
Sep 9, 2022
What happened??
No like genuinely, I want to know what was going on with the production of this manhwa.

But first, I’ll tell the goods of this series & then I’ll get on with the gripes I have with it...

The art, first of all, was really good.
I didn’t really care for the smut, however, what really interested me was the angsty storyline about Giselle being in an abusive relationship, & how Isaac & her both try to find their happiness in their cruel environment.
Both of them went through really bad treatment. However, they, together, were able to heal (kind of).

And I liked that.
That was so sweet.
The antagonists were kind of 1-dimensional, but the protagonists were being fleshed so well.

But then what happened??

Now while the manhwa was being released, there were SOO many hiatuses.
It honestly seemed like it was going on a hiatus every other month. Heck, even before the ending was released (which I’ll get to a tiny bit later) the manhwa once again went on a hiatus.
Which like is kinda worrying. The hiatus themselves not that much. But the quantity of them is.
This, combined with how, with the ending, it legitimately seemed like the author just wanted to get the series done & over with, is making wonder what was going on behind the scenes. & Whether the author themselves is doing alright.
[I’ve heard that Lehzin is infamous for not treating it’s authors the best. So like, God knows what was happening behind the scenes]

& I think whatever was going on behind the scenes was a leading factor to whatever the heck the ending was.

Like the ending itself seemed SUPER out of context.
F*ck being rushed, it almost seems like they had plans on what they wanted to do with S2 but then the story got cancelled.
The ending made me want to cry for literally all the wrong reasons

To provide reasonings why the ending was total BS:

In the last chapter, it is revealed to us that Isaac is the killer vampire that was introduced in the latter half of the series. Finding this out, Giselle is extremely shocked, however, LEGITEMATELY 2 mins later, she is no longer shocked & follows Isaac only to fricking shoot him off a cliff. She walks away leaving him to die

Tell me how that makes any sense, cuz it literally does not.

First of all, how tf is Isaac the killer vampire?????
Im pretty sure there’s even a scene in the manhwa where Giselle & Isaac are having sex, while the killer vampire is out killing. So like unless or until Isaac can fricking multiply that sh*t makes no sense 😭
Also, they don’t even look ANYTHING alike. Like LITERALLY NOTHING. Completely different faces.

ALSO, why did Giselle’s character do a 180???
She was SOOOO out of character in both the finale & epilogue, to the point she might as well be somebody else pretending to be Giselle.

Speaking of the epilogue, it makes even less sense.
In fact, it all added fuel to the dumpster fire that was the ending.

In the epilogue, Giselle is now working at an orphanage. It has been a good few years since the finale. But then there one day she meets with a child who looks EERILY similar (& by that I mean identical) to Isaac. And the story ends with the killer vampire looking at two if them from a forest or whatever.


Now we all have our theories about what the epilogue means but my head straight went to:
Ok so Isaac turns into a child when he is severly wounded or in a weakened state. So does that mean he somehow managed to survive the gunshot??? Which means that that child is actually him???
I mean, that’s literaly what his (child) weakened self looks like. And it would also make sense as to why he looks like a child too.
And also, if the killer vampire is looking at (supposedly) baby Isaac & Giselle, that means the killer vampire is still out there. Which in turn means that Isaac wasn’t actually the killer vampire, & that he got shot for no fricking reason 💀


I also wondered if maybe that child was not Isaac.
But that would lead to 2 things:

A) Isaac is still out there (since we saw the killer vampire). And that he, who somehow miraculously survived, is back in his strong state, & may be out for revenge or something ig

B) Isaac did actually die that day. However, given the appearence of the killer vampire in the epilogue, he wasn't the ACTUAL killer vampire & his lover just fricking killed him or no reason.

[Both of which are arguably WAYY worse]

In conclusion, no matter which way you try to twist the finale & epilogue, neither make any sense.
I would’ve much prefered that they just drop the manhwa. Yea, that’d suck, but that ending was so atrocious I’d rather that it just doesnt exist.

Also, no, I wouldn’t suggest reading this manhwa. I mean why would I????
But either way, I hope the author is doing ok.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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