Though first season of this story is good and interesting in a way(8), second season is just not. Nanami relationships with a fox guy is at standstill. No meaningful secondary plots, snake guy is not involved in anything, nothing happens and if it does it have zero impact on the main story. In first season there was struggle in MC life, but now she looks like Mary Sue and the more I watched season 2 the more I hated her.
Plot was simple from the start(s1) but in current season we don't have even this. I thought we would see her work as actual god of the shrine or something close to it, but no. No conflict, no struggle, no growth, no comedy, no romance. A little of the same banter Nanami vs fox, fox vs snake and that's all there is jokes department.
Basically: 10 episodes crazy woman run around and help/save strangers with 100% success rate and no consequences. Only last 2 episodes have something of a substance.