
Jun 26, 2022
Preliminary (41/? chp)
What if anything you can think of when you are having your chuuni moments, come true?

First things first, I still have no idea (and I'm sure it's intentional) whether Cid has chuuni powers or it's really all just coincidences. The whole story evolves around this trope and wow, it delivers a lot of entertainment value. However, things do get confusing at times and I feel that there are parts skipped. I haven't read the LN but there are times that a new member suddenly pops up without much introduction on who they are. And since there are already quite a number of characters, I sometimes have to reread to remember who a certain Shadow Garden member is again.

I have no idea if it's just Cid's chuuni powers at work, but darn, the whole Shadow Garden is filled with gorgeous women. Even some allies are also gorgeous women. So you are free to pick who's best girl. He has them all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cid is just downright funny. He tries to be a mob character but is actually a big player from behind the scenes. The girls are also unique and not just copy pastas of each other. Although as mentioned above, it does get confusing sometimes due to the amount of characters. Plus, the lack of backstories to some of them.

I love memes. And Cid is like a meme.

This manga makes me want to self-insert and be Cid. This manga makes me want to be a chuunibyou and make those poses. How about you?

Thanks for reading my review and God bless.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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