
trash. (Manga) add (All reviews)
Apr 27, 2024
trash. just that

trash is very bad there are some good things to it those being that its gore and its visuals are very impressive, the fight scenes can be well done and there maybe one quarter way decent story for a one off character but other than that trash. can only be described as sick. from the mixture of rape, pedophilia, and torture, the lack of story or substance, the lack of almost any likeable characters, the extreme shock value, and the lack of redeeming qualities along with an awful ending makes its just bad plain and simple get into more of the specifics you have the use shock and no I'm not talking about the gore the gore is the only redeeming quality I'm talking about the rampant pedophilia at the very very beginning it high school girls and while awful its tame compared to to the rest of the story once girls as young as eleven i understand the high school girls Japan is different different standards different laws and this was in a different time but extremely early on is this girl introduced and she had one purpose to suck some dude off and then get tortured brutally and by the end of the arc she stays as a side character for fanservice purposes including a lesbian sex scene with another one of the side characters in a bonus chapter she still eleven. this is one example of many many others its all the same repetitive schtick. on the topic of repetition the story is a massive nothing burger it goes like this.

"Bullet, Francesca I'm going to pay you to go kill this guy yakuza shit and I'm the boss"

**rape and or torture scenes**

**fight scene**

**X thing happens**

"Bullet Francesca plans have changed kill everyone"

-they win the end

later on they sightly deviate from that structure to instead combine the rape/torture and fight scene and that's the how the story goes then there's the ending while there's no translation for the last 30ish chapters looking at only the raws you don't lose out on much its ends with the big bad dying and Bullet having to kill Francesca why does he have to? no clue probably something like the bullshit that happened last arc the ending makes no sense after the power rangers villain of the week and the big bad die for some reason only Francesca dies and not bullet. like what's the point of this? to have a moment of weakness or character growth? nope this is one of the last panels its serves no purpose other than maybe the authors guro kink kicking for the main girl no clue. but enough about that you've heard enough about what the characters do and what happen to them but who are they? well... fuck if i know. the girls have in common tragic backstories filled with shock aspects Bullets back story being more on the psychological side and Francesca being more on the physical side and that's all they get at one point in the story you think that after Bullet is brutally... well everthinged and her and Francesca have a moment you would think something changes a possible romance even no not really, in the limited chapters left there's no difference with how either of them act this moment was mostlikey used so you would feel worse at the oncoming onslaught they girls would have to face all in all the manga itself is carried by how cool it looks when Bullet shoots someone
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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