
Mar 8, 2023
i'll try and keep this as spoiler free as possible with only one actual spoiler at the end, in short, it's good... in more ways then one.

unique, and appeals to a broad audience without feeling like it's excluding any of them. the lewd scenes tapper off a bit to the end of the story but it's enjoyable as a story nonetheless.

one thing i will give high praise for is the unique character designs. not being able to tell characters apart is an instant enjoyment killer for me as design is half of a character. and was amazingly avoided here. even minor side characters that only appear once or twice are easily recognizable and rememberable. from clothes, body shape, eye shape, hairstyle and more, almost every character was given a unique design pleasing to see.

the setting and worldbuilding feels fleshed out with the site i read it on including the occasional author's notes clarifying details about the world. to say the least... it's a unique world the likes of which i certainly haven't seen before (you'll see what i mean just a few chapters in) i can tell the author genuinely had fun showcasing his ideas and his positive demeanor for his work certainly gets reflected to the audience along with his... tastes.

but perhaps the best part about this series is the characters. I loved every second spent showcasing the interactions between the characters. their personalities and motivations didn't feel one-dimensional with everyone having their own life outside of what they do for a living. even the villains were unique, each with their own goals and motivations making the entire story feel alive aside from just what the main character is thinking. not every villain wants world domination, power, have some tragic backstory or things as grandiose as that, nor does every hero want to save the world. you'll see them grow from when you first meet them, you'll see their struggles and how it affects them, you'll see the secondary main character try fuck everything that moves and the main character try to deny she likes watching.

enjoyable, in more ways then one


overall i would say the only thing, in particular, i didn't like was the male romance lead. despite being such a big thing that it gets referenced all throughout the story since the moment he shows up, he makes only 2 appearances in arcs aside from in a dream and then pops back in at the end... just because. i will admit i went into this story expecting (and hoping for) yuri romance but you could erase his whole character, never writing him in and pretty much nothing would change throughout the story (or nothing that could easily be rewritten at least). this man, the crux of the romance throughout the story, is additionally and ironically the most flat and personality-less character in all 110 chapters, even his design is boring and uninspiring. he experiences no growth because he disappears instantly, and when he does eventually show back up a long time later, the time he finally gets to spend, after waiting and worrying for so long, is reduced to a singular title card saying time passes... the worst part is because he shows up quite early and the MC instantly wants to marry him 5 minutes after meeting him, any hopes of developing romance in the furture are smothered. love takes time and none was used to give the guy that crushed my yuri romance hopes proper development to fit into his role.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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