This is a slice-of-life comedy manga about a mangaka and her lazy freeloader girlfriend, and the various ways they attempt to escape reality and work.
I didn't have huge expectations going into it, but it is FUNNY. It has a surreal, Japanese sense of humor that still translates well into English. It's refreshing in that they're adults, dealing with adult problems, but the tone is never serious unless it counts (and when it does, it's actually very sweet). It's not boring, and it isn't typical either-the two main characters, until later volumes, are really the only ones throughout the entire manga, and so you get a real sense of their relationship and past just from their interactions. It sometimes feels like they're the only ones in their world, and it's strangely comforting.
The yuri subtext is really great too. The plot doesn't revolve around it, but it's very clear that they're more than friends, and especially in the last volume, it's a super rewarding type of romance that's established but, again, not boring. It's perfect for someone who likes slice-of-life and yuri together, in just a way that it's nice that it's there.
The best part about this manga is that it doesn't drag or stretch: its the perfect length of rereadable content and it has an amazing, satisfying and sweet conclusion that ties the entire manga into a comprehensible story. I really do recommend this manga.