"Keijo!!!!!!!!" is an anime known for its unabashed and deliberate use of fan service to enhance its comedic and competitive elements. The show features a fictional sport where women compete on floating platforms using their breasts and buttocks to knock opponents off. This premise inherently introduces a level of sexual appeal, as the characters' skimpy swimsuits and the nature of the sport are designed to draw attention to their bodies.
The anime uses exaggerated animations, camera angles, and close-ups to highlight the characters' physical features during matches. The characters' movements are intentionally designed to be suggestive, and the camera often lingers on their curves and body parts. This style of presentation is undoubtedly intended to cater to a certain audience that appreciates such content.
While the overt sexual appeal is a prominent aspect of the anime, it's important to note that "Keijo!!!!!!!!" balances this aspect with humor, action, and character development. The show doesn't take itself too seriously, often using comedic elements to undercut the potentially risqué nature of the sport. The characters' camaraderie, determination, and growth contribute significantly to the series, creating a more well-rounded viewing experience beyond its initial premise.
However, the sexual content in "Keijo!!!!!!!!" remains a defining characteristic that may not be suitable for all audiences. Some viewers may find the fan service elements to be off-putting, objectifying, or distracting from the show's other qualities. It's important for potential viewers to be aware of this aspect before deciding to watch the anime.
Ultimately, "Keijo!!!!!!!!" is an anime that embraces its sexual appeals as a part of its package, using them to create a unique blend of sports, comedy, and fan service. It's an example of how anime can push boundaries and explore unconventional concepts, but it's also a series that may elicit mixed reactions from viewers due to its explicit nature.