It was a good anime,a solid (7.99) from me.
In terms of story, to be honest, this anime has a fairly original and fresh concept. Isekai-style delivery from the point of view of people who have been there. Truly unique and original. In terms of characterization, there is not much difference because basically the choices to determine the character of existing characters are indeed limited. Regarding the execution, it's not that great and just like the main character in general. In terms of design, it's not much different from anime in general. Designs in modern times and also isekai designs tend to be mediocre so it doesn't change my impression of this anime much.
In terms of visuals, the retro style that is delivered is actually quite unique and well executed. But in the end, there's really nothing else to discuss besides the unique retro visuals. In terms of audio, this anime has potential and good voice actors. This anime also has a suitable theme song and a suitable soundtrack. In my opinion, one of the best aspects of this anime is the audio execution.
This anime is highly recommended for those of you who want to find new nuances in watching anime, because to be honest, the concept of this anime is quite original and different from other anime in general. It is certain that you will really enjoy watching this anime.