
Jun 22, 2024
Preliminary (8/12 eps)
To start this off, I will preface that I’m on ep8. I will also try to keep this fairly spoiler free, but you’ve been warned as some of the topics I will speak about may not affect you the same way if it’s expected.

First off, I love the idea of two guys becoming father figures- I always find it super cute. This takes it a step further in a lot of ways. To start, there is actual character development. So many shows wouldn’t dance around some of the things they bring up and use here. Rei has my favorite development because you see him go from this shut in, mostly silent type that makes little facial expressions and you slowly see him feel joy, compassion, truly caring, and a reason to live besides following orders. He was also abuse growing up, and wants to provide that father figure that he didn’t have. A certain episode capitalized on this, showing us flashbacks before flashing to current day- where it clicks that he can provide the love and figure that he never had. Also when Miri goes missing, normal Rei would be wanting to stay and play games. Only an episode earlier he was trying to run off from Kazuki and Miri the whole time, and now he instantly jumps to run and find her with zero hesitation.

As someone who’s been thru abuse, these realizations and seeing someone grow to love others around them. While also learning to maybe love themselves for the first is a very real thing. They portray that here in a comedy very very well, it doesn’t feel out of place or forced.

Miri actually acts like a child, that alone is a blessing. She isn’t some genius kid, and we don’t get adult like narrations from their point of view. They are simply a child, and act that way. It’s very refreshing.

Kazuki always felt like he needed that hole to fill in his heart, and soul. He’s battled with wondering if he is capable or worth the effort to fill that hole. You see him embrace the new life, and is like the “mother figure” of the household. He evened mothered Rei when they first met, which shows that he’s been wanting to care for someone even if it wasn’t directly said.

It’s all in all a good anime, very funny and well timed, jokes are weird or random like some anime’s obsession with making body hair jokes. The emotional moments (yes, I have cried) are spread perfectly, and weaved in such an amazing fashion that it never feels out of place either. If you don’t normally love slice of life’s, give this a go- if you do love them, then why haven’t you already started this?? Stop reading and press play!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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