As I rolled credits, I was left with pretty mixed feelings for this show.
On paper, this show should absolutely be my jam, combing a bunch of stuff together that I really like. But the animation is just so… mediocre. And you can get away with that in a lot of genres, but this is an action heavy show, where almost all of the action is bad.
And don't get me wrong, the actual art style is excellent. In fact, the whole show just has this intangible cool factor about it. Characters are well designed. Everything oozes with style. But then they’ll set up confrontations, and I don't know if it's just poor direction or the strained feeling budget or what, but these battles are basically never good. Really stiff and static, oftentimes a little incoherent and there are moments where it just feels like they slid in a coloured splash page from the manga in the place of actually animating the fight scene.
It's looking like a season 2 probably isn't happening either, so I do plan to pick up the manga, as I assume it will have everything I liked about the series and I won't need to worry about the animation. I probably recommend you give this a skip, and just read the manga instead.