To me, this is the surprise of the season. Nobody saw this coming, and now Shangri-La Frontier looks to be the most promising new Anime in terms of pure raw appeal. If you're still not sold on the show yet, may I suggest you go to YouTube and look for an extended PV of about 4 minutes. It'll be all anyone needs to be sold right then and there.
Plot: The synopsis more than adeptly summaries the plot without delving into spoiler territory. It's essentially, 'can you beat the game?' Though, that's just the initial hook, everything that follows can only be properly communicated through experience. It may seem like a standard isekai, though let me assure you it's not. It's much, much better than people realise.
Characters: With the few characters that have been introduced thus far, everyone seems to have a charm about them. For instance, a couple of minor characters, a boy and girl he has a crush on, with almost negligible screentime, have more to them compared to most MCs. Then there is our MC, who is a package of entertainment himself. Add to that a weird but crazy powerful knight, who has a secret agenda, and a whole host of interesting and unique characters. Even the NPCs look and feel awesome.
Animation: This is by far best Animated show of the season so far. Everything about it is just oozing quality. From the terrific backgrounds, to the subtle lighting, to the absolutely gorgeous motion, to fully animated 2d creatures and monsters, to the most promising combat animation in a while, you can't praise it enough for how good it is.
A special mention for the OP and ED, both looked as if they could have been part of a huge franchise without any problems.
Music: The background music is solid so far. It does it's job commendably without ever lagging or feeling dissonant. It does exactly what it should do, compliment what's going on in the screen.
For a moment, the OP really caught me off guard. It sounded so energetic and dynamic that it reminded me of what good J-Rock sounds like. It's very easy to mistake it for an AOT op, or a hardcore Shounen OP. The ending too is extremely well done in terms of music, quite a contrast to the OP.
Enjoyment: Without a doubt, I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. There is something for almost anyone here, no matter what your tastes may be. I really can not recommend this Anime enough. Please do consider seeing the extended PV, you'll be sold more than my words can ever manage.