
Dec 25, 2022
For a 20 minute episode this had a lot of call backs to the original days of Pokémon and a lot of feels.

Ash meets a boy, Haruka, who has never touched Pokémon so they both try to find a Pokémon that Haruka can touch. Instead Ash meets a couple who says that Haruka is their son.... who got sick and passed away.

I'm sad this is in an alternate universe could I would've loved seeing this in the main universe. It had everything I love about Pokémon. Goofy moments, Pokémon interactions, the bond between Ash and Pikachu, Ash being able to make friends and sometimes there are these episodes that just make you feel stuff (I'm still not over Mallow's mother from Sun & Moon or the Stoutland episode). Anyway, great special that everyone who loves Pokémon should watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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