This is an isekai type show that's actually held back quite a bit by it's own gimmick. The two high school kids, and especially the girl of the pair, are just so insufferably obnoxious it ruins what otherwise would have been a cute romance story about tsundere princess. There's still an alright enough story there under the surface, but you have to muck through so much to get to it it's almost just not worth it. By the end of the show I was literally skipping through any scenes where the high school kids were talking, a tactic I highly recommend if you want to get any enjoyment out of this.
The art style is about what you can expect from the otome game isekai sub-genre. Character designs seem to be copy/pasted from whatever template book all these shows are using. It's not awful, just forgettable. Sound design is fine, and I liked the opening song. I don't really have anything else positive to say about the show. 6/10