If you're really looking for dumb fun on a manga, well here it is, in all its glory!
Onimai is about some NEET who gets drugged by his little sister and transformed into the opposite gender. After that, he learns the experiences of being a female and attempting to better his life from before. There's not really a story here, it's mainly just dumb fun with everything going on.
The characters are also pretty fun and a joy to read and see their wacky adventures. While the art may not be the best thing in the world, it’s still really cute and fits the aesthetic they’re trying to go for.
There're also small occasional stories in-between chapters where there'll be 2-parters, and those are the most enjoyable semblance of a story in the manga. Progression really is made somewhere and while some may not be the progression people seem it to be, it's still a laughable and enjoyable and cute experience all throughout the manga.