prizes or achieve high-level of educations, but they lack common sense, making them useless. When you do things because you actually love them, that makes you the best, because you are doing it for your own gain and not because what others will say about you. I hate this mentality of power over craft. A lot of people can BS but just a few can actually do. Sadly the BS usually wins in this society. I also despise people who "always get what they want", imposing your will into others despite their feelings makes you an ass. Respects goes both ways. The original series on 2006 was centered on the craft and how the bartender helped people, but this one is more on background stories, which are LAME and so incredibly SAPPY. It is ridiculous overall. Anyway, it is ok if you have the time to waste, but definitely a let down.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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