
Jun 12, 2024
I really enjoyed watching this season. I honestly find the premise to the anime to be very interesting. A young boy being cursed by a witch and forced to live out his days devoid of any contact with anything and anyone or else they will die. Thinking back I can't think of any anime that has come close to that plot point and I do think it's an interesting one. I will say I do wish though there was more of an explanation of why he was cursed in the first place as all we know from the end of the first season is "witch just came up to me and did it" - It kinda just feels like they don't know themselves as to why they decided to have the witch do it.

Animation is fine in my opinion. I've seen complaints about the use of CGI and how bad it is. Whilst I don't think the CGI was bad, I can admit it can be a little jarring at times, especially when they're doing something as simple as sitting down. Character designs are lovely. Alice especially.

My only complaints really stem from Viola as I find her to be a little bit annoying at times. Her entire personality is just being in love with the old butler Rob and she has a really irritating voice. My review stems from the English Dub version so perhaps it's not an issue in the sub.

The other characters are pretty interesting and especially the last episode of season 1 really makes you put into perspective as to why the other 2 children are so bitter and envious of The Duke's life. At first my impression was they hated him because their mother out-casted him and that's their way of siding with their mother. However, as more information comes to light and you see how they're living and how they're treated. You can put it together their brother is free to do whatever he wants whilst the other 2 siblings can't even choose their own clothing.

I'm really enjoying this anime so far and I will be watching season 2 next

Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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