"Blue Lock" is a high-stakes sports anime that has its fair share of pros and cons. On the one hand, the animation is -more or less- good. However, during the more intense action scenes, the animation quality takes a hit, with the use of CGI being particularly noticeable and sometimes detracting from the overall experience.
When it comes to character design, "Blue Lock" is unfortunately underwhelming. The majority of the designs are repetitive, generic, and lacking in unique features. Some of the designs are even unappealing to look at. Additionally, the representation of football in this anime is unrealistic and not reflective of the sport.
Another issue with the anime is the random and lengthy monologues that the characters give in order to explain their thought-process and the state of the field. These monologues not only kill the intensity of the action, but also detract from the overall experience, making it less engaging for the audience.
The most disappointing aspect of "Blue Lock" are the nonsensical terms used by the characters. Terms like "weapon," "skill," "turn zero into one," "find the chemical reaction," and "copy someone's weapon" are spouted without any real understanding of the training and development that goes into becoming a successful football player. The author treats skill development as a game of points and upgrades, rather than the hard work and dedication that it requires in reality.
In conclusion, while "Blue Lock" has the potential to be a great sports anime, its shortcomings in character design, unrealistic representation of the sport, and random and lengthy monologues make it less impactful and enjoyable for the audience.
"Blue Lock" fails to live up to the standards set by other sports anime like Haikyuu. If you are looking for a well-rounded anime that boasts a diverse cast of compelling characters, a realistic and accurate depiction of the sport, outstanding animation, and a mature approach to skill development and talent, then this anime is not the right choice for you.