
Feb 21, 2024
Preliminary (6/12 eps)
Please note that the manga is on hiatus due to health reasons and that might've affected the production of this anime.

The series features a character duo that's hard to find - it subverts the "strong man, dainty women" trope and frames them as more "handler, agent" ("my dog doesn't bite even though they're looking at you with murder eyes") where Guideau is more than capable of breaking Ashaf into a million pieces :) A lot of the female characters can hold their own and there is little to no fanservice unless you count how pretty the leads are. I'd say this series is a refreshing break for viewers who aren't interested in the male gaze and like a more "dark fairytale" geared story.

aka, this series is heavily geared towards female audience based on how the author handles the lead characters.

Ashaf doesn't belittle Guideau, he embodies the tall, well-dressed charismatic (but suspicious/good-looking) gentleman trope. Guideau is his foil and the pair have actual, legit friendship that's apparent if you just read between the lines. There is no romance! If you come in expecting typical waifu behavior and harem tropes, this series isn't it, and that's possibly why the series have been going under people's radar.

You have to take your time with this series! The story will unfold, it's just not super abrupt about it.

Episode 1 may be paced weirdly - but it sorts itself out from ep 2 onwards.
Good worldbuilding - interesting setting :)
The lead duo is well written and bounce off one another in entertaining ways
Honestly Ashaf is just really pretty and he doesn't look like a cookie cutter protagonist A+ design

Read the manga as well. The artwork is just really, really good there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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