Azaka Koukutou, a brave and vivacious young lady in the Rein academy investigates the strange fairies which are rumored to steal people's memories upon Touko, her mentor's order. But Azaka isn't glad about her assessment if it isn't for Shiki, her love rival, who was sent for her assistance. Now Azaka has to bear all the teasing by her brother's lover, all the while unlocking many mysteries of the academy and her past.
If you have followed the series up until now, in whatever order it might be, one can tell how narratively inconsistent the film feels. The movie is a letdown after what its predecessors accomplished, which is unfortunate. The majority of the series up to this point hasn't been afraid to depict the brutality and madness of the predicament our characters are in. However, there isn't any suspense in this movie anymore. The main mystery's key events, including suicide and significant deaths, were all conveniently slipped into the dialogue, which wouldn't have been a bad thing if the brutal tone of the visuals had been maintained. This is not to argue that the movie looks horrible; it is still just as well animated, if not even more so than its earlier installments.
It's just a bit of a letdown given how much tension and anticipation the series has created so far and now it just feels like a magical girl plot. Perhaps this was intended to be a filler-like episode, providing the audience a break from all the last several slaughter, but the source material doesn't appear to support that. The light novel chapter from which the movie was adapted, is just as equally violent as those of its forebears (Source: Google it). So, I suppose the filmmakers merely desired a light-hearted rendition for other reasons.
It is a fact, however, that the tone shift can impact the suspense. Azaka, our fearless and infatuated young girl, is the only character the movie is entirely focused on, which goes a bit in contrast to what the series previously does. Because in previous installments, even if for a short time, the series gives an insight on our culprit, aka the sinner. This film not only excludes that element but also introduces two sinners, like damn! I don't really understand how much the film creators wanted to achieve but they messed up the fundamental framework the series had up to this point.
The only saving element for this pointless fun of a film is the reveal, that something that happened in Shiki's past was forgotten, even by Shiki herself. And the post-credit scene that includes Araya and, probably the main culprit in the next film (aka the finale of the franchise, Murder Speculation 2).
Who should watch this?
I guess a better question would be,
Is this film necessary to view?
Short answer, yes. On your first watch.
The film necessitates a watch but that doesn't mean this toned-down film can be a worthy experience. If you're rewatching the series, however, you could probably skip this entry.