Unfortunately, due to the prejudices surrounding the Bridge-era Yu-Gi-Oh, many people are missing out on such a great show. The problem that may set people back from watching it is the focus on comedy and pacing, but if you are here I presume you already have experience with Sevens. When the plot gets going, it becomes so good. Seriously. And it shows especially from episode 20 and even more with the end of the first season, which just aired recently.
The beauty of Go Rush is how it raises so many questions, and throughout the arcs, everything starts making sense in a way. The writers are doing a fantastic job at not forgetting plot points, and making sure that the secondary/filler characters make a quick reappearance and aid in the plot. It’s also amazing how they are expanding the lore by conencting the previous series, which no other anime in the franchise ever did (at least successfully), but no spoilers.
Each plot point is resolved so well that it doesn't feel like "lol yeah let's now move on", but you can see how the characters grow throughout the anime. Kinda reminds me of Gurren Lagann (particularly the opening during the battles' climax!) but that's too much of a strech haha. Speaking of music, the anime is blessed thanks to Frederic and Yusuke Saeki, and we are also getting a new opening by Bradio!
One big downside is the animation. Unfortunately sakuga is almost nonexistent, but some episodes visually are impressive. Covid, the anime airing weekly, the current state of the industry, and Bridge animating also Shaman King impact a lot the production. Thankfully, the great story makes up for it.
Should you watch Go Rush? Yes, if you enjoyed Sevens.
Mar 31, 2023
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