My fellow degenerates,
Today I bring you Kyuukyoku no Chef wa Oishinbo Papa, AKA a badass motherfucker.
Why is the score so low? Maybe because it's essentially impossible to jack off to this hentai, but who knows.
Story: Papa is badass. Papa cuts pervert dick off. Papa chef. Papa make dick soup. (I think, anyway) End of story. Also, Papa has M4.
Art: It's shit. Papa has a very manly and inspirational face though. So what if it's bad, weebs don't actually care about animation quality, or One-Punch Man S2 wouldn't be rated as high as it is. Also, can't say anything about H scenes since there aren't any lololol (except like a 10-second sex scene where Papa releases his fill *smirk*)
Sound: Papa is voiced by ya boi Shigeru so you know it's good. I think the VA work is pretty good overall. Music is meh. Sound effects are insanely good, when Papa fired his M4 I actually felt like I was in Vietnam.
Character: Hands down Papa is Daddy. A hero who fights for women's rights and protects their chastity by cutting dicks off of perverts. Truly admirable. His partner who poses as the vulnerable virgin *insert whatever her name was* is very brave and determined to help Papa in his attack on sexual assault. Their belief in one another and partnership is showcased wonderfully in the hentai.
Enjoyment: High. Although I couldn't blow my load, I blew my nose after the tears ran down my face watching Papa act as the epitome of women's rights and justice. Truly the White Knight I never knew women needed.
With love, Muffed :3