Mar 30, 2022
This anime has a slow start but quickly picks up around the fourth episode. I found the plot to be very interesting. Personally, I generally stick with fantasy genre anime, so this anime, which is a story that takes place in a modern world setting with conspiracies and assassins, was a nice change of pace. The story is centered around the two main characters in a way that they get the majority of the dialogue and the supporting characters kind of get snubbed, both with how the story and how the main characters essentially ignore them. The antagonists have decent character and design, I felt like the supporting protagonists could have had more thought put into them. My main problem with this anime is the ending. Nothing major went down in the anime, only small fries were taken out. The story did progress decently, but the anime just stops, without any motivating speech at the end or basically any cliffhanger for what happens next. It felt to me like the anime ended just before the climax and is offputting. Besides for that, I liked the anime and the main characters got a pretty interesting origin story that's worth watching.
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