I don't normally like shounen but I adore this series so far. Especially this season.
The story isn't great, it's passable but it's not great. There's a lot of clichés and an almost a repetitiveness to the series as a whole. But I tend to find that with most animes that go on for more than a season or two, plus the shounen genre is extremely prominent and has well known clichés. Some of the 3D scenes felt REALLY jarring to me as well as the 3D effects at times. Though the further in the series I got ,the less I minded.
Despite all this, I adore it. The art is amazing but I think the sound design is phenomenal. Most characters are likable or at the very least entertaining.
To summarize, I would recommend Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen and the series so far! UNLESS you are someone that really cares about story. This show in general is not innovative in its story telling but more so creative with some smaller aspects of the show.