Mystery thriller about the world of organ trafficking in Japan, centered around a high school girl named Tamaki who performs the "disassembling" of irredeemably violent criminals, and the various organizations in the illicit business that surrounds her work. While the high school girl thing might seem like a cliche, there is a good reason for her character to take part in this story and it's a central piece of it.
During the first half or so of the manga, the focus is on the various criminals Tamaki and her handlers hunt, meanwhile multiple characters get embroiled in conspiracies related to her and the organ trafficking organizations involved. The second half deals more with the conflicts and intrigues between these characters and organizations. I felt like the mysteries were good enough to keep me reading and the pacing was never a problem. The only thing I didn't like that much was how a lot of loose ends are explained too fast in the last two volumes, but still I was satisfied with the answers.
The art is top quality throughout the whole manga and always a pleasure to look at. Also there are a LOT of depictions of violence and sex, sometimes both at the same time. This is a story about the underworld of modern society and it doesn't shy away from showing its darkest and most sordid sides.