I love short stories, don't get me wrong, but this one really needed some more time in the oven.
While it isn't, “Oldman” feels like an author debut. A mix of ideas that definitely work, that lend a story that's interesting with characters you understand, but not one that's fleshed out. Starting with the world. Beautiful idea of an old-timey, medieval period, with some speculative science. Characters ridden with war, king duties, the times of treason, of speaking formally, of a queen saying “you dare defy your queen!?”. It's all there, and the author uses it with something special, time magic. A modern concept, brought upon a land that isn't ready for it. The limit of being a magician, and an actual warlock. We stand in a world where this brings upon the story we experience.
The story develops like it should, characters have a motivation, but it's only 22 chapters. Only the main character, Oldman, manages to reach a satisfying point, but the rest are just people with an archetype. The crazy scientist, the ditsy and skilled girl, the war woman, the queen, the bully. It all becomes part of a destiny, or prophesy, that's forced on the audience without much development. It would've been so great if every character had at least room to get explored. Three, hell, two chapters of everybody doing their thing, their emotions being brought to light. We only get climactic moments, but no build-up to them through the workings of the story. Things happen, and eventually we get a happy, yet, forced ending. The tone and actions of the characters didn't make sense at the very end. If they had some panels, even an extra page to reflect. You can see small fixes, and that's why it feels like a debut.
Not bad by any means, the art being a beautiful aspect of this manga. Strangely realistic at times, with some marvelous detail on the faces. The cover art blows me away, and it shows the author knows how to draw. I have no problems with the art, and could call it the best part about “Oldman”.
6/10. Very much not perfect, undercooked to hell, characters change abruptly, too short, with a world that could've been explored just a bit more. The magician aspects were left to rot, and we end with a beautifully drawn medieval story that feels like an okay film, but wasted potential as a Manhua.