
Mar 27, 2024
This is a hidden gem that many people are missing out on. I know there many people in the community that hates everything about this anime but I don't think it deserve all the hate its getting. Yes the show is nothing special compared to the other great anime out there but thats the whole purpose of adapting this for the season. I think the anime did a fantastic job on the story imo I was hooked the whole time. I'm able to see the mc develop throughout the anime even if its a little for others.

The anime has a lot of gore as adonis gets busy throughout the anime for Chloe. Theres going to be parts that dosen't right with people or think this is boring. Me on the otherhand think there wasen't any bad parts about the anime and will be continuing from the manga. This anime was not meant to be the best in the season but to leave a impact showing that it is there to be watched and enjoyed.(I enjoyed it) No anime is going to be perfect even your favorite anime thats why skip over those parts to enjoys the bigger picture of what is entertaining us.

The animation is alright but its enough to get through 12 episdoes

charcters are very good and enjoyable to watch

world building is better than I thought as it adds many different areas to be traveled throughout the anime

Not the best anime but for underrated anime this is peak
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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