
Jun 9, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/58 chp)
I was surfing this software called "MAL" for a while, in search for a hidden gem; A fresh breath of air.

I stumble upon this peace and compelled to read it as soon as I'm done with the synopsis.

It's not as profound as what I'm looking for but I'm down for detox and romance are fine.

It tells a story of a sun and moon:

A girl so bright and enthusiastic, that you'll burnout just from a glimpse ...

and ...

A boy from a cold and barren thoughts which are misunderstood as gloomy and lonesome.

A stir in a pot of the polar opposite, that is what the synopsis told as far.

But what I have observed so far is far from what I had in mind.

There were humor, sarcasm, a decent art style, boobs and.... There was boobs.


There's boobs dangling every frame, THERE WERE BOOBS SLIPPING OVER THE FRAME!!! WHY!!!?

With that I had form my conclusion:
"This was a sentiment of a failed student".
No. Not from education I would say, but from life.

I would fly over Japan and slap the author in rage with reality. "GET THE FUCK OUT YOUR HOUSE!!! YOU'LL GET YOU WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!!".

He will get a taste of what it feels like, I will show him what life suppose to look like.

He'll get a well-paid job,
Get laid,
Build a house,
Start a family,
Get popular.

With thus his experience, will he be compelled to write a story so profound that the world will renounce every artist that come before him.

He will overcome his own past, tragedy, trauma, sad-times and boobs.

He will become the Übermenchs that Nietzsche envisioned.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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