Having played the game, I can say this manga don't have the same feeling of the gameplay. Since you can actually explore the floors and talk to the characters in almost any situation, you get a lot more dialogue and insights of the others, and even from Sarah herself.
Having the game pace with you is a great plus to the experience, a thing the manga is not able to do so well. As someone here have already pointed, the manga feels rushed and, because of that, you don't feel so connected to the characters. The art is not exactly equal to the game, since in the latter you have some pixel art that for me are the best part of the visuals of the game.
In conclusion I want to say one thing: Go play the game, since you can find it fan translated in english for free on the internet. If after you play the game you want to revisit the first instalments of the game without having to actually play it, I reccomend to read the manga, since it is almost the same thing, but more rushed (perfect for a recap or a rememberence of what you played)