First of all, this show contains massive spoilers for Danganronpa 1 & 2, so don't watch the show or read this review unless you've played those games.
This show isn't awful, you can watch it without suffering from intense boredom. That being said though, it's not good, I'd say all in all, the show had a few bad, a few OK, and ONE good episode, and the good one wasn't outstanding either.
Story 4/10: "There is nothing scarier than our own imagination" is probably the best summary of how I feel about the story. Danganronpa 1 and 2 left us without answers as for how Junko managed to execute her plan and create the ultimate despairs. This was answered here, but the answers were terrible. If you expected some conniving mastermind exploiting personal weaknesses and grooming them to be her perfect little troupe of lackeys you will be seriously dissapointed.
Art 6/10: Nothing outstanding, but it doesn't look bad at all.
Sound 5/10: I love video game music, but it doesn't really fit all that well in a show.
Character 3/10: There were some minor character retcons, such as Hajime liking games quite a lot despite not caring for them all that much in Danganronpa 2, but that I can forgive.
What I cannot forgive, is how they absolutely butchered Junko, I can't bring up a lot of detailed or specific complaints without spoiling, but just know that she's way less interesting and thought out here than prior.
Enjoymen 6/10: Somehow, despite all prior complaints, I actually found it fairly enjoyable, I can't really explain that though. I guess I'm just a simp for this franchise.
Overall 6/10: There where a couple of good scenes and one whole good episode. If you are a die hard fan of Danganronpa and need more media to consume, watch it I guess. It's a very weak "recomendation" though even then.