
May 21, 2024
I rewatched Ouran for the first time in at least 10 years, the last time I watched it I was still in college, and my first time watching it I was in middle school. All three times I enjoyed it greatly, all because of mainly the same reason: this show is entertaining as fuck.

As the times have changed and some topics have evolved, but also people have gained a bit too much sensibilities, I’m not surprised of seeing this show marked as homo/transphobic. I see it as a product of its time and coming out of a very conservative country that still in 2024 hasn’t recognized same sex marriage. It indeed has some ignorant comments or insensitive jokes but tbh, is not so bad and judging it by today’s standards is honestly stupid.

If we add to all of this that this anime is mostly a comedy more than a romance, I seriously cannot understand the hordes of people clutching their pearls while watching this. I’m a bisexual woman and I consider myself to be very feminist, and I can see the problematic aspects (which are not that many) but still enjoy this show. Also, Haruhi should be a non-binary icon (I know that she identifies as a woman) with how much she doesn’t give a shit about gender stereotypes and how she presents herself to the world. She doesn’t give a shit if society wants for her to wear a dress, if boy clothes are what she likes that’s what she’s wearing. Love her.
The humor in this series reminds me a little bit of Gintama: tons of nonsense and way over the top shit going on 90% of the time. It also has its serious moments but just as in Gintama, there isn’t that many to consider this show as “serious”. It’s so clear how almost everything in this anime is played for laughs and I love it, everyone’s personality is dialed to 100% (including Haruhi, her personality is the more “normal” but her coldness is dialed way up).

I just really enjoy this series; the beginning was slow tbh but by the end of it I was jumping in my seat with pleasure. Truly such a great anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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