
Feb 17, 2024
Wanted to do a review for this one also
First off I wanna say I love the different art styles for each episode, they all look really nice.

First episode. One day the Aloha Oe breaks down and needs an old component repaired so they can warp. They head to a nearby electronics store to find a replacement part, but in the process QT sees a vaccum that looks exactly like him and freezes up. He wakes up later and sees Dandy leaving the store with a different vaccum cleaner. QT is taken to a pile of other vaccum cleaners and is left at the store. The other vaccums say that QT is no different from them but QT says that he is the only one that can take care of Dandy and the others and that he is different. QT shows that he has trash inside him and finds a cassette tape and starts playing some music and dancing to it. The other vaccums start dancing too their own ways, and while they are dancing Dandy comes back. Dandy tells which one is QT without any trouble and Dandy tells QT that there is no other useless vaccum like you.
Really liked this one, was cute asf

Second episode. The prince Tohn Jravolta from Planet Soul Train auditions for a role that he really wants. A lot of dancing happens and he also tells a little bit about his life and who he is. He finishes the audition and is told that he will get the results soon, but after he leaves he starts thinking that the audition was fake. He starts thinking that it was a trap by the king and sees from familiar people who he thinks are out to capture him. The judges of the audition are talking to each other and reveal that he was the only one to show up to the audition and that he passed. He realizes that he didn't even have to do the audition and chooses to walk the path he wants to walk.
Really liked this one too, MY BELOVED SPIKE AND JET MAKE AN APPEARENCE... oh... uhhh... anyways. I really liked the story for this. Tron Jravolta space dandy lore?

Third episode. After the show is over we get to see Dandy and Meow, but we also get to see the Trucker Dandy crew saying their show is over too. They start fighting each other but eventually stop and start hanging out. Comic book Dandy also shows up and starts doing a bunch of goofy stuff, and then starts saying the Demon King is after them. Comic Dandy asks for help but Dandy and Trucker Dandy say no, but tell Comic Dandy that hes got buddies and isn't alone. Comic Dandy leaves to defeat the Demon King after they say they will chase him.
This one for me was the most confusing, I might just have brain damage. It was fun seeing the other versions of Dandy though, I completely forgot they existed lmao

Just like the first picture drama episdoes this one was fun too, I recommend this one also. Still cant get over the Cowboy Bebop reference lmao
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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