
May 6, 2024
OLE-M don't seem to go well together with adaptation, but this time it wasn't their fault...

The story is not only all over the place but also stranded quite far from the original work (most of the girls missing and the first scene being an orgy goes completely against the heavy harem thematic of the VN) and if you don't know about the VN the ending just "happen" somehow as Sakura's role as the main heroine was hardly on the spotlight, I know that OLE is not famous for the plot and story part but IT IS THERE, it's not bad and they could have used it.

The animation seems good at first glance (as art) but one animated CG of the VN is more fluid that this two anime chapters.

The audio was bad, specially on the 2nd chapter as it was completely broken (don't know if the file was corrupted or the original has the same problem).

Do not recommend this one, play the VN and the sequel instead, they're pretty good...
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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