
May 1, 2024
Preliminary (33/? chp)
This comic is an atrociously bad and frustrating story told competently. I highly recommend against reading it.

For context, I have not reader the other parts of "the breaker," and wasn't even aware their were other parts until after reading the 33 chapters I have.

It starts with a protagonist that rapidly gets relegated to a side character... except the characters that get all the focus become increasingly insufferable as they take up larger parts of the narrative. These characters make bad decisions, learn nothing, repeat them, appear to learn something, revert to having learned nothing, and make the same bad decisions again. Other characters do a whole bunch of things, but we never actually learn anything about their motivations, and are left, even after a dozen appearances, with no greater understanding of them than we started with. None of the characters seem to have any meaningful bonds. What we're lead to think are meaningful bonds just get ignored and undeveloped. Half the series up to this point has been vague talking and circling around conflicts that aren't shown and you're told basically nothing about and about which there's no meaningful progress or sense of moving towards anything. Meanwhile, it's hard to even care because the link you were given into the broader narrative hasn't been on-screen for the last five chapters, and that appearance was basically a waste of time anyway and amounted to nothing.

This is a story about martial arts and we've barely had any fights, and they were badly executed. We have no sense of how powerful any characters are, how their techniques work, or anything similar.

The world building is also incredibly poor. I have to guess it's a modern world that murim types live in, but we don't actually see much of the world aside from a bit of the MC in a school at the beginning. There's fantasy-ish murim stuff, but that doesn't get developed. There's clans, but we're not really introduced to them, and they have no meaningful identity to set them apart. The story also randomly introduces full-blown sci-fi stuff, but then just pretends it never happened, with nothing else in the story hinting at such technology being available.

It is honestly incredibly odd to see a story where the what (plot, characters, world building, etc.) is utter garbage, but the how is reasonably competent. Like, it feels like the people making the comic actually know how to make comics. That honestly only makes it worse. There is not a single thing about this series I can praise. Don't read it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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