
May 27, 2024
Mixed Feelings
I think this anime is the prime example of reaching for too much.
It tries to make this attack on titan-esque stroy about good guys actually (mostly unknowingly) being the bad guys, bad guys being the good guys (nobody ever tried to just talk to the other party involved by the way), and try to subvert a lot of other tropes, but usually it just does it by doing the opposite of the trope hoping itt wil be enough to shift the experience, instead of cleverly subverting the tropes (refer to good guys being bad and vice versa above).
The world building is non existent, we get some info dumps from characters and about characters, but we never even see a map or some bullhit about the world, we only see a very limited number of background places (mostly the cave with various environments and the school the heroes are at).
Ah, on that note, the characters. Well, another miss. The only interesting character is our Female main character who gets reincarnated as a spider, while the other students and a teacher from her class gets reincarnated as either humans or demons, with a very small number (2 other than our main lead if I remember correctly) as monsters, but those monsters are actually with mostly our human reincarnated, so they also belong to that story. And to be fair, this is their whole personality, our fmc has the best personality in the whole show, but it is just not enough.
Except the hyped boss fights most of the monsters, especially during fihht scenes are badly done cgi, and the other animated scenes also look bad to mr, so the art department probably did not worth its money.
The worat thing in this, is the story.
As I mentioned, they tried to subvert the typical isekai tropes, but they tried to do it with such a stupendously misconstructed mysteryesque story that in the end it was funny, just seeing how everything began to fell apart with the story, instead of enjoying the story. At least in the start the story was engaging, but thats kinda it, after a while I think even the writers got confused as to what is going on with the characters and the story, and the characters drowned in this swamp of a story, even or fmc by the end.
Music is okay, op and ed are mediocre, not bad but not outstanding, I enjoyed them so probably a 7/10.
For another summary to describe why the story and the execution is at least bad, maybe horrible please refer to the other 5-6 score comments, they can describe it better than I could and Im literally too lazy to list everything that went wrong with this (even if we just talk about the story, not to mention the characters and others, there are a lot).
So all in all, TLDR, this anime is a failed (in multiple and hard ways), confusing story with some okay, and some blatantly bland characters and at times very bad art.
If you order Attack on Titan from wish, bit its actually a bootleg chinese spider documentary where the spider is good hearted, then yoi get this. Or give a lot of cocaine to someone with a per tarantula and give them a pen and pencil after. Either way works.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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